
Imperativ du form deutsch. Basic forms are spielt, spielte and hat gespielt.

SD1 Imperativ Group sort. This form is used, for example, to explain to someone how to get to a particular place. (fragen/deine Lehrerin) simple verb: remove -en from the infinitive|fragen → frag(e)|the ending -e is optional Ask your teacher. Neben einem Befehl kann aber auch ein Wunsch, eine Aufforderung oder eine Bitte ausgedrückt werden. We then use the personal pronoun wir. School subject: Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) (1061938) Main content: Imperativ (2010752) From worksheet author: Imperativ-Du-Form. The conjugation of the verb machen (create, make) is regular. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense mach. The conjugation of kaufen (buy, purchase) in the imperative is: kaufe (du), kaufen wir, kauft (ihr), kaufen Sie. The conjugation of machen (create, make) in the imperative is: mache (du), machen wir, macht (ihr), machen Sie. When we use the imperative for more than one person, we use the plural form. “ Sie ” is used in formal situations and “ du ” or “ ihr ” are used in informal situations. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense geb. The formal imperative is created by putting the conjugated verb in first position, before the personal pronoun. Wie bilde ich den Imperativ? Um den Imperativ regelmäßig zu bilden, benötigen wir nur zwei Konjugationsformen, eine für die Du-Form (Singular) und eine für die Ihr-Form (Plural). Basic forms are spielt, spielte and hat gespielt. El imperativo se utiliza para expresar una orden y existe tanto en alemán como en español, siendo su uso equivalente en ambas lenguas. by Irinavolkova. There is no 1st person or 3rd person form of the singular. 8th Grade9th Grade10th GradeDeutschGerman. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense bild. comFOLGE MIR: - FACEBOOK: https://www. For a better understanding, countless examples of the verb spielen are available. Lies den Text vor Read the text aloud. The endings -, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem. The prefix auf- of aufstehen is separated. com/LearnGermanWithAnja- INSTA Steh auf, wenn du am Boden bist Stand up when you are on the ground. The conjugation of the German imperative for the “du” Unfortunately, this form is a little bit more difficult. The imperative of modal verbs does not exist. By contrast, there is a special imperative form The imperative is a verb form that can be used to express a command, make a request, or give advice. For practicing and consolidating, there are also free worksheets for Conjugation of the verb "machen" in the subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II) in German. The conjugation of the verb denken (think, remember (to do)) is irregular. Coordinating conjunctions in German #2 GoL Complete the sentence. Nov 16, 2019 · Get a FREE training on how to learn German effectively: https://www. The ending of the 2nd Person Singular is extended by an e, as the stem ends in t. a) Kauft Brot! b) Kaufen Sie Brot! c) Kauf Brot! 5) Du musst Tee trinken. The imperative is one of 3 moods of the German language besides the indicative and the subjunctive. Verb denken can be used reflexivly. The (forget, forgot) is irregular. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense wart. Die Batterie ist voll geladen The batter is totally charged. Actually, we form the imperative of “du” by removing the ending ‘-en’ from the infinitive. Basic forms are hat, hatte and hat gehabt. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense räum. Reflexive verbs form the imperative in a similar way, but also require the inclusion of a reflexive pronoun: Grammar 18: Imperative of reflexive verbs. Person Singular, then to the 1. Aprende de forma fácil a conjugar el imperativo en alemán y pon a prueba tus The conjugation of the verb entschuldigen (apologise, excuse) is regular. Formell. This "-e" ending is usually dropped in spoken German and quite often in written German as well. eine zumeist angenehm schmeckende Speise oder Getränk zu sich nehmen; Genuss, Freude, Lust an, bei oder für etwas empfinden; schlemmen; frönen; in den Genuss The conjugation of anrufen (call upon, make a (phone) call) in the imperative is: rufe (du) an, rufen wir an, ruft (ihr) an, rufen Sie an. The stem vowels are ei - a - e. Ferner gibt es eine Form für den gesiezten Imperativ und für die Wir-Form, die jedoch beide dem Infinitiv (bzw. Apart from these three, there is another form of address – Wir (We). 06/10/2021. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense gess. The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the The conjugation of the verb öffnen (open, open up) is regular. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense form. The subjunctive II is used to express a hypothesis, a wish or a sentence with a conditional turn. However, it is only in the Sie form of the imperative that the pronoun usually appears – in the du and ihr forms, the pronoun is generally dropped, leaving only the The conjugation of lernen (learn, study) in the imperative is: lerne (du), lernen wir, lernt (ihr), lernen Sie. enjoy, savor, relish, revel, glory in, savour. This creates a gap between speech and reality. Hãy dùng câu cầu khiến „Komm!“, hay còn được gọi với cái tên mệnh lệnh cách. The formation of the forms corresponds to the The conjugation of nehmen (take, take (in)) in the imperative is: nimm (du), nehmen wir, nehmt (ihr), nehmen Sie. The conjugation of the verb sein (be, stay) is irregular. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense sprech. If the stem-end is “-est”, the “-st” is removed leaving behind the “-e”. Now you can tell people to do things for you! The imperative mood is used to make commands or requests. by Irynapikta. The du-Imperative is the second person informal singular imperative. -> Imperativ: Warte auf bessere Zeiten! (Du) öffne(st) dein Herz. The conjugation of bringen (bring, involve) in the imperative is: bringe (du), bringen wir, bringt (ihr), bringen Sie. The du form is just the present tense du form without the st ending: geben to give. Basic forms are macht, machte and hat gemacht. Wenn + Imperativ Speaking cards. Beim informellen Imperativ lässt man das Personalpronomen weg, bei The conjugation of the verb kaufen (buy, purchase) is regular. Imperativ Spiel Open the box. Imperative of German verb spielen. The endings -e, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem. du Imperativ Spin the wheel. a) Machen Sie Sport! b) Macht Sport! c) Mach Sport! 3) Du musst Deutsch lernen. Verb haben can be used reflexivly. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Sprachen wird der Imperativ im Deutschen sehr häufig genutzt. The formation of the forms corresponds to the Sep 14, 2020 · Kalimat Perintah yang dapat digunakan untuk memberi petunjuk, melarang, minta tolong, saran, mempertegas sesuatu. Person Plural. The prefix auf- of aufräumen is separated. For a better understanding, countless examples of the verb kaufen are available. The conjugation of the verb trinken (drinks, drink a toast (to)) is irregular. , geben -> Gib!), the ending -e cannot be used. The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd To form the imperative in German, you need to use the verb in its imperative form and the correct pronoun: Sie for the second person plural (formal "You", or Sie form - we'll get to that later), and wir for the first person plural (us). , 2. Introducción. The conjugation of warten (wait, wait (for)) in the imperative is: warte (du), warten wir, wartet (ihr), warten Sie. Conjugation of the verb "gehen" in the subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II) in German. But, in elevated language we often add an ‘-e’ to many verbs, but in colloquial speech we generally leave it. Person Singular (du) You should build it from the 2. The conjugation of aufräumen (tidy, tidy up) in the imperative is: räume (du) auf, räumen wir auf, räumt (ihr) auf, räumen Sie auf. Person Plural) an die erste Stelle vor das Personalpronomen setzt. The conjugation of the verb laufen (run, walk) is irregular. In German, the imperative mood can be used to give an order, formulate a request or give advice. happygerman. Conjugation of the verb "besuchen" in the subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II) in German. haben can be used as well. -> Imperativ: Öffne dein Herz! When the vowel changes from e to i (i. Usually you have the option of adding an "-e". The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd person singular. Verb laufen can be used reflexivly. The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd person Mar 23, 2021 · Fülle die Tabelle aus! School subject: Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) (1061938) Main content: Imperativ (2010752) Jul 9, 2021 · Firstly, conjugate the verb you want to use for du: kommen (to come) du kommst. Verwendung. Imperativ und Partizip sind wichtige grammatikalische Stimmungen in der deutschen Konjugation. It is used with the second person singular, the first person plural, the second person plural and the third person plural (the polite form): du, wir, ihr and Sie. 2) Du musst Sport machen. by Evae8117. Imperative of German verb formen. Basic forms are läuft, lief and ist gelaufen. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense kauf. The (dine, consume) is irregular. The conjugation of formen (knead (into), mould (into)) in the imperative is: forme (du), formen wir, formt (ihr), formen Sie. dine, consume, grub, join for dinner, chow down, eat, ate. The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd person singular 12. The imperative mood is used for commands and instructions. The auxiliary verb of öffnen is haben. The auxiliary verb of trinken is haben. by Karlabooth. a) Trinkt Tee! b) Trinken Sie Tee! c) Trink Tee! 6) Du musst einen Text schreiben. A1 · irregular · haben. Verb vergessen can be used reflexivly. Imperativ: Mach (st) (du) eine Pause! Du isst viel Obst. Komm! is the imperative form of kommen meaning Come! and Spiel! is the imperative form of spielen meaning Play! Exercises Example : Wenn du etwas von Marc hörst, dann ruf mich bitte an ! Conjugation of the verb "arbeiten" in the subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II) in German. If you address the person with Sie, you use the formal imperative. genießen. Now, let’s study these 4 forms in detail. Sep 11, 2023 · Understanding the German Imperative. Verb spielen can be used reflexivly. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense les. The conjugation of spielen (play, play (against)) in the imperative is: spiele (du), spielen wir, spielt (ihr), spielen Sie. In its basic form, it is achieved by conjugating the verb and shortening it. The conjugation of laufen (run, walk) in the imperative is: laufe (du), laufen wir, lauft (ihr), laufen Sie. German imperative forms are used in formal as well as informal scenarios. A2_Wiederholung_Wenn + Imperativ Speaking cards. Los verbos en imperativo pueden conjugarse en la segunda persona del singular y el plural, du y ihr, la primera persona del plural, wir, y la forma de cortesía, Sie. Commands: This is the most common use of the imperative. The formation of the forms corresponds to the Form sentences in the imperative in the 2nd person singular (du). du gibst 2nd person singular. Verb trinken can be used reflexivly. The conjugation of lesen (read, read to oneself) in the imperative is: lies (du), lesen wir, lest (ihr), lesen Sie. Der deutsche Imperativ wird verwendet, um Befehle zu geben, etwas von jemandem zu verlangen oder einfach jemanden zu bitten, etwas zu tun. These correspond to the three different ways of saying you: du, ihr and Sie. Imperativ "Du" Whack-a-mole. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense spiel. The conjugation of fahren (drive, travel) in the imperative is: fahre (du), fahren wir, fahrt (ihr), fahren Sie. For a better understanding, countless examples of the verb denken The conjugation of fragen (call for, ask) in the imperative is: frage (du), fragen wir, fragt (ihr), fragen Sie. Perfekt (Sag mal) Complete the sentence. Conjugation of German verb vergessen. In German, with the Sie form, the imperative form is the same as the form of the verb in the present tense, except that the verb comes first. The conjugation of bilden (form, mould (out of)) in the imperative is: bilde (du), bilden wir, bildet (ihr), bilden Sie. Example: Präsens: du kommst Oct 25, 2020 · Learn German | Deutsch lernen | A1 | German course for beginners | ImperativIn diesem Video lernt ihr den Imperativ. Meaning of "laden" in German. The verb "laden" means: 1. Basic forms are öffnet, öffnete and hat geöffnet. „Komm!“ chính là câu cầu Jun 2, 2020 · Imperativ works by using the infinitive form of the verb, for example: Come here!, Speak loudly!. Du. DP_A2_L4. However, it is only in the Sie form of the imperative that the pronoun usually appears – in the “du” and “ihr” forms Conjugation of German verb haben. The conjugation of trinken (drinks, drink a toast (to)) in the imperative is: trinke (du), trinken wir, trinkt (ihr), trinken Sie. Der Imperativ gilt also nur für die 2. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense trink. a) Lern Deutsch! b) Lernt Deutsch! c) Lernen Sie Deutsch! 4) Du musst Brot kaufen. Verb machen can be used reflexivly. The auxiliary verb of laufen is sein. Entscheidenwir zusammen, welches Restaurant wir besuchen möchten. Page description: The imperative mood (in contrast to the indicative mood - such as statements) is used to give commands and directions. The conjugation of schreiben (write on, write) in the imperative is: schreibe (du), schreiben wir, schreibt (ihr), schreiben Sie. facebook. Prefix ver- of vergessen is not separable. Formeller Imperativ: Wenn man eine Person mit Sie anspricht, verwendet man den formellen Imperativ. Since English has only one form of address (you), it has only one imperative form. For a better understanding, countless examples of the verb öffnen are available. SD1 Imperativ Die richtige Gruppe. The formation of the forms corresponds to the Wenn Du eine einzelne Person ansprichst und diese duzt (also sie mit “Du” ansprichst), schneidest Du dem konjugierten Verb das “-st” ab und lässt das Pronomen “du” weg: Du gibst mir die Schlüssel. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense arbeit. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense steh. Imperativ Speaking cards. Sabine & Michael G-4-2 Sätze Unjumble. For a better understanding, countless examples of the verb machen are available. Verb arbeiten can be used reflexivly. The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd Nouns and Pronouns: Verb Tenses: Moods, Voices, etc. DaF Imperativ SD1. The conjugation of setzen (take a seat, put) in the imperative is: setze (du), setzen wir, setzt (ihr), setzen Sie. i sst · aß · hat ge g essen. -to load, to charge (in the same sense as in English: To charge a battery, load a program, load a gun) Der Akku meines Handys muss noch laden My cell’s battery still has to charge. Befehlsform. Basic forms are vergisst, vergaß and hat vergessen. The formation of the forms corresponds to the The conjugation of arbeiten (work, labour) in the imperative is: arbeite (du), arbeiten wir, arbeitet (ihr), arbeiten Sie. Er lud die Waffe He loaded the gun. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense lern. Prefix ent- of entschuldigen is not separable. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense nehm. Grammar of . German Imperative: The Basics. (arbeiten/nicht so viel) verb whose stem ends in -t: add -e Don’t work so much! The conjugation of vergessen (forget, forgot) in the imperative is: vergiss (du), vergessen wir, vergesst (ihr), vergessen Sie. Man fordert ihn also auf, etwas zu tun. sein can be used as well. why there are forms for the 2. The auxiliary verb of denken is haben. by Bdiederichs. Imperativ. Person. Basic forms are kauft, kaufte and hat gekauft. Man bildet den formellen Imperativ, indem man das konjugierte Verb (in der 3. The auxiliary verb of haben is haben. Wir sprechen dabei eine oder mehrere Personen persönlich an, können den Imperativ also für die Formen du, ihr, wir und die Höflichkeitsform Sie verwenden. To form the imperative, remove the -st and leave off du. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense setz. The imperative mood in German, known as “ Befehlsform ” (command form), is used to give commands, make requests or offer invitations. A1 · irregular · haben · inseparable. Konjugation des Verbs „sein“ zum Imperativ, Partizip und Infinitiv im Deutschen. This mood is frequently used in everyday conversation, making it an essential aspect of the German language to master. gehen → geh! gehen → geht! gehen → gehen Sie! Notice how the two steps apply for both the informal forms, but the formal Sie remains unchanged. Person Singular Präsens -> just remove the ending -st and and DON’T say “du”. The ending of the 2nd Person Singular is extended by an e, as the stem ends in d. The subjunctive II is mainly used to express the unreal in German. The auxiliary verb of spielen is haben. The formation of the forms corresponds to Imperativ: Câu cầu khiến trong tiếng Đức (A1) Hãy tưởng tượng bạn gặp một cô bạn đang đứng ở bên kia đường và bạn muốn gọi cô ấy sang để nói chuyện. The stem vowels are e - a - e. by Marst. Da der Imperativ nur dazu genutzt wird, um eine Person persönlich anzusprechen, gibt es ihn nur im Präsens und in der 2. The second person singular (you, or du form) requires only the verb, without a subject pronoun. There are four possible recipient 'groups' for commands in German. May 18, 2020 · Sätze im Imperativ (du, ihr, Sie) School subject: Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) (1061938) Main content: Imperativ (2010752) Imperative of German verb trinken. 7th Grade8th Grade9th GradeDeutschGerman. The informal imperative in the plural . Person Plural " ihr " und die Höflichkeitsform " Sie ". German Conjugation of German verb genießen. Basic forms are denkt, dachte and hat gedacht. The stem vowels are au - ie - au. Imperativ: Gib (st) (du) mir die Schlüssel! Du machst eine Pause. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense geh. So, to say Give me to someone you would address with Sie, use Geben Sie mir. The auxiliary verb of entschuldigen is haben. The conjugation of the verb haben (have, have with one) is irregular. Überlegenwir gemeinsam, wie wir dieses Problem lösen können. As an irregular verb there is the changed stem nimm in the second person singular. Basic forms are isst, aß and hat gegessen. Wenn Du eine einzelne Person ansprichst und diese duzt (also sie mit “Du” ansprichst), schneidest Du dem konjugierten Verb das “-st” ab und lässt das Pronomen “du” weg: Du gibst mir die Schlüssel. Imperativ Öffnen Sie die Box. The auxiliary verb of vergessen is haben. An imperative is a form of the verb used when giving orders and instructions. Sie werden häufig verwendet. Contoh : Tolong pelajarilah materi ini sekarang! Dalam bahasa Jerman terdapat : Imperativsatz Formell. As an irregular verb there is the changed stem gib in the second person singular. Für Personen, die man duzt (du / ihr), verwendet man den informellen Imperativ. The auxiliary verb of kaufen is haben. Trink ein Bier mit mir! Conjugation of German verb essen. Oct 19, 2016 · In the case of weak verbs, the form is the stem. The conjugation of hören (i hear, hearing) in the imperative is: höre (du), hören wir, hört (ihr), hören Sie. Basic forms are trinkt, trank and hat getrunken. To derive this form of imperative, the respective verb is first conjugated to “du” pronoun and then the conjugated ending “st” is cut off from it. As an irregular verb there is the changed stem sprich in the second person singular. In Chapter 7, we examined how to form the imperative for normal German verbs. Basic forms are arbeitet, arbeitete and hat gearbeitet. The conjugation of aufstehen (get up, arise) in the imperative is: stehe (du) auf, stehen wir auf, steht (ihr) auf, stehen Sie auf. В первых двух случаях (du-Form и ihr-Form) в Imperativ, в отличие от вопросительных предложений без вопросительного слова, не используется подлежащее, выраженное местоимением du (ты) / ihr (вы), во 2 лице The conjugation of the verb arbeiten (work, labour) is regular. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense lauf. ‘du’ Form The conjugation of gehen (go, walk) in the imperative is: gehe (du), gehen wir, geht (ihr), gehen Sie. der normalen Wir-Form) entsprechen. Der deutsche Imperativ wird verwendet, um Befehle zu geben, etwas von jemandem zu verlangen oder einfach jemanden zu bitten, etwas zu Oct 6, 2021 · Language: German (de) ID: 1492238. The formation of the forms corresponds to the The conjugation of geben (give, give to) in the imperative is: gib (du), geben wir, gebt (ihr), geben Sie. Person Singular " er , sie , es " nicht möglich. Pixabay. 430 Ergebnisse für 'imperativ du form'. The imperative is a grammar mood. The imperative is used to express a wish, request or order. gucken (to look) du guckst. and 3. The auxiliary verb of machen is haben. There are three grammar moods in German: The indicative; The subjunctive; The imperative; The conjugation of the imperative is very simple. Lerne, wie der Imperativ im Deutschen (Du) warte(st) auf bessere Zeiten. Imperative for the 2. There are three main forms of it, corresponding to the three different ways of saying "you" in German: du, ihr and Sie. As an irregular verb there is the changed stem giss in the second person singular. That is why there are 4 scenarios for Imperative i. We can use it to address people in the 2. Die Befehlsform mit der Höflichkeitsform Sie funktioniert auf die gleich Weise: Verb im Infinitiv + Sie . The formation of the forms corresponds to May 15, 2020 · School subject: Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) (1061938) Main content: Imperativ (2010752) The conjugation of sprechen (speak (to), tell) in the imperative is: sprich (du), sprechen wir, sprecht (ihr), sprechen Sie. 10,000+ results for 'deutsch imperativ'. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense fahr. Forming the Imperative with Du Rule 1: To form the imperative for the 2nd person singular " du ," in most of the cases we just have to remove the ending -en from the infinitive and simply use the verb stem. machen (to do / make) du machst. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense schreib. Country: Russia. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense hör. genießt · gen oss · hat gen oss en. The endings -e, -en, -et, -en are appended to the stem. The auxiliary verb of sein is sein. 1 day ago · There are three main forms of the imperative that are used to give instructions or orders to someone. person singular and plural ( du, ihr) and the formal form Sie. von Karindeutschleh. -->. Demnach ist die 3. Konjugation des Verbs „anrufen“ zum Imperativ, Partizip und Infinitiv im Deutschen. The "du" form of the imperative is formed by dropping the final "-en" of the infinitive and adding "-e" to the end of the word. The use of the German imperative is very frequent and does not represent any lack of When do we use the imperative in German? We use the imperative when addressing other people directly. Verb entschuldigen can be used reflexivly. Basic forms are entschuldigt, entschuldigte and hat entschuldigt. May 2, 2022 · Du-imperative. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense ruf. For a better understanding, countless examples of the verb arbeiten are available. The stem vowels are i - a - u. Conjugation of German verb laufen. Country code: RU. This form always uses an exclamation mark. The auxiliary verb of arbeiten is haben. The flection is in Active and the use as Main. Den Imperativ für wir formst du, indem du das Verb im Infinitiv + wir bildest. by Gerleckamila. 12 The imperative of reflexive verbs. Basic forms are ist, war and ist gewesen. We also use the imperative when we are in a group and ask the group (including us) to do something. Viel Spaß!In this video you learn the imp Deutsch. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense frag. For a better understanding, countless examples of the verb haben are available. Imperative of all German verbs. Conjugation of German verb denken. And then here. These correspond to the three different ways of saying you: du, ihr, Sie, and wir. Deutsch als Fremdsprache Imperativ. For practicing and consolidating, there are also The conjugation of the verb spielen (play, play (against)) is regular. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense bleib. These conjugation tenses are not used very often. There are four main forms of the imperative mood that are used to give instructions or orders to someone. The formal imperative. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical Ich bleibe lieber zu Hause! Grimm Grammar is an online German grammar reference from the University of Texas at Austin. As an irregular verb there is the changed stem lies in the second person singular. Video. For a better understanding, countless examples of the verb sein are available. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense bring. Person Singular " du ", die 2. The imperative is formed by simple verb forms. by Deutschonlineru. Mit dem Imperativ sagt man dem Gesprächspartner, was er machen soll. von Irinavolkova. It can only occur in the second person, so we just need to learn three main forms: du (informal singular), ihr (informal plural), and Sie (formal singular & plural). The formation of the forms corresponds to the Imperative of German verb schreiben. The formation of the forms corresponds to the Der Imperativ ist die Aufforderungs- bzw. The auxiliary verb of essen is haben. e. In German the imperative is a little more complicated though; as there exists three different imperative forms, depending on the number of persons being addressed, and whether addressed formally or informally. Imperativsatz Informell. Prepositions taking the genitive case. The conjugation of bleiben (stay, remain) in the imperative is: bleibe (du), bleiben wir, bleibt (ihr), bleiben Sie. En alemán se denomina a este modo: Imperativ o Befehlsform y a la oración de imperativo o exhortativa: Aufforderungssatz. Imperativ Whack-a-mole. Mit dem Imperativ drückt man eine Bitte, eine Aufforderung oder einen Befehl aus. The imperative forms simple forms. The prefix an- of anrufen is separated. Word Order: Modifiers: Other Features El imperativo en alemán, der Imperativ, se usa para dar órdenes o hacer una petición. One can assign the imperative to the present tense. Bagaimana bentuk kalimat perintah (Imperativsatz) dalam bahasa Jerman? Informell. There are no forms of the imperative for the individual tenses. uo ai mn hd ru al ur aj ec qs