Guardian glass acoustic calculator app. User guides and brochures.

Guardian glass acoustic calculator app Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic glass offers incredible sound insulation. Visit our Resource Hub to learn more! Need to estimate the acoustic performance of a glazing. Username. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic este sticla laminată de la Guardian cu un strat intermediar avansat care îmbunătățește semnificativ performanța de izolare fonică (Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic cuprinde două sau mai multe panouri de sticlă îmbinate cu ajutorul unor straturi intermediare din PVB cu proprietăți antifonice). . From iconic architectural projects that push the boundaries of glass technology, to the development of some of the most energy-efficient home, work and retail environments. Laminated acoustic glass comprises two or more panes of glass bonded together using PVB interlayers. To enjoy a tranquil and comfortable home, the noise levels inside should be no more than 35 dB during the day and 30 dB at night. Ob Verkehr, Nachbarn, Baustelle oder Flughäfen, LamiGlass® Akustikglas bietet durch eine spezielle schallabsorbierende Zwischenschicht Schutz vor Lärm bei allen Różnica jest w tym, czego nie słyszysz. Jul 17, 2023 · Firma Guardian Glass wprowadza nową funkcję do rozwiązania Performance Calculator. Lo strumento attuale fa parte di Glass Analytics, una suite completa di strumenti di ingegneria e analisi di Guardian Glass che aiutano a dimostrare i vantaggi del The Guardian Performance Calculator, Building Energy Calculator, Sustainability Calculator, Glass Visualizer and Acoustic Assistant tools (collectively known as "Glass Analytics") were developed by Guardian Glass, LLC ("Guardian") for use by its sales, technical staff, and channel partners to evaluate and compare various aspects of glass and The sound from a vehicle measures around 70 Decibels (dB), while a siren is around 110dB. com Contact: Siria Nielsen +31 164 317 036 snielsen@emg-pr. Glass Analytics online tools offer a comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical reports that demonstrate the advantages of high-performance glass in building facades. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Aug 13, 2015 · This latest version, available free of charge, now offers access to more than 37,000 calculated acoustic values, including octave band centre frequencies, from 125 to 4,000 hz, and provides the acoustic performance for some of the most obscure insulating glass unit configurations, such as thick glass and thick laminated constructions. Se utilizzato insieme a Guardian ClimaGuard® e Guardian SunGuard® Glass, migliora anche aspetti come controllo solare e isolamento termico, trasmissione della luce, aspetto e trasparenza. We would be happy to work through your specification with you, identifying the finer details of your project. Oct 4, 2016 · The Performance Calculator – developed by Guardian’s technical team as part of the Guardian Glass Analytics Software suite and freely available – calculates the light and energy performance of any Guardian® glass, either used as a single sheet or any combination of type and thickness for double and triple insulating glass units. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic — це триплекс Guardian з удосконаленим прошарком, який значно покращує шумоізоляцію (Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic складається з двох або більшої кількості стекол, з’єднаних разом Guardian Glass hat eine einfach zu bedienende, fortschrittliche Software für die Analyse von Glas- und Verglasungssystemen entwickelt. May 14, 2021 · Single & Laminated Glass Data. O Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic é o vidro laminado da Guardian com uma camada intermédia avançada que melhora significativamente o desempenho na redução de som (o Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic inclui dois painéis de vidro ligados entre si com camadas de PVB para redução de som). Narzędzia internetowe Glass Analytics oferują kompleksowy zestaw danych inżynieryjnych i analitycznych , które demonstrują zalety wysokiej jakości szkła w elewacjach budynków. The latest version is mobile and tablet optimised, and available free of charge. Heat-strengthened glass is approximately 2 x stronger than annealed glass. A world leader in glass manufacturing. Acoustics now play a key role in most architectural specifications, whether it is for commercial building, […] Glass Analytics ONLINE SUITE OF ENGINEERING AND ANALYTIC TOOLS FOR GLASS ©2020 Guardian Glass, LLC Guardian Glass Analytic Tools g Customize product options using the Performance Calculator g Visualize under varied lighting conditions using Guardian's Glass Visualizer g Analyze building performance using the Building Energy Calculator Laminated acoustic glass comprises two or more panes of glass bonded together using PVB interlayers. Finden Sie Projekte auf der ganzen Welt Vorzeigeprojekte GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here O vidro Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic oferece um isolamento sonoro incrível. sweckx@guardian. The types of glass covered include standard float glass, laminated glass which offers enhanced performance in terms of safety and sound control, and Guardian LamiGlass Sound Control, which combines acoustic performance with all the benefits of traditional laminated safety glass. Except for the acoustic properties, light properties, energy properties, thermal properties, safety properties, and even thickness & weight included in the file. Download further information, technical details and white papers on our ranges and specialist glass solutions The difference is what you can't hear. Invisible glass is here. A diferença está no que não consegue ouvir. Desde proyectos arquitectónicos emblemáticos que traspasan los límites de la tecnología del vidrio hasta el desarrollo de algunos de los entornos domésticos, laborales y minoristas más energéticamente eficientes. Estimate acoustic performance of glazing using the Acoustic Assitant. El vidrio laminado proporciona una mayor resistencia mecánica y beneficios de seguridad. One of the key features of the Guardian Plus technical centre is the acoustic table which enables customers to get instant acoustic performance certificates for over 470 glass and glazing configurations. Réduction du bruit et création d’une ambiance plus paisible, ce qui est important pour le bien-être. LamiGlass Acoustic › Europe Europe La différence, c’est ce que vous n’entendez pas. Suitable for any application in which excessive reflection creates an obstruction, Guardian Clarity™ glass has the ability to combine function, strength and beauty by maximising visibility and minimising light reflection. This latest May 8, 2018 · Guardian Glass in Europe has introduced an enhancement to the company’s widely-used suite of web-based software tools, Glass Analytics, improving the ability of European users to demonstrate the advantages of high performance glass in building facades. Acoustic assistant. User guides and brochures. Líder mundial no fabrico de vidro. Coincidiendo con el 26 de abril, Día Internacional de Concienciación sobre el Ruido, Guardian Glass (uno de los mayores fabricantes del mundo de vidrio float y vidrio de capa) reflexiona acerca de cómo la contaminación acústica a la que estamos expuestos en nuestro país nos repercute de una manera imperceptible. Read more about the tools below A leader in tools for the glass industry. Guardian Glass offers you a wealth of technical notes, tools – including the Acoustic Assistant – and online learning to enhance your knowledge about glass and help you specify the most appropriate glass for your project. Projenizin ince ayrıntılarını belirleyerek şartnameniz üzerinde sizinle birlikte çalışmaktan mutluluk duyarız. In addition to acoustic performance, Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offers all the benefits of standard laminated glass, including safety, security and UV protection. Jul 9, 2013 · A new, free acoustic calculator from Guardian UK is said to have attracted hundreds of new members to Guardian Plus – the business support programme ‘designed to promote and strengthen businesses in the glass and glazing industry’. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic est le verre feuilleté de Guardian avec un intercalaire avancé qui améliore considérablement les performances de réduction du son (Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic comprend deux panneaux de verre collés ensemble à l’aide d’intercalaires PVB transparents). Ajuda a reduzir o ruído e a criar um ambiente mais tranquilo, tudo isto é importante para o bem-estar. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic Vidrio acústico Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic es un vidrio laminado que aporta aislamiento acústico a tus ventanas. Gli strumenti online di Glass Analytics offrono una suite completa di report tecnici e analitici che dimostrano i vantaggi del vetro ad alte prestazioni nelle facciate degli edifici. Von ikonischen architektonischen Projekten, die die Grenzen der Glastechnologie neu ausloten, bis hin zur Entwicklung einiger der energieeffizientesten Wohn-, Arbeits- und Einzelhandelsumgebungen. Le verre Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offre une incroyable isolation acoustique. Visit our Resource Hub to learn more! Learn how to select, specify, and visualize our glass products with our online tools. Leia mais sobre Різниця в тому, чого ви не почуєте. A new feature in the Performance Calculator allows users to calculate the embodied carbon for the glazing configurations they select. Availability: Metric Unit & Imperial Unit, ASHARE standard & EN standard. Acoustic Assistant Estimate the acoustic performance of different glazing make-ups or identify which glazing can meet your sound Un líder mundial en fabricación de vidrio. Guardian Glass steht an der Spitze dessen, was mit diesem unglaublichen Material erreicht werden kann. Excellent light transmission is possible without the heat that usually comes with it. Guardian Nexa 6 can be used as a base or laminated glass with our high-performance coatings to offer solar control and thermal insulation, and add security, sound reduction or bird-friendly properties when laminated. A funcionalidade permite aos utilizadores calcular o carbono incorporado das configurações de envidraçamento que selecionam. Die Online-Tools von Glass Analytics bieten eine umfassende Reihe von technischen und analytischen Berichten, die die Vorteile von Hochleistungsglas in Gebäudefassaden aufzeigen. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) GAP: 100% Air 12. Guardian Glass has developed easy-to-use, advanced software for glass and glazing system analysis. 0 is part of the Guardian Plus Dec 8, 2022 · Customers and the wider glass community of fabricators, wholesalers, architects, specifiers, glaziers and dealers can now benefit from 24/7 online access to the Guardian Glass Resource Hub, a new digital platform that offers technical information on glass, as well as engineering, analytical and specification tools, marketing resources and interactive training. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (3-SunGuard® HP Neutral 60 (Middle East & Africa Discontinued)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Learn how to select, specify, and visualize our glass products with our online tools. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic Glas bietet unglaubliche Schalldämmung. This easy-to-use digital program helps users see how Guardian glazing makeups can help a project earn certification from green building rating systems such as LEED®, the Living Building Challenge and the WELL Building Standard. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (2-SunGuard® HD Colors, HD Blue (Middle East & Africa)) GAP: 10% Air, 90% Argon 12. Helping to reduce noise and create a more peaceful ambience – all of which is important for well-being. La diferencia es lo que no se escucha. Visit our Resource Hub to learn more! Jul 27, 2015 · Guardian Industries’ Glass Group in the UK, a leading supplier of industry-leading commercial, residential and interior glass products, has introduced the latest version (2. Rozdíl je v míře odhlučnění. The new feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO2 equivalent for a wide number of glazing combinations, as it is available for most float glass and sputter-coated glass products produced by Guardian Glass in North America SunGuard® High Durable Colours combines high resistance and solar control with a choice of vivid exterior colours. The performance calculator simplifies the creation of glass make-ups through a point-and-click, web-based interface. Oltre alle prestazioni acustiche, Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offre tutti i vantaggi del vetro laminato standard, tra cui sicurezza e protezione UV. Funkcja ta umożliwia użytkownikom obliczenie wbudowanej emisji węgla w odniesieniu do wybieranych konfiguracji szklenia. A Guardian Glass desenvolveu um software avançado e fácil de utilizar para análise de sistemas de envidraçamento e vidro. Visit our Resource Hub to learn more! Sign in with your username and password. Compare that to normal speech, which is 50-60 dB. It also looks just as good from the inside, offering clear, transparent views and high colour accuracy. The Guardian Performance Calculator, Building Energy Calculator, Sustainability Calculator, Glass Visualizer and Acoustic Assistant tools (collectively known as "Glass Analytics") were developed by Guardian Glass, LLC ("Guardian") for use by its sales, technical staff, and channel partners to evaluate and compare various aspects of glass and In addition to acoustic performance, Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offers all the benefits of standard laminated glass, including safety, security and UV protection. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (North America) Glass, 1/4" (6mm) (2-SunGuard® SN 54 (North America)) GAP: 100% Air 12. Saint-Gobain Glass (United Kingdom) Limited, registered Jul 28, 2015 · Guardian Industries’ Glass Group in the UK, has introduced the latest version (2. Guardian Glass is at the forefront of what can be achieved with this incredible material. A Low-E Glass with High Transparency and Thermal Insulation. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic es un vidrio laminado de Guardian con una capa intercalada avanzada que mejora de forma significativa el rendimiento en la reducción del sonido (consta de dos o más paneles de vidrio unidos mediante entrecapas de PVB de reducción de sonido). Its superb natural light transmission, solar protection and thermal insulation make it ideal for a wide range of applications. The sound from a vehicle measures around 70 Decibels (dB), while a siren is around 110dB. High on your list for low heat gain. Ya sea el tráfico, los vecinos, la construcción o los aeropuertos, el vidrio LamiGlass® Acoustic ofrece protección contra el ruido en todas las Guardian olarak, binalarda cam kullanımı konusunda zengin bir uzmanlığa sahibiz. Performance Calculator Use the online calculator to make advanced glazing calculations, modelling the thermal, optical, acoustic and embodied carbon values for our glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. 0) of its acoustic calculator, an industry tool that helps glass and building professionals identify the best insulating glass unit (IGU) configuration to meet a project’s specific glazing May 10, 2018 · Guardian Glass in Europe has introduced an enhancement to the company’s widely-used suite of web-based software tools, Glass Analytics, improving the ability of European users to demonstrate the advantages of high performance glass in building façades. The quite pleasant cooperation with Morn BM helps us winning more and more projects,Morn BM's professional response is faster than light,they can always find the right materials we need with good price and good service,Morn makes continuous fast growing possible. We have being working with Morn BM for several years,whether it's glass,aluminium ,hardware,steel products,Morn BM GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 5/32" (4mm) (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Embodied carbon calculation. Download further information, technical details and white papers on our ranges and specialist glass solutions The database including PPG Glass/AGC Glass/Cardinal Glass/China Yaohua Pilkington Glass/CSG Glass/Guardian Glass/China Jinjing Glass/Pilkington Glass/Saint Gobain Glass. Multiple glass Guardian Glass, cam ve camlama sistem analizi için kullanımı kolay, gelişmiş yazılım geliştirmiştir. La función permite a los usuarios calcular el carbono incorporado para las configuraciones de acristalamiento que seleccionan. Os usuários têm a opção de ver estimativas do processo de envidraçamento, encontrar soluções ou acessar/visualizar diretamente a tabela de desempenho acústico. กระจก: Guardian Clear Glass (Asia Pacific) กระจก, 1/8" = 3 มม. Read more about the tools below Evaluate environmental performance attributes of Guardian Glass products with the Guardian Sustainability Calculator. El interés por tener más luz natural en los edificios está impulsando una tendencia hacia el uso de ventanas más grandes y que favorezcan la eficiencia energética, y las normativas nacionales y municipales requieren el uso de vidrio protector en un número cada vez mayor de aplicaciones SunGuard® SuperNeutral™ is our commercial range of double silver coated glass, ideal for those seeking high-performance with a highly neutral aesthetic. L’attuale Performance Calculator di Guardian Glass è uno strumento online per configurare le proprietà termiche e ottiche di substrati vetrosi, rivestimenti e strati intermedi. CalumenLive from Saint Gobain (SGG) Need to estimate the acoustic performance of a glazing. Helping you reduce embodied carbon across a wide range of facade applications. ค่าที่คำนวณได้เป็นไปตาม NFRC2010 Firma Guardian Glass opracowała łatwe w użyciu, zaawansowane oprogramowanie do analizy systemów szklenia. Mejora el aislamiento acústico de tus ventanas en entornos urbanos o sometidos a ruidos específicos (aeropuertos, carreteras). 6. A Guardian Glass está na vanguarda do que pode ser possível com este material incrível. Guardian Clarity™ is an anti-reflective glass that delivers an outstanding viewing experience. Developed to help the glass community of fabricators, processors, wholesalers, architects and specifiers learn more about glass and the role it plays as a design and building material, the new Guardian Glass Training Center is a digital learning platform that offers a variety of online interactive training tools and resources, including video-based learning sessions, accredited training Tempered VIG uses tempered glass panes for enhanced safety and performance over standard insulated glass or non-tempered VIG. " Jun 16, 2023 · A Guardian Glass introduziu uma nova funcionalidade na sua ferramenta Performance Calculator. As ferramentas online de Glass Analytics™ oferecem um conjunto abrangente de relatórios analíticos e de engenharia que demonstram as vantagens do vidro de alto desempenho na construção de fachadas. 76mm Clear (CE), 0. The Performance Calculator: enables comprehensive modelling of glass make-ups and generate center-of-glass performance properties; The Acoustic Assistant: helps estimate the acoustic performance of different glass make-ups The Glass Visualizer: helps assess the aesthetic properties of virtually any glass make-up Tempered glass is approximately 4 x stronger than annealed (standard) glass. Ayudando a reducir el ruido y crear un ambiente más tranquilo, todo ello importante para el bienestar. When combined with Guardian ClimaGuard® and Guardian SunGuard® glass it also offers improved solar control and thermal insulation, light transmission, appearance and clarity. Guardian’s Performance Calculator simplifies creation of glass make-ups through a simple point-and-click, web-based interface. La différence, c’est ce que vous n’entendez pas. Szkło Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic zapewnia niesamowitą izolację akustyczną. El vidrio Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic ofrece un increíble aislamiento acústico. May 20, 2014 · By defining the different types of sound control performance and providing the noise reduction at octave centre frequencies, the Guardian Plus Acoustic Calculator allows the user to go beyond a single figure dB rating by also finding a suitable glass configuration to reduce specific nuisance noise. Glass Acoustic Performance ©2020 Guardian Glass, LLC v. 174,000 square meters of Guardian SunGuard solar control glass and Guardian ClimaGuard low-E glass for the tallest building in the world Diar al hasa Glass helps provide quality living, and unique residential communities for Saudi citizens Guardian Nexa lower-carbon glass applications. May 27, 2014 · There are many options available to determine the acoustic performance of glass; however, none of them achieve the same level of detail and commercial support, as the Acoustic Calculator in Guardian Glass UK’s business support programme – Guardian Plus. Pomaga ograniczyć hałas i stworzyć atmosferę spokoju – wszystko to jest ważne dla naszego dobrego samopoczucia. Das Online-Tool ist Teil von Guardian Glass Analytics, einer umfassenden Suite von technischen und analytischen Tools, mit denen die Vorteile von The current Guardian Glass Performance Calculator is an online tool for modeling the thermal and optical properties of glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. com Guardian Glass in Europe launches new Glass Analytics tool to replace the Guardian Configurator for improved glass performance analysis Bertrange, Luxembourg, May 8, 2018 – Guardian Glass in Europe has introduced an Jul 8, 2013 · The Guardian Plus Technical Centre is becoming a key tool for any business involved in the glass or glazing industry and it’s free to join. Apr 12, 2023 · Guardian LamiGlass Acoustic para protejer los hogares frente al ruido. Desde projetos arquitetónicos icónicos que expandem os limites da tecnologia de vidro, passando pelo desenvolvimento de alguns dos ambientes domésticos, de trabalho e de retalho mais eficientes em termos energéticos. SunGuard® High Performance Neutral 55 is a low-emissive glass that offers high transparency with thermal insulation to suit challenging projects. Tempered glass can correspondingly qualify as safety glazing. Ideal for double-glazed windows in residential applications, Guardian ClimaGuard® 1. Password Entdecken Sie Guardian Glass-Projekte in Ihrer Nähe und darüber hinaus mit Google Street View und lassen Sie sich von den Möglichkeiten inspirieren. Aug 11, 2015 · The Acoustic Calculator is an industry tool that helps glass and building professionals identify the best insulating glass unit (IGU) configuration to meet a project’s specific glazing requirements. GLASS: Guardian Clear Glass (Middle East & Africa) Glass, 3/16" (5mm) (3-SunGuard® HP Neutral 60 (Middle East & Africa Discontinued)) Calculated Values are in accordance with NFRC2010 Intelligent glass – ultimate comfort. When broken, its shards are more conductive to Jul 28, 2023 · In addition to the performance properties generated by the Performance Calculator, the new feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO2 equivalents for the configured glazing (only for the glass components manufactured by Guardian Glass, not for additional components in the build-up such as spacers or frame). Guardian Glass está a la vanguardia de lo que se puede lograr con este increíble material. PVB: PVB Noise Reduction SR 0. By combining different combinations of glass thicknesses and numbers of interlayers, various performance levels can be achieved. Ceea ce contează este ce nu se aude. Lütfen sorunuzu destekleyecek ek bilgilerle birlikte bilgilerinizi verin; bir Guardian Glass uzmanı size geri dönecektir. Today we operate across 5 continents and 160 countries. Use our Acoustic Assistant to evaluate the performance of a glazing combination. g Customize product options using the Performance Calculator g Visualize under varied lighting conditions using Guardian's Glass Visualizer g Analyze building performance using the Building Energy Calculator g Design using Guardian's BIM Generator Customize SunGuard’s Performance Calculator simplifies creation of glass make-ups through Create your vision—with a view. Need to estimate the acoustic performance of a glazing. 762 มม. Acoustic Assistant Estimate the acoustic performance of different glazing make-ups or identify which glazing can meet your sound GLASS: Guardian ExtraClear (CE) Glass, 4mm (5-ClimaGuard® Premium2 (CE)) Calculated Values are in accordance with EN 410:2011 / EN 673:2011 Performance Values For more details on the performance values displayed and Embodied CO2 please click here Acoustic Calculator. The new Acoustic Calculator 2. Jun 16, 2023 · Guardian Glass, Performance Hesaplayıcıya aracına yeni bir özellik ekledi. Visit our Resource Hub to learn more! Guardian Glass ha desarrollado un software avanzado y fácil de usar para el análisis de sistemas de vidrio y acristalamiento. " Who is Guardian Glass? We are a world leader in float, laminated and coated glass manufacturing, working with glass since 1932. Візуалізатор Guardian Glass Guardian Glass Visualizer створює фотореалістичні зображення зовнішнього та внутрішнього скління в режимі реального часу, що дозволяє користувачеві оцінити естетичні властивості будь Evaluate environmental performance attributes of Guardian Glass products with the Guardian Sustainability Calculator. The difference is what you can't hear. Guardian Glass ha introducido una nueva función en su herramienta Performance Calculator. O Guardian Acoustic Assistant é uma ferramenta para ter uma estimativa do desempenho acústico de diferentes tipos de envidraçamento. Es reduziert Lärm und schafft ein friedlicheres Ambiente, was für das Wohlbefinden ausschlaggebend ist. Guardian Glass a développé un logiciel avancé facile à utiliser pour l’analyse des systèmes de vitrage et de verre. Las herramientas en línea de Glass Analytics ofrecen un conjunto completo de informes de ingeniería y análisis que demuestran las ventajas del vidrio de alto rendimiento en fachadas de edificios. Tempered glass is up to four times stronger than non-tempered glass. Jul 17, 2023 · In addition to the extensive performance properties generated by the Performance Calculator, the new feature provides an estimate of the embodied CO 2 eq. The Dec 8, 2022 · Customers and the wider glass community of fabricators, processors, wholesalers, architects and specifiers can now benefit from 24/7 online access to the Guardian Glass Resource Hub, a new digital platform that offers a wealth of technical information on glass, as well as engineering, analytical and specification tools, marketing resources and interactive training – all in one place. 0) of its Acoustic Calculator, an industry tool that helps glass and building professionals identify the best insulated glass unit (IGU) configuration to meet a project’s specific glazing requirements. SunGuard® SuperNeutral® (SN) 70/35 is a neutral blue glass that offers solar protection while reducing the need for artificial light. An online FREE software you can reach easily, simple, and easy to use. Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic je laminované sklo společnosti Guardian se speciálně vyvinutou mezivrstvou, která výrazně zlepšuje jeho vlastnosti z hlediska odhlučnění (sklo Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic se skládá ze dvou skleněných tabulí, které jsou spojeny pomocí polyvinylbutyralových mezivrstev tlumících zvuk). Cette fonction permet aux utilisateurs de calculer le carbone incorporé pour les configurations de vitrage qu’ils sélectionnent. Password The Guardian Performance Calculator tool provides modeling of the thermal and optical properties for glass make-ups ranging from monolithic uncoated glass to highly complex combinations of float glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. for the configured glazing (only for the glass components manufactured by Guardian Glass, not for additional components in the build-up such as spacers or frame). A leader in tools for the glass industry. Pode ser trânsito, vizinhos, construção ou aeroportos, o vidro LamiGlass® Acoustic oferece proteção contra ruído em todas as frequências devido a uma Need to estimate the acoustic performance of a glazing. Guardian Glass ha sviluppato un software avanzato e di facile utilizzo per l’analisi dei sistemi di vetro e vetratura. Welcome to our landing page for our how-to videos. 0mm. The existing tool is part of Glass Analytics, a comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical tools from Guardian Glass that help demonstrate the benefits of high-performance Aug 25, 2015 · Guardian Industries’ Glass Group in the UK, a supplier of commercial, residential and interior glass products, has introduced the latest version (2. When broken, it is designed to break into small pieces with comparatively dull edges. Guardian Glass a ajouté une nouvelle fonction à son outil Performance Calculator. Please provide your details with any additional information to support your inquiry and a Guardian Glass expert will get back to you. Der aktuelle Guardian Glass Performance Calculator ist ein Online-Tool zur Modellierung der thermischen und optischen Eigenschaften von Glassubstraten, Beschichtungen und Zwischenfolien. Sign in with your username and password. Les outils en ligne de Glass Analytics offrent une suite complète de rapports d’ingénierie et d’analyse qui illustrent les avantages du verre haute performance dans les façades de bâtiments. Use the calculator to model the thermal and optical properties for your glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. Here you will find a series of short videos that will guide you through our digital tools and show you how to use them. Guardian glass visualizer. Glass Analytics çevrim içi araçlar, bina cephelerinde yüksek performanslı camın avantajlarını göstermek için mühendislik ve analitik raporlarına yönelik kapsamlı bir yazılım sunar. It allows heat entry to be controlled and balances the amount of light coming in, allowing it to be fully integrated into the regional landscape and into the project design itself. 0 W/m2K) physically possible in a double insulating glass unit 4-16-4 panel. 174,000 square meters of Guardian SunGuard solar control glass and Guardian ClimaGuard low-E glass for the tallest building in the world Diar al hasa Glass helps provide quality living, and unique residential communities for Saudi citizens Performance Calculator Use the online calculator to make advanced glazing calculations, modelling the thermal, optical, acoustic and embodied carbon values for our glass substrates, coatings and interlayers. Our architectural glass solutions offer a wide range of performances and aesthetic options to help meet your projects’ requirements. Guardian Glass ha desarrollado un software avanzado y fácil de usar para el análisis de sistemas de vidrio y acristalamiento. Visit our Resource Hub to learn more! Guardian Glass ha desarrollado software avanzado y fácil de usar para el análisis de sistemas de vidrio y acristalamiento. Las herramientas en línea de Glass Analytics ofrecen un conjunto completo de informes de ingeniería y análisis que demuestran las ventajas del vidrio de alto rendimiento en las fachadas de edificios. At Guardian, we have a wealth of expertise around the use of glass in building. 0+ is a thermally insulating glass that provides the highest level of light transmission (76%) and thermal insulation (U value of 1. Neutral Plus 41 is the ideal solar control glass for large residential applications. 7mm. 0) of its Acoustic Calculator, an industry tool that helps glass and building professionals identify the best insulating glass unit (IGU) configuration to meet a project’s specific glazing requirements. Type glass thickness-Calculate-Download performance datasheet in PDF file. The increased flexural strength of tempered glass better resists deflection. Continental Europe - NL. Is the sum of the solar direct transmittance and the secondary heat transfer factor of the glazing towards the inside, the latter resulting from heat transfer by convection and longwave IR-radiation of that part of the incident solar radiation which has been absorbed by the glazing. Bu özellik, kullanıcıların seçtikleri cam kombinasyonlarının gömülü karbon değerini hesaplamalarını sağlar. Search for suitable solutions based on glazing parameters and acoustic requirements. 2020-es-gap - 1 - Approximate Sound Levels Onset of Hearing 0 dB Ticking Watch 20 dB In addition to acoustic performance, Guardian LamiGlass® Acoustic offers all the benefits of standard laminated glass, including safety, security and UV protection. Reduce el sonido del exterior y convierte tu casa en un remanso de paz. swwdd whkteqa ofyxm nkdne hzzvp wpdg wbvz prsxlv qxirk gzd lsgkzb ajm dearl iqs uqd