Orna summoner guide pdf reddit

Orna summoner guide pdf reddit

I also have witnessed recently a less-than-factual guide that has resurfaced in google searches, which is horrible. This will be a team you use a lot in towers. I didn't count Dragoon as a summoner, and your dmg is gear independant. I don’t use any of the summoner gear except the staff. There is an NPC named Horus that will give you a quest you need to complete in order to unlock the first summoner class (T7 Attuner). A group of us worked on this for the past month. Get yourself the t8 chest and Legs (Cursed Artio's Hide, and Cursed Belenus's Boots) both have summon stats as well as the highest def and res stats for summoner gear until t10 fomoria. Open World/Gauntlet - Using straight attack/magic attack increasing adornments since most regular enemies you kill won't live long enough for temporary effects to proc or make use of them if they do. If Fomor tries to dart you, he just wastes his turn outright. you are very, very fragile. Yes, the summons are a lot stronger but you (summoner) get a lot of stat decreases. Deific Channel T9 God, T. I think this new specialization helps the pet focused The only real struggle is against other Sunmoners/Grand Attuners where if my summons don't target the summoner, I can easily get 1 shot by any of their summons, so it's basically 50/50 whoever bypasses the blocks gets the victory. I love VSS - been using since they came out, often summons at least 2 at a time, sometimes 3 at once. All classes are viable at end game and you'll eventually want to unlock them all anyways. Can someone help me please :) I haven't tried it but summon slime may be arcane damage, it has the color for it, t10 Use Transference or any other Non-element skills, it doesnt hit a lot as you probably doesnt have any magic equipment, since you are, you know, a summoner. Levels gained via the Altar of Ascension will additionally affect your summons. Saw a video on the "Grand Summoner" Class and was a bit confused. Guide for the new 3. Example: T8 Grand Attuner's "summon bear" ability Orna Mage Path Guide 2. Slightly edges out Snake because of its 100% act rate and chance to heal. So to help create a little buzz around that, and to give you guys some cool prizes to chase - we're making a competition based around something that is coming when Towers of Olympia launches in Orna: The GPS RPG and Hero o New guide for Orna. Horus looks like a guy with angel wings in a robe; the quest requires you to gather an Attuning robe, hood, and shoes, all of which drop in arena and off mimic monsters. His DPS is excellent This might sound crazy, but when I was out farming T9 bosses for exp and items, I would start with a good tanky summon (Hydra, Kelpie) but would then drop 1 turn summon black basilisks. Usually that triggers him to use Rebirth which heals him for 1000 and removes all effects. Yeah, it's been fun playing summoner on my alt and my t10 main. In general it seems like the summoned creatures use the same abilities that the normal monster variant uses. https://orna. All up up up, 3 turns. Doesn’t provide stats, so armor will have to be upgraded a little to compensate. It also includes a core game engine rewrite, which will make the game generally snappier and more lightweight than it already is! 3. Then as a T9 summoner your second spell as a chance to be cast if it is a summon. •. But, I've made a guide for the new storyline on Orna! It has information for both new and returning players, and it should contain all the info you need to complete the quests So ive just classed up to grand summoner and was wondering what summons do you guys use for what job, as in raids, gauntlets the towers etc I havnt got any event summons yet I am eagerly awaiting the mimic event to hunt for those, I let all my summons deal the damage as I rhada pact my lungas gauntlet effects to my summons and use omnistrike for the debuffs, I am also currently working towards You can't codex with your summons, i think that answers both questions. this is the gear i have (+ al lot of other stuff, not all legendary/ornate, some even white summ gear), Lv243 (no summ ascension), playing mostly realm/raider. I would suggest going summoner because summoner at T9 does relatively well in endless compared to other classes. Dragon attacks like Dragon slayer/strike and blight strike. Rhada Pact disperses status effects, Charon pact sacrifices weakest summon to heal next weakest. For reference, I started playing as a Summoner in T7 and I reached T9 a few days ago. The other half of our activity is on our official discord servers Maybe I'm using it wrong but with the nerf it got, it's better to have higher magic than the buffs from the gear. If you can get a Tarnished Kings Crown that'd be better in my opinion; not much def/res but it 5 is the maximum player/summon combination that can be in a battle. T1: Lesser Slime. Waking Pendant - makes you immune to sleep. Probably because it has immunity to physical attack, > 90k hp, drain spells to Summoners can take a PvP nerf and join the club, leave em alone in PvE for GS but t7, t8, and t9 Summoner classes need a PvE nerf. My farming build is identical to my heretic. . In a sample size of 30 mirror matches plus other arena bouts I've noticed that the defending attuned refuses to use the summon skills. He is immune to nearly everything and I need some help. once set up you can do other stuff while summons do dmg. Then flee the dungeon switch to charmer and gear that give +orns/ep go back in an buff your summons (charmer) and enjoy a lot more orns with your farming gear. Use with Rhoda Pact for summons to do lots of damage. Class Progression: Tier 1: Buy them all they are cheap and you will have a net orn gain from achievements. They're just hidden until you reach the level requirement for the tier. Try and get yourself an amity that gives you ward turns at the start of battle, this will give you default 50 Don't use ring of restraint unless you rly rly rly want to stay on your lvl, it is way better to lvl up and get enemies who give more orns and get equipment that gives more orn boni. Then get up 4 more dragons (summons with highest health) and get too buffing. So honestly it depends on how you want to play. Hi. Beo max is mainly just for pvp, and consists of event gear. The rat summoned had 3hp and immediately died. Reply reply Cptnwhizbang Agree with most here, GS can lead you to do more damage than a RS can, and without buffing first. Grab summoner gear from the arena. My Hydra was at 45k but now at 65k. Widogeist. Tbh, grand summoner is the easiest class to do dommage in raids. Best thing to take him down is get a hard hitting follower ( I use the Orthrus), and always keep him nerfed. Otherwise there is a chance of them appearing in gauntlets of the same tier as them. Tier 2: Buy them all EXCEPT for knight and you will have a net orn gain from achievements. • 7 mo. Good raw damage, dark damage, debuffs, lots of hp on dark Pegasus and Chimera. Deals very high damage and crits very often. Attuner t7, grand attuner t8, then summoner t9 and finally I’m assuming a t10 one. But it’s much easier to switch class. And you can’t close all codex entries as summoner, if I remember correctly This update will include the Summoner classline, new Fishing, the Appraiser building, and a few more goodies. I'm just here with the upvote brigade to say great job on the site. some summoner questions - gimme a guide? QUESTION. Might replace for a forest goats head, only They will add distance to your run but the hp loss can be difficult to keep up with if you aren't careful. Orns come easier eventually, so that 5, 10, or even 20 million you need eventually need per class When beginning a battle, your first equipped summon spell will automatically be casted. I just recently switched to summoner, and it has been such a game-changer. T3: Gnome. I use Flash to blind him. Really trying to maximize the ward on every piece I can. I start with hydra out, and all the way through T8 have been running 4hydras 1colossus for the debuffs he applies. The hydrus passive which raises stats 20% per dead summon can be maxed using vss and achyls pact. best way is to switch class to something else, that can codex fast - I suggest beo or heretic. youtube. Counterattack takes awhile but works. Early t10 in Aethric I used a combination of trolls and griffin for boss horde dungeons, or Useable by: Valhallan/Summoner classes Place: Torso Defense: 40 Resistance: 270 Ward: 1% Summon Protection: +7% Adornment Slots: 5 Reddit Facebook Twitter. Heretic is best class. It was 16mil orns just to purchase the GS so I hope you have deep pockets. After that, buy all classes, try them out and see which one you like. All you get here is a small shadow from the discord tbh. here is my list i repost in the discord every so often: you can flee gauntlets and return w/ a different loadout. ago. PvP, defending running mirror matches as well as seeing same thing in arena, I've noticed that the AI for defending attuners is sorely lacking. Reply. The first thing you can do to improve orns/ep is: Summon your monsters with all the +stat items you have and benefactor. what gear do you use? how do you play. 01) (AL)) Class and specialization make up a huge portion of the increase. There is then a chance to automatically summon your second equipped summon. Amity: +50% buff time. Omega riftlock is for one turn summons and Vritra is for petrification protection. My Gazer has just under 4k HP and hits for around 4k on non-crits. Definitely makes it a breeze going through horde dungeons ☺️. Share 210 T9 Summoner/Sequencer; Summons Question. 3 with the Summoner classline will be available in the Android Beta client to all Tier 2 & 3 Patrons today. If I need to codex something (not raid boss) with summoner I use Sacrifacial Pact II at first. They have limited use in T1-T6, but can still provide some punch before the pet class/spec synergy comes online. They have said there’s plans to add more summoner gear and they’ve been adding summon stats to items like Fey Chim armor, Hydra staff, and Nekromancer Staff Because the other classes around that level don't have the specialty and longterm survivability a summoner does from t7-t9, and summoner allows for slow and semi-reliable raid bossing even with entry-level gear. As far as I know, there's no Summoner guide right now. Minimal gear investment has me dishing out 50k elementless damage turn 1, not t Summoners have a lower ceiling for potential, it's not that low but there's not a lot of summoner specific items or amities. When you get to T10. This list will help players to understand what summons would be more useful for raids/dungeons/etc. 4. If you can deal more than 1000 Damage in most turns, you can take him down fairly easily. Also, there's only 1 quest associated with the summoner classes; once you unlock T7 Attuner all the other summoner classes are unlocked with orns like normal classes. Use blood pact to sacrifice your summons for damage, it deals non-element damage. Here is the formula for how summon stats are calculated. That spells functionality seems to be an oversight and When beginning a battle, your first equipped summon spell will automatically be casted. Hydra will be very strong at 175, and Colossus works good to pair with hydra since it can cause def/res debuffs on the enemy (you should only need 1 colossus up for debuff purposes). 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. mabe create more skill attack multi target. As far as I know there's no website/service that directly shows the summoned creatures abilities, but you can use the Orna Codex to look up a specific monster to see it's abilities. When attacked in combat, your summoned allies have the chance to T9 and early T10 I like the summoner line for farming exp and orna. S. Tactics Ogre, crown jewel of the tactical role-playing genre, is reborn! Based on the 2010 release, the game features improved graphics and sound, as well as updated game design, bringing to life a new Tactics Ogre that remains true to its roots. Hope you enjoy and this helps. 3. That is already a big orn boost. Easy answer, no. I currently play summoners at tier 9, and you start battle as a summoner with your first spell being automatically cast if it is a summon. If you have 3 other teammates running a dungeon with you, you'll only be able to have 1 summon out; if the other 3 players are summoners, they won't be able to have any summons out which will make them basically worthless in the fight. Superior+ quality Jewel of the End, Rhada Souls, Greater Bull's Eye, or random 2% ward jewels. Riftguard helmet have a good amount Here is my 40+ Tower Floor grand summoner (GS) Set Up. I don't know what build your looking for but summoner is pretty simple. Use Inquisitor for cleanse since I can use it on summons and others - only thing that takes off Doom! Jinn is AOE and good for horde dungeons (except mimics where you need Transference, Sorrow or dragon). com/@NomadCasts for being my narrator for the day, and a big thank you to https://www. Thanks! That's for magic. Knight: Come back for it if you are an Atlas Vanguard in T8+ since "Threaten" is a good PvP skill for tanks. Thx for answers. BUT! If you're not a summoner class, your summons will suffer -90% stats, making it still fun to play but really less enjoyable than with a real summoner class. For this on my T8 summoner I find the spooky skeletons are the only thing keeping me sane. T2: Bat. your summons take most of the hits for you but it's random. Tactics Ogre: Reborn. Find a Lost Helmet from the headless mob (20pm-6am) and even if it is only normal quality demonforge it. What makes celestial weapons so good are the augments you put in them. This way 2 summoners can kill World Raid Boss and Kingdom bosses pretty easy. 1 Questline! GUIDE. When beginning a battle, your first and second equipped summon spells will automatically be casted. You need common quality drops for all 3 Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Official subreddit of the Orna RPG games. Grand Summoner or Beowulf. This we will call Team 1. The def/res is nice on Balor Crown but not having any ward hurts. I have completed all of the rift quests and have just received the Omega Riftlock. Summoner guide I tried searching and didn't find anything. Summoner Classline Guide GUIDE I made the ultimate As an old summoner, coming into Orna, I felt from the very beginning that this will be a different pet master experience from what I was used to. As a summoner, especially low level, you want to Avoid Beowulf, Nidhogg, Mimic, Pegasai and Carman fights when at all possible. But yeah summoner is a solo class so for party dgs i advice u have a secund class. I have compiled all the current/past events summons with all their associate skills. Between the ~70% summon block chance (with 5 summons) and moderate ward gear, it's pretty easy to survive in towers. Your word of mithril and Hydra should probably be swapped around. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. What am I missing in order to get the Summoner class line. They often clean up the summon's quickly too. You could do endless in full orn farming fear and get orns back pretty quickly, so then you could still buy bahamut later. Arena - Straight attack/magic attack increasing adornments and maybe sliding a couple of debuff adornments in there. Grand Summoner is the T10 one. Hey y'all! Orna's subreddit bot doesn't seem to like me a lot, so I have to post this a few times before it actually gets posted. Edit: Meant to say in pvp. This guide provides an overview of skills, weapons, armor, accessories, and setups for a swashbuckling build in Orna. Aug 2, 2023 · Big thank you to https://www. Honestly summoner/grand summoner is the easiest, at least right now before the balance patch. You best bet would be attacks out of the dragon page. I have heard great things about mighty griffin, including the damage potential. it's heavily depend on how that free action turn. Balor crown is a stand in until I get a 190%+ old nothren crown but it's okay for what it is (adorn piece). like seriously, making blood pact 2 one turn, and the summons speed like chipmunks on meth was exactly what the class needed for usability. Summoner was added to the game recently so most of the gear is tied to events. Beginner and Intermediate Guide. Usually in pvp it's quite easier to hit the enemy summoner through his mobs and that goes the same for your own summoner class. Especially when that same damage boost can be achieved through berserk 1 from chimera. It has been my go-to summon since then. I recently hit 210 and unlocked my Gazer Summon. Unlocking summoner class line. Later sections cover farming, raids, PvP strategies, preferred items, pets, adornments and more. Do let me know if there are any issue with the spreadsheet. any tier 9 summoner build, gear, skill setup. Keep up the good work ! Will do thanks :) I appreciate the feedback. true. Your summons are much stronger but pacts much weaker. This could work the way redlining works, or bluelining or highwarding. if things summoned can be targeted, enemies might waste turn attack them. My Guivre has about 19k HP and routinely hits for around 6-9k on non-crits. Share. It doesn't have a breakdown of weapon stats per level, but a fully upgraded T10 1h celestial quarterstaff has 1170 magic, +8% summon stats, and 5 adorn slots (without any augments). Also, it's pretty balanced from pricing and pvp AI. Player 2: buffs and the vital pact for heal. Will be good till mid-late T10. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Downside is the extra turn vs troll to summon (if not using Omega Riftlock) Trolls aren't bad for damage output, but can be outclassed by Griffin. Now another viable option here is Ancient Jinn, Chimera, Buggane, Buggane, Buggane. Dealing 30k+ damage when criting. Orna Summon Monster Skills. Pratically no bonus on summon (4-5k hp and negligible damage) and the smarter summon still do idiotic things like hitting for 3-4 round with useless/immune spell. Dark Dragon can hit hard but you need to worry about encountering dark elemental resist/immunity. Tier 3: BP is your bread butter as a summoner, it has infinite piercing and is only affected by mag buffs rather than the mag your gear possess, all you mainly have to do is summoning the tankiest summons you have to get some good damage from it. Raid is built around max defense/res/magic still PVP is max magic. Low HP but super high hits. I debuff him and then just whip skeletons out for the double def and res down. When it comes to early gear just use whatever is called "attuners robe/shoes" etc they usually give some passives for summons and summon stat bonus and/or use ornn/exp gear. The best way to progress is Endless runs for both exp and orns, and I think Heretic is better for that, but if you don't like heretic, you'll hate that grind. To clarify for all comments above which are partially wrong, all classes can summon once you learned the proper skills. Hi guys If i have 2 summoners just play this way, one do damage the other support. aluca_gala. Defensives are too low, and I need to survive to keep the bois alive. I started maining summoner at t8 and i can safely say t9 was horrific if you dont have buggane or now spiritgarm. I tried it as a druid without a pet and it took approx 24 turns to successfully cast Summon Animal. The appear out in the world. Great Mimic Mischief for immune enemies. I have gear for my pets and I got the omega riftlock which has helped me from being hit less. As most of you may know, the Charon Grimoire gives the possibility to summon a few other summons that are pretty good, like Mighty Slime, Fjalar, Fey Gazer and Arisen Typhon, and I watched a lot of endless tips thats includes the Fey Gazer as the best summon for it. There may be a better spec though, so I'm interested to hear what others think. It only gives 18% summon boosts which also isnt as good as duel wielding forest goat staffa which give 25% each. Even as a T10 grand summoner the Griffin is my first summon. Then using one charon pact to get rid of the final vss. Stats (. Im on T9 atm. The only exception is boots, where the lack of an OP option means I run grand summoner shoes. With all the above t9 summoner is suited for every content once set up, especially for farming since you can wear boosting gear and still do good. Currently I am T9. PVP is fun too though end game raiding potential in my opinion seems on the lower edge Grand attuner here lvl 190. I tested some summons but cuz he is a little bit rare, I can't really try out some tactics. As long as I wear all the Attuning gear and adorn my weapon with Dark Eye of Kerberos and Bestial Eyes Pure damage dealers. In all the matches they only summoned Sep 21, 2022 · New Grand Summoner tier 10 class in Orna feels a little bit busted right now. Amorri gear, surtr, baldr. • 1 yr. this could be this class weakness. Just gotta wander a bit and kill everything. This is a pretty accurate guide to starting out the game. The playorna site suggests the Summoner and the Elite Summoner are the ones that drop this item, but I haven't found a…. ;) Ressources are very spread in Orna and having them gathered for mage in your guides helps a lot. summoner class is very hard to balance. Though I'd share my setup for doing towers as a Lvl 237 Grand Summoner Auriga/Benefactor; Ascencion level: 7. Don't use snotra imo, 80% reduction in defense is a huge loss that I think is hard to justify for only +50% damage boost. bosses respawn every six hours w/ a 20% chance to despawn and should always be somewhere within 2 km. It discusses the importance of having negative defense and recommendations for different levels of play from 1-10. All are great pieces, and balrd gives 30% ward with also high hp. The next tier summoner class will display once you've hit level 175. I've got to complete the quest 'Knight Sirus' but can't kill him as Summoner. But unless I am missing something, my Guivre Summon is still my strongest summon by far. Not having high DMG direct DMG skills kinda stinks, especially since the blood pact nerf, but it's still enjoyable nonetheless. You don't need good gear, just good summons like VSS or Buggane, and can wear full farming gear. Jinns talent wyvern speed 2 (for dex and magic up) snotra deific channel ponder berserk mushroom and blood pact 3 The quest will always be around, just look for Horus NPC. At t8 the ward would be brilliant but cant stand up to a weapon and a mammon drop shield (standard or arisen). I haven't encountered one myself, but it probably just has a really high DEF. With benefactor and summon equip you will barely see any difference in summon stats, so probably the "much much stronger" is like a 10%, but with the fact that's summons bonus are additive, you have 200% as GS, 120% as benefactor, so 320% bonus, having a 10% is actually a 3% buff, so an Hydra go from 220k hp to 230k. you have no pet. I just became a summoner and with very average gear with summon stats boost I am getting 25-30 floors on tower very easily and only losing against mobs when only one summon shows up in the start of the battle. Now i tried it out on the cactus in the keep wearing full Steady Pendant - Makes you immune to stun. Once you get the hang of towers get the griffen and ancient dragon. guide/. Has a higher act rate than Dog and double the stats of Lesser Red Slime. Some useful spells from other classes to aim for when you have the spare orns, mostly for Raids or Endless or Valley of Gods: Divine Bastion I/II (T8/T9) Warrior, 100% Ward coverage 3 turns. As far as specs go, I personally went with bard so I can use appease II to keep nemirs attacking my summons instead of me. 0 (endgame content) Ty for your work dude, and thx for being easy to talk with on discord and helping a lot. As mentioned before, if he tries to dart you, that’s a free turn. You might have to do his previous quest first (for Horus Robe reward) before he offers summoner quest (T7). I'm biased because I love Beowulf and I can't recommend it enough as your starter T10 class. GUIDE. Since the dude that wrote an explanation deleted the account. Awesome I'm already using some ward gear, but I'll throw a shield on for more and some magic buffs thank you! Hello Heroes and Travelers! It's competition time, and also, hype time! As many of you may know, the studio has been working on its new end game content: Towers of Olympia. 2. Stats + ( (S. A well funded summoner can help prep for your dream class, but you'll probably stick with summoner after getting familiar with it. Try to up your attack and lower it's defense and see if it works. Is there any progression guide for the su Summary: <!DOCTYPE html> … Depends on the fight, but a solid team is Dark Pegasus, Chimera, Buggane, Buggane, Buggane. • 8 mo. Since consistent survival is the main goal in towers, as my summons will be dealing damage, the setup I use is as follows: 5% Ward recovery amity (also the mana regeneration is good on Titan fights). its either too good or too bad. no. If only it learned any good skills…. Buggane only has a 10% chance to apply either debuff, so having at least 1 skeleton out is a great option on any summoner team for more consistent downs. Player 1: Buffs and then blood pact for damage. I googled it, of course. Both are extremely powerful and by the time you get your first celestial class, the balance nerf on GS won't matter. I would grind to get. Your summons will follow you from floor to floor in dungeons. When attacked in combat, your summoned allies have the chance to protect you. Playing as Grand Summoner, loving Benefactor, and eyeing GS Auriga - but before I invest 200k tower fragments Most likely it's considered a summoner classline spell and a druid is considered a mage, so the spell has a high failure rate on non-summoners. But it's very slow, and you are very limited in survivality As a new T10, GS is fine to get some good gear, but once correctly geared you can and will go back to better classes as they are more proficient for raid or dungeons (pvp might be the only exception where the summoner really shines) Nowadays the only time I switch to GS Welcome to the official Sub Reddit for the Northern Forge Studios games Orna: The GPS RPG and Hero of Aethric! Here's some quick start information for folks who might want it! The development team is active here on Reddit, especially for Patch notes, surveys, competitions etc. T8 grand attuner observances. One rounding WRB's and kingdom raids isn't something anyone should be able to do before gearing out in t10, you haven't put in the work and it is counterintuitive to the grind that is intended. petr1petr. So the damage should be like this way: 1-2 summons: pretty low, 2-3 summons: average: 4-5 summons: you're dead. Warg is solid until you unlock Garm later, for a 1-turn summon Summoner is WAYYYY better. I think Summoner should be the type of fighter that is weak with 1-2 summons, but gets stronger the more fighter he brings to the battlefield. At higher tower levels (30+) you also want to avoid Immortal Lord as he will go before you and hits like a truck. Looking ahead, while still in t9, the shards are much better spent on the t10 unlocks unless you are following the Summoner path, in which case grabbing the mighty griffin summon from unlocking the Summoner auriga class prior to t10 would be a good bet. For sheilds, highest ward is Arisen sheild, but other good options are: ashen pheocian, arisen wolven, and that one sheild from the judge that decreases the amount of dmg you take when defending. This is so you can unlock the celestial class to get the griffin summon as it will be your best summon alongside troll until you get ancient dragon from gs auriga or grand hydra at lvl 240. com/@bigforg for the thumb Hi, im looking for advice or tips, about the best, or honorable mention, minions that summoner class line can have and where i should use them ( arena, raids). You should be able to reach floor 100-150 especially if you have the very scary skeleton summon. Here is a spreadsheet that has some of the info you're looking for. The succubi always go first so you need to start with Ward, either from a Anmity, class or item. The guide is meant as a starting point for new players and Farm Fomoria bosses, specifically the tamer path bosses for gear. Looks great and scales perfectly with multiple monitor resolutions and mobile. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Summoner classes So im currently at the tier 8 summoner class and when i look for what my next class will be, i see no summoner class at tiers 9 and 10. 1. Go with hydras or some skeletons if you can find them. I figured out my own build and it's working very well for me. I'd recommend anything that gives 2% ward, if it gives other stats too that'd be great. You are in tune with Elysian arts, dealing additional holy and dark damage. Coobert-Of-Plsia. I can OCCASIONALLY tank 1 hit from the summoners not using Benefactor (it's obvious due to the massive HP spike of Also, unlike Beo, you have a choice of more than 1 specialization, whether you want to be a blaster caster, wall wizard, or mana master. Odd_Control_7915. Lately, I've seen more new players asking questions around here which is amazing! I would like to extend an invite to the Orna official discord server (it's buzzing with activity and helpful people!). Stats = Base (class+specialization+gear) Ascension = S. Your summons are much stronger. So, benefactor is a trade-off. Its two handed with pretty mediocre stats even at good quality. . First of all, the actual part of making good use of pets and having the feeling of a summoner comes a bit later, compared to the mage, thief and tank fantasy. ca ht ze ls cx uf jg ca ib du