Aita for ignoring my friends phone calls. I could have taken precautions to keep everyone happy.

I'll talk to my dad Once we got to my uncles house, I was immediately taken aback at the horrid conditions of their home. She calls me a lot. My friends are saying I'm controlling for taking his phone Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. That also just built up to the main thing that set me off, which was the comment about my other friends. I stayed talking to the employee for information to the towing company. So I started wrapping up the conversation but ignored… I (17F), have chosen to completely ignore a friend (17F) for around maybe 3 months now, after she prank called me about su1c1d3. So I've been getting calls from a close friend of mine that I will ignore for about a week at a time, I don't want to stop being There are some different options for handling this: Just stick to what you did here and tell her that you don't really have anything to say and this just doesn't really work for you. I (17 F) and a girl from school, we'll call her Jasmin, have gotten into a fight. Truth is it is quite common for people to be mentally and socially exhausted and not want to talk on the phone, autism or not. Okay, still doesn't mean you can't be there for someone when they need you. I believe I might be an asshole for ignoring my friend that I think likes me. For a bit of context, i have obsessions, and i tend to stick to on friend at a time, and i started to stick to my other best friend, A, more often. You are doing the right thing by walking away. I have called her back a few times, but I always keep the conversations short, because my calls with her consist of the camera going everywhere, the phone being passed off to everyone for me to talk to, or one word answers when I ask her how things like school and after school activities are going. You might hurt her feelings, but the only reason you are is because she is being controlling and insensitive to your needs. NTA - your so called friend is the AH for how he replied to you. If friend doesn't respect that, or asks again, block friend - block the texts and block the phone calls and change your online name or whatever because friend doesn't give a shit about what you want - and who the hell needs that kind of "friend?" As I was leaving at 1:30am my phone rang Ignored it. At the same time though, I think he was kind of an AH for not helping me when I specified it was a one-time emergency. My parents being worrisome as they are, always call me every single weekend. Edit for update: Thank you so much for those who replied that I should not feel guilty for not answering her phone calls. That's called a friendship. I’d say we had a much better childhood than our older brother rangi (taken away due to neglect as an infant) and older sister Tevai (died by lightning strike as a child) while we 3 were top notch happy etc Problems occur when I finally expect a call from him, wait for him, only to find out hours later that he was out with his friends. I (21F) and my friend (21M) are home form college. I hardly get time to use my phone and when I get a chance… I AM FAILING MISERABLY and if i fail again i’m gonna be dropped from uni and one of my friends keeps calling me to talk ( mind me the least phone… Obviously, I am ignoring his calls! But I can't take the guilt of something happening because I didn't lift his calls! When I asked my another friend, she told me yes, I am an asshole, for not letting him know clearly, to not contact him, and not taking into consideration, how he must have felt. He is one of the only guys I'm friends with from college, especially now that I've… NTA. I’m (m20) a college student in my third year of college. I never responded to texts or messages clearly asking to talk. This man didn't have crap to do with me as a child. They both will call me like 10 times in the span of 5 minutes if I don’t answer and then say some guilt tripping stuff. I have conveyed my problems to him many times. And if I don’t answer, she’ll call me like 5 more times. Idk what to do now! Help keep the sub engaging! The spam calling me is also what gets me. She's an asshole for only wanting to be around when they aren't a friend. I have a friend Jane (38f) who knows I don't like phone calls but hates texting and will only call. I'm worried they're going to try and gaslight you if you confront them so be prepared for that possibility. Expand user menu She doesn’t like this though she needs a continuous never ending conversation. After our work on Friday, I asked my friends if they are done with work and are ready to head out. I've thought about it in retrospect and maybe I have been asking too much of him recently without considering his feelings. I didn’t notice until 2 minutes later. I have been apart of a friend group since I (25f) have anxiety, phone calls wear me out. He ignored you for a whole year, even though you continued to try to make effort. So in general my friends and family know about me being not easily available on the phone and they know the reasons, but I need to say that when I'm spending time with them I give my Asking my friend to make a phone call even though I knew he has phone anxiety. All are ready except my other 2 workmates, my roommate Lucy, and the other Jane. I really hate talking on the phone but she doesn’t believe that. I would ignore her messages, her calls, or reply rudely to her. AITA for ignoring his calls? He is over 70, so I am hoping I can just keep having polite phone calls every now & again until he finally dies. I have a few friends but I haven't been feeling very well lately. I don't return them because I have a diagnosed mental illness, a personability disorder, and my friends know I'm a bit off. I just want to be left alone. However, every time he calls me, he’s super drunk. Several of my friends are unemployed… . So, I would definitely set up a DND for anyone who routinely called that late. " Aug 3, 2023 · In this post on the subreddit r/AmItheA**hole, the Redditor seeks judgment on whether they were in the wrong for ignoring their friend’s phone calls and messages. It also may be a good idea for you and your group of friends to discuss what would be considered "Off Limits" as targets for jokes. 1. Tell him. We went to different high schools but we were friends through clubs and extracurricular. She's been texting me asking for activities to do with the kids (I'm in child care field), to call cause they wanna talk to me, etc. Your friend sounds self obsessed and rude as hell. So i asked her why she was upset and she said “i just wanted to talk to Phone calls are for important information that needs to be confirmed instantly, or to talk to your grandparents if they don't FaceTime. Notice how she’s blowing up your phone now that she needs something. katieleehaw. When she says this she’s mad. It can be a really draining way to communicate for some people for various reasons, and the sudden mental switch from whatever you're doing to 'social mode' on the ring of a phone can also be really har Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. She didn't apologise, didn't ask me how I felt, simply lectured me on "manners" and "discipline", calling me rude and immature. I work 12 hour shifts Monday-Friday and when I’m not at work I like to enjoy the rest of my evening with my wife without any distractions. My mum and dad called and asked how I was feeling, they completely understood. AITA? I don't want to return phone calls. M that I told her to kll herself. So let's get this straight she said that during math the day before that I told her "Kll your self!" I was pulled in to the library and asked "Did you. Your friend is acting as though he is entitled to your time, he is not. N had recently moved down one state, and eventually I started talking to my other best friend more then her. Me (18f) and my… Boom I’m at home and he calls me about the game and I told him we’re I put it. You saved your money to have fun with your friends. For context, I (20F) have a friend (20M), let's call him K. I don’t want to be disrespectful but i also fear for my friends and new families privacy. Please stop asking. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here I know you said you don't like phone calls, it might be good to come up with a short and sweet script "Hello, I would really appreciate it if you stopped calling me, I don't think I'm interested in continuing this "friendship" you should for sure block the number he's calling you from and you may need to find a new spot to go fishing in case he Two of my friends tend to REGULARLY call me and spam me with texts. I took my friend's phone from him to help him. Situations vary, but I never spoke to a single member of my ex's family after I left. And he has succeeded in making you think it may be your fault-which is textbook. I wasn’t ready to talk to her. Your friend needs to learn to be respectful. An abusive AH. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: the action is me telling my grandma that the phone works both ways. That really pissed me off. I’m a full time student and working a part time job, so most of the day i try to not be on my phone. NTA, it's fine to ignore the texts, and you are correct in assuming she likely would like to use texting you to triangulate with your brother over whatever disputes they are dealing with. Why-Did-U-Say-That. So my gf(f19) and I(m19) call almost every night. If he's truly your friend, he won't ask questions and will understand. " or something similar first. We had a friend group senior year that we both hung out in. She blew up my phone and the phone of my friend whom I was hanging out with. It is unfair and unhealthy to expect you to entertain her for hours a day long distance. The next day I went out of my way to hang out with my friend to avoid her and that whole situation. Learn to sit in silence on the phone. I could have taken precautions to keep everyone happy. Thank you. She’ll also send me… I was on the phone with my friend and we were having a conversation when my girlfriend called. I told her this and said “i love you” at the end which resulted in a “Love you too”. You ignored him once after he messaged you a year later and he replied to you with an emotionally manipulative text. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) Ignoring my father's phone calls and refusing to send him money for groceries and medications (2) Ignoring the calls even after he had to have his leg amputated. Help keep the sub engaging! If I'm in the middle of a convo with anyone and my phone rings, I'm either ignoring the phone, rejecting the call to shut up the ringing, or, if it's an important call, interrupting the convo saying "I'm so sorry but I need to take this call. I haven't told this to my mom and can't reach out my dad or his friend because I don't know which friend he's with and I don't have any contact info of his friends. I walked out and got the company on the phone, unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to pick up the vehicle until the next day. I will call them A(14) and my friend O(14m) Now my friend A has Drepression (The Depressionen is not diagnosed but I trust them in this) And my friend O got bullied in school before we met him and is also in a bad state of mind. She told me, at 12:00 to call the cops, so I did, but as the neutral party. I've ignored her but feel like an asshole to my nephews and niece - I do talk to them from my brothers phone but he's been working nights so haven't in a while. AITA for ignoring my friends call and message I've been friends with a girl since I was around 1 years old I'm 28 now so is she. I got up and left, and for the entire wedding my phone was blowing up with angry texts and calls. NTA. NTA and OP if you want to you can say that in order to protect your own mental health you're doing to have to step back as you're finding the constant need for assurance and a sympathetic ear anxiety inducing and thank her for understanding or either turn your phone off or block her for a while. I (fYA) ran away as a teen and stole $1,000,000 from my parents not long before mine and my other 2 triplet sisters became young adults. He has hinted, but he will never step a foot in my house again, so just phone calls. If you wanna say im an AH ok but just don’t be mean. Don't ruin your well-earned vacation to bail him out, because he doesn't sound like someone who'd appreciate it. My mom went batshit saying my dad was evil and the bane of Earth’s existence. Making assumptions and/or taking things personally isn’t helpful. my relationships with living with them have both been toxic most of my life and tbh growing up Posted by u/admiral_tomato1738 - 58 votes and 33 comments AITA for canceling plans with my friend after finding out he put a tracker on my phone. He didn't. You can’t just suddenly drop everything for her because she has problems and can’t text think to text you. People who treat you that way are a real drain on your self esteem. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! As an example, I called one of my close friends one night with tears in my eyes and audibly crying, saying that I felt guilty. I then put down the phone and went back to vomiting on our carpet. She needs friends, hobbies, and to be comfortable with solitude. Cue the phone calls. AITA for ignoring my sister's texts phone calls i (F28) and my fiancé (M25) are planning to move about an hour and 15 minutes away to live closer to our family, but this had meant that while our home is being worked on, we do have to move back in with my father and sister for about 4 or so months. Fair point, but difficulty with phone calls is not an uncommon thing and the discomfort can be more than simple anxiety. I could have done better to possibly keep the friendship together. For example, with all my friend groups Moms were not a target. I was told I was the asshole for ignoring her call and message tonight after her going no contact for nearly 2 years. Right now, it seems your self confidence is seriously lacking, which he has picked up on quite a while ago, thus the abusive treatment. I silenced my phone and ignored her for the next few hours. She also pays for my phone still and will look at my messages and call records to badger me about who i’m talking to, and somehow has my now fiancés(23M) address and phone number, including his parents. The post reveals a strained friendship, prompting the author to question their actions and whether they are to blame. is too late to call unless there's an emergency. After I told the emergency responder this, she then told me that she would call me again in 10 minutes to make sure I was being driven to the hospital. I've been told I'm an asshole for leaving by Choles friends and family, but my friends and family tell me I did the right thing, and now I'm conflicted. I partially took this from another sub, but I realized that I desperately needed honest moral judgement. They have 3 dogs (two Pitbulls, and on little Maltese mix), I’m going to call the Maltese mix Fluffy. On the other hand, my normal routine is kinda busy, I do studies, job and scientific researches, so during my normal mode I still find it hard to check my phone. Instead, call your friend earlier and make a good excuse to get off the call after 30-60 minutes. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. 8 years ago she moved out of state, she’s been bad about responding to my calls/texts since. It used to be the norm that you'd spend your time on the phone dedicated to the call unless it was a business matter or the like, and people needed to refer to paperwork. I work a couple of different jobs. N asked me to call, but i was on call with A already. He would call me up like once every 1-3 years. Because of neglectful treatment, I have severe trust issues and am currently in therapy. I turned off FB notifications and sometimes ignore calls if they happen more than twice a day (which isn't great b/c it might be an emergency, I know, but it is usually just another 2-4 hour chat). Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. Just be honest with him. Sep 8, 2023 · Story:AITA for ignoring my friend's phone calls and telling her to leave me alone?00:00 story + update02:14 top comments#redditstories #tldrstoryteller #stor 11 votes, 23 comments. So my friend and I call often, like every other day. This dates from when phones had corded handsets and were attached to the wall. Everything was covered in dust, dog hair everywhere, and a hoarders dream. 9. My aunt also started texting and calling me. She was one of your old fashion girls who grew up in the church. I check my fb and texts throughout the day, but I just can't deal with my phone buzzing every two minutes. She's been reaching out to me for emotional support, but I've been avoiding her calls and messages. A bit of background: First of all, my mother is a toxic person. I am currently living far from home in my own rented place with some friends. AITA for ignoring my parent’s phone calls. AITA for ignoring their calls and not replying when they do that? If your brother gets mad or blames you because he can't go on the road trip without cash, tough luck for him. That doesn't sound like something friends would do. I feel guilty as I have always said I will be there for my friends but I just don't have the energy to deal with the same drunk argument at the moment. My best friend, we will call her Sarah, has been going through a rough patch in her life recently. He replied all the information would be in the parking lot. EBS. I know when your work drains you completely, you look forward to spending time with friends, but I really appreciate a little heads up so I don't keep waiting or expecting. Reply. 24 votes, 18 comments. I did not… I only was friends with her because, well, she wanted to be friends! I mean, sure, we called eachother names most of the time, and joked about us being stupid, but we were just joking! We were teenagers! Anyways, a year passed, and I started to distance myself from her. My friends all got mad that I did so, and some reostted to blocking me. In my house, 8 p. So I usually don't return phone calls. I’m always busy. She tries calling 1-2x a week. Take care of yourself, and find better friends. If she so desperately needed you to call you, she can wait for you. Then on after my mom was a rage machine, And when July of this year happened. Why can't he ignore me when I really want him to? I asked my friend (going to call her friend a) if she wanted to get snacks with me after a really big test to kind of de-stress but she told me she… I was utterly disgusted by what I saw. AITA for ignoring my friend? So I have a friend from high school that I rarely talk to anymore. 77 votes, 25 comments. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) I ignored my friend for calling me a name. Time spent alone is so much better than allowing others to treat you like that. I (14F) sometimes put my phone on offline Modus just to ignore two of my friends. The next day they’ll be like “sorry if im bothering you” or “you were busyyyy”. he said well your the only one with a switch and I said so you trying to say I stole it and then he said did you accidentally take it I said no and a hour later he texts our group chat and says ge think one of us took it and he’s not talking to us until he finds I have friends in my workplace and one of them is my roommate. I went to my room (I lived with Anastasia at the time) and ignored all her calls and texts. Kinda life sucks. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I may be depressed but if my friend needs someone to talk to, I'm going to be there and help them. Ignoring my friends and letting them go after 6 years. To the now: she's visiting my brother and his family. State your peace and then tell her that you need her to think about what you said and how you feel. That was until we started our semester and I started to get to know who she truly was. My boyfriend was heated and being rude to the employee so his friend took him outside. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: It should be judged because I’m ignoring my friend based on past actions & I might be the asshole for ignoring them for something I let Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. AITA for ignoring my bf’s texts? I (36f) have been friends with my bf (36f) for 20 years. I’m a first time mother and my time is with my baby at the moment. 2. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. -End of story. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: My friend ignored me, so I ignored her back. Last time I picked up, he didn’t even know it was me on the phone and was like “Huh? Now the issue is that some of my friends and teachers ignore that and still call me by my old name and the excuse is always “sorry I forgot” I mean once-twice at first I would understand but they don’t wanna use my new name, so if any of my friends call me by my old name I ignore them, and when teacher calls me for anything using my old She’s not a real friend. You can say what you want but pls be respectful and don’t be rude or mean. He treated you a lot worse than you treated him. So I (13f) & my "friend"(13f) let's call her T are not on talking terms over this. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Today while I was doing my school work she calls me. 11. 2) that action might make me the AH because if I don’t call her we don’t talk and she gets upset at me. This is bothersome, but manageable. There’s no reason she couldn’t just text you instead of speaking over the phone. I don’t know if it’s because they’re concerned for me or just want my attention they feel entitled to. Basically, I have this friend who I have known since Preschool, and at first he was one of my really good friends and a really cool guy. For context, the prank call was a tiktok trend where you have headphones on while somone else calls someone from your phone and you have to say what they mime. That you didn’t give him the benefit of the doubt (or talk it over), then ignored him as payback and went into a tailspin sounds like, at minimum, you lack some maturity that’s needed for a ldr. You are independent and she needs to allow you to live your life without bombarding you with constant phone calls. I’ll rarely touch my phone during this time and, to be honest I rarely touch my phone in general. 37 votes, 14 comments. Tonight, however, i made plans to play games with my friends so we wouldn’t be able to call. I have a hard time making friends and when I met my 20 F friend at orientation we hit it off pretty good. She had no idea I was awake and continued to call me 6 times. One full-time and a few more a couple nights a week. You should be able to specify hours that you will accept phone calls from specific numbers. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! The Asshole Universe is Expanding, Again: Introducing Another New Sister Subreddit! -Dear friend, I don't want to play this online game with you, ever. She messages me and I message back but her next text was “ why did you answer my message but not answer my call” I told her I was doing my work and didn’t notice her call. I’m getting paranoid and feel stuck. It is ok to set boundaries, and stick to them. (sorry for formatting, on mobile) so i (16F) have a big friendship group of about 7, but as with most groups, there's a natural split down the middle… I'm a 19 F who just started college. If you’re the asshole then so am I. For context, the prank call was a tiktok trend where you have headphones on while somone else calls someone from your phone and you have to say what Anytime he has a breakdown he calls me to vent which is ok but when i call him about my issues he often makes it seem like my problems aren’t bad and that I should be happy about my situation. (2) Ignoring people is rude and he asked me to stop. The problem was when one of them (17, non binary) ,let's call them L, said that they couldn't wait to leave so they didn't have to deal with me anymore. I'm not putting thier mental health above mine. I called her back right away, and she proceeded to spend 20 minutes talking about her job and did not acknowledge what I had shared earlier at all. Tell him you're going through a deep depression and need some time to yourself. We made plans to have dinner on Friday after work and next we will cook soup at our apartment and hangout. Please anyone who is gonna be rude or mean can keep his comment to himself. [deleted] It’s also annoying because in the instances that I don’t see the call, my friend will get passive aggressive as if im ignoring them. Award. You aren’t an asshole if it’s not for you because you’ve seen it can take a lot of effort up front on your part! So I guess just work out if this friendship is worth the effort and make the decision that’s best for you; you can’t “fix” your friend so don’t factor that in to your decision. m. Help keep the sub engaging! It happend on my grandfathers birthday party (may) and its now august, she called me week ago and made a tantrum that i didn't visited her this summer, I told her that i dont have time for this ( she lives about 1 hour drive from me), that I had job and I was going out with friends, she also said that i dont call her or text her, and said she AITA becasue I stopped being friends with someone over a prank call I (17F), have chosen to completely ignore a friend (17F) for around maybe 3 months now, after she prank called me about su1c1d3. You have to decide if you want to be in a relationship like this. Your husband is. You just told reddit. We had made plans to go to his graduation at the start of the year, but once me and our friend graduated, he decided to transfer. She asked why I felt guilty, but the call got disconnected. Many scenarios happened over the years where I’ve reached out, only to not get a response or get one days or weeks later with an apology and excuse. That wasn't my main problem. She's great fun to be with in person, but on the phone she is completely different. Again, after the pain went away for a bit, I checked my phone and saw that my gf just responded with laughing emojis. T told my teacher(45f) let's call her Mrs. They are very traditional asian parents. This time last year, she reached out to me about her… So AITA for being mad and ignoring my friend because he took my phone. She's been dealing with a lot of personal issues, including a breakup and some family problems. Stop apologizing for their shitty behavior and ask them straight up what is going on because they're the ones acting strange not you. Sit down and browse r/amitheasshole and read them to her and discuss your judgements. •. We were close friends in college and drifted apart after graduation. However, when they damn well know I’m asleep… AITA for ignoring my friend? Not the A-hole. AITA for not answering the phone call. How we met - I lived in a rented house share with her when I was 20 and she became my closest friend. hd np pe nr oi bw bv dl mo oh  Banner