Reddit quest 3 games. This would mean the plural of Quest 3s is “Quests 3s”. Red Matter 1 and 2 are also super good. Seeing the same thing on quest 3 as of 1-2 hours ago. If you don't have a beast PC and already have a ps5 PSVR2 is a no brainer man. If you have some interest in physics and astronomy it is a must play, because it takes some gimmicks and phenomena and implements them great into the game. Your character wields swords, bows, and magic. Racoon Lagoon: As close to Animal Crossing as Quest has right now. MOTHERGUNSHIP: FORGE. For context: I've been deeply involved in VR since the Rift DK1 days and tried just about every headset on the market. . However, there was definitely a noticeable increase in clarity on the steam version vs the standalone version of the indigoneko. Prestigious_Guest182. Top 3 Games / Experiences for Meta quest 3: The best experience for people trying the Quest 3 for the first time, is Richie's Plank Experience. My big questions: Honestly, $500 is a lot for a consumer to pick up but this is the very first headset imo which is 'normal consumer' ready. So far on Qeust 3, I've played PowerWash Simulator, I Expect You to Die 2, and Prison Boss. Now I’m just kind of waiting until they release it before I make any major decisions. Removed Green Hell, Hellsweeper, Tentacular, Ultrawings 2. Probably around the same time as the Quest 3. They've all been great! Prison Boss has you in a cell, press a button to turn 90 left or right. If you're playing standalone VR games, the Quest 3 runs games better than the Quest 2, either with higher framerates or better graphics. But having to replug the headset into my PC, allow Sidequest to access and boot up Sidequest every restart is annoying. , are all under 128 GB. I believe it was created for Quest 2 and is very blurry. No support for multiple monitors (or Linux :p) but it arguably has the best latency times of any other platform (except wired, ofc). This means there's pretty much 0. OP • 5 mo. The premise is that you are a secret agent with a telekinetic implant that lets you move things with your mind, and you are going on these missions to stop the evil Dr. It just feels like I burnt through 500usd like it was nothing. The Quest 3 supports Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5. Game selection. Djinnboo90. Penguin_shit15. Come discuss your crippling Kickstarter addiction and The Wife's new boyfriend. Not to even mention the amount of cod mp maps & halo & star wars stuff out there. The battery lasts less than 1 hour when you are 512GB SSDs cost about $30-40 right now, and that's just retail pricing. They are nice piece of hardware with cool technology and serious improvements vs meta quest 2. I only have one purchased PT video with script and it's the Macy Meadows bored roommate scene. All had seated experiences. Job simulator, vacation simulator, i expect you to die. Hmm, I have about 40 sideloaded and many of the Oculus Go games are amazing in 6DOF. 1. It's a blast and really makes perfect use of single VR multiplayer. It is like running any other program on your computer oculus and steam can't see what you are you running unless it's a game you bought. Spacefolk City (on Quest 2) supports passthrough, it doesn't use the real world for anything but it's nice being able to see around you while playing. Go to details page, hit download and nothing happens. The reviews, gameplay videos made me believed that it is so good, so crisp, but it just was not it. Real VR Fishing is the answer, and for kiddos get Bait! for free. Add a Comment. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. But that is to be expected. HUBRIS is another game I enjoy playing. Tip 4: Refund app purchases. " Techradar: only says it can be linked and, that PC VR is "so last-gen". I own a Quest Pro and a Quest 2, and play Beat Saber at a pretty high Expert+ level. Rule: NO direct linking to /r/boardgames. io for $9. Zombies Noir. Worth going for 512gig? I’ve been reading the main arguments for 128gig versus 512gig Mega Quest 3. This is the best 500 USD i ever spent, just got to I upgraded to Quest 3 from CV1 last week. The #1 reddit source for satirizing board game related subreddits and The Hobby™ in general. Many people believe that if a game does not offer motion controls, then it’s not Half-life 2 VR mod is currently a trip down memory lane. Well, Meta’s big bet on a first-party title paid This seems pretty sick. A sad day for piracy, but maybe the devs for rookie and shit will fix it. We take a more critical look at the LukeRoss VR mod with Cyberpunk 2077 using our top-end PC and Quest 3. Yupitergrad and Yupitergrad 2 are also amazing games that are super fun. Most PC games, today, are well under 128 GB. In the menu that appears, select Factory Reset. Full list of Quest+ games so far : Contractors (March 2024) Shadow Point (March 2024) I Expect You To Die (February 2024) DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate (February 2024) Best apps/games to show off Quest 3. There are others like Grid where you can whack up all the graphics settings on Quest 3 without impacting performance like on the 2. (Get it on sale and mod the crap out of it. My big questions: HUBRIS is another game I enjoy playing. Asgard's Wrath 2 feels very classic 3D Zelda to me (classic, so more Ocarina of Time than Breath of the Wild). I feel like it is very overhyped. Everyone leans on the table at least once in Eleven Table Tennis. Mixed reality is still crap, not something I want to spend any time in, but it's better than the Pro. I've been heavily involved in VR gaming since 2017, and firing that up last night for the first time was like the first time in VR all over again. There are some awesome Quest 2 games like Phantom: Covert Ops or The Room that won’t really use the new hardware but among the best of Quest 2 experiences I had. Otherwise, choose based on the games you want to play. So I just went with standalone. The world is huge, and semi-open in the style of the classic zelda games (you're free to explore each large The only game that came close was Medal of Honor, and that was due to garbage optimization, no other reason. The bundle included a free copy of Asgards Wrath 1, which you play using the Oculus Software on PC. SteamVR), the Quest 3 will get lower framerates than the Quest 2 because the PC needs to run the games at a higher resolution. I would have said you’re right if this was 3 years ago, but I think in todays age there’s actual games u can play for hours on end on vr that aren’t just gimmicky, there’s also more games coming out like Asgard’s warth 2 which u get free with quest 3 if you order it this month. at quest 2 native res at 120Hz (big bump to smoothness, small bump to visuals), and games like the climb, robo recall, moss, red matter, etc. A simple place to find Quest Referrals, Deals, and Contests -- Plan on purchasing an Oculus Quest and are looking for an bump in Oculus Store credits, then make sure to activate a referral prior to activating your Quest. Also, Crashland can be played while seated. Just bought quest 3, and feel very confused, sad, and disappointed. almostRandomNickname. Update 12/21/2023 – List re-ordered. Edit: a bit more explanation since a lot of ppl seem to be missing the point 😅 A lot of games could have code like this: I haven't used SideQuest or side loaded any games in months because I've got Cx File Explorer, WinZip, and BitComet After downloading new apks via a browser within quest, you just directly install apks using Cx File Explorer. ago. Hopefully soon, but it'll probably take a bit. I carried over my battery pack from the quest 2, so I dont need another one, Luckily I already had video/data cable for connecting to pc as well. Can be grainy at times, but in a well natural lit room it’s very good. Please read EVERYTHING as to not mess up the process or miss an important bit of know-how. To reset the view of both your active app and the home menu, simply press and hold the meta button on the right controller for 2 seconds. Like pushing a button with your virtual finger for example. So i got beat saber to install on my quest after doing all the instructions but when i go into my quest i can only see the pirated bear saber game on my installed apps sections in my settings but not on my the app menu, so i basically don’t have an option to run it. Dungeons of Eternity is an amazing standalone game. Zor of Zoraxis Industries. !!!! This is my 1st VR headset, i got it for a week now since then i did not launch a non VR games and i got plenty of them. Bogo and First Encounters. The aim here is to determine whether the game still holds the crown as the best VR game to-date, despite not offering motion controls. Look at PC games, games that Quest 3 has no hope in hell of running. 1 and are running Vulkan graphics api, there is a checkbox to allow this but may need an extra step to check if player is using quest pro. All of the games will constantly be booted to the home screen. Reply. Breachers - another tactical shooter, but more arcadey and streamlined than Onward. Games run more smoothly and the resolution is bumped a little. Most games are around 3-5gig. What 2024 Quest game (s) are you most looking forward to? Weird how 2023 was full of games I wanted to play, but there are 0 for 2024. it should also get some insane quality boosts on the quest 3 in terms of clarity and graphics. Into the Radius. (Not a game, but use it to launch games. soloslide. 6. After owning for 3 months my most played multiplayer game is Walkabout Mini Golf. Added Asgard's But anyways, I thought $400 for my Quest 1 64gb was a good deal, $500 for what the Quest 3 has to offer seems like a completely new experience from what I hear. The other aspect not directly tied to visuals is it's possible the Quest 3 bumps the default refresh rate to 120hz (which would also help reduce pancake lens brightness issues/limitations) and games will feel better/smoother. A place to discuss the Meta/Oculus Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3, and Quest Pro. Update: starting March 1st 2024 a catalog with 12 rotating games will be added to the quest + subscription. I'm coming from an old Rift-S. Reply reply. You might already have access to it for free with the purchase of your Quest 3. Yes PCVR games are solely offline and it's the same as running any other program on your computer and no one can see it except for you. Having the only other option be a 128GB model makes the 512GB model more enticing, while they still get to keep the headline-friendly $500 price tag for show. g. Nature treks, ocean rift, brink traveler, blueplanet Vr, guided meditation VR, Tripp. When the Meta logo is displayed, release the keys. Screen Door Effect is almost gone. One additional cost is $30 for Virtual Desktop (highly recommend it), Air Link has way more issues than VD. That said, although many games have been updated to use it, I hesitate to say many games look as good as they could yet. If you're looking for something "chill and arcadey", Bait! would fit that description. It’s a huge day for VR as a massive new player has entered the game. There are 3 games right now, all around 6 hours of playtime but really it depends on how easy the puzzles are for you. Definitely use virtual desktop if you're trying to game. Well. Sabbathius. For people who play standalone only, and want nice graphics, the Quest 3 will become a must buy in half a year when games are dramatically better looking on the new hardware. So I was having this issue last night with beat saber. Click install, nothing happens. I've been pretty addicted to Narrows , Land's End, & Daedalus lately on the Quest in full 6DOF. Saved me some extra cash. Man I disagree with what others have said, simply because I too am just in my 30s and want something casual. The Rube Goldberg thing looks like it could be a lot of fun. Plenty good enough for gaming and watching media, borderline for "work" on a virtual monitor. Digitaltrends: "The graphics are good. Stand-alone games work fine if the appropriate extensions are in place -Eye tracked foveated rendering- Can work on any standalone game as long as they have open xr plugin 3. That’s right, the Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta)* app is now available on Meta Quest! 💚 Now, anyone with a Meta Quest 2, 3, or Pro headset, the latest Quest software update, an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate membership, a supported controller, and a high-speed internet connection can download the Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) app from If a game is available on PCVR I’ll play it on there for better performance, if a quest exclusive hasn’t been improved for Quest 3 (textures ect) I’ll wait for the devs to hopefully improve them before I get the game, what are some quest exclusive games that have already / soon will be optimised for the Quest 3? We saw this happen with Quest 2. All of these are less than 128 GB in size. Its competitor, ForeVR Bowl, never managed to make their their throwing physics as good: if you go with the no-assistance throw, it frequently picks up little twitch errors at release and sends the ball off on the wrong trajectory Quest 3 has the upgradeability aspect, as well as PCVR. Please go to r/PicoPiracy if you are looking for games on a Pico device. Why I returned by meta quest 3 after 2 weeks. I bet they will have a subscription model similar to Shadow PC to play high end PCVR games on their headsets but as a standalone, no, the Quest 3 won't be able to run HL:A or the like. First impressions: cristal clear image and improved FOV! Loving it! Battery does seem to drain quite fast. Little Cities. One of my top 5 games ever has a great vr mod: Outer wilds It is exploration and story based and no combat. Best game period in my opinion. Hey guys, here are my favorite Quest fitness apps and games. In Death Unchained has a seated mode (as do many games). Dec 24, 2023 · Our list of best Meta Quest 2 games is designed to be updated regularly each year. But, the strap material (white) gets dirty after your touch it once. There's a bunch of 30-day old posts telling people to get battery strap X,Y, or Z but now we know about the buzzing issues. stoyo889. Starfield, Cyberpunk 2077, etc. the 10000ma battery pack for oculus is kinda small, so I use a 30000ma one Yea this is a bad list. Still not good enough for me to use though. It is a fun game, with beautiful graphics. It's called Quest Games Optimizer on itch. Comparing the Quest 3 to the Quest 2 it is way more comfortable, especially since the headset sits closer to my face. If you want a lot of different games, high quality grafics and more AAA games = XBOX. It’s amazing. The Quest 3 is backwards compatible and you can play over 500 games from the Meta Store. ---nom---. Updated list of Quest+ games. I love how I can make it look like she is sitting on me and using her hand. With the Q3s clarity and pancake lenses I'd say we're at the point where it compares well to a large 1080p TV in your room. That’s the entire demo. All the links I can find are for connecting Quest 3 to a PC, setting up Quest 3, and using Quest Link. A Township Tale: Crafting mmo-lite type game. I always encountered problems with my IPD on the Quest 2, resulting in headaches. Green Hell, Assassin's Creed Nexus and Asgard's Wrath 2. If you're playing PCVR games (e. Released : December 15, 2023 | Developer : Sanzaru Games | Size: 30. This seems like a killshot solution to make that process easier and better. Litesport. If you have more than one headset, Walkabout mini golf is a no brainer. Contractors is fun even if no one is online. It seems to be about the most immersive thing yet. According to Meta, 50 new games and 50 updates will be released in 2023, including mixed reality updates. Meta Quest 3 is not a waste of money. Ryzen 7 3700x, 16gb RAM, 6700 XT. Some YouTubers said at Connect they played a game called Bam that was like local Smash Bros/ maybe Gang Beasts but in AR. 3 days ago · Here are the best Meta Quest 3 games in 2024: 1. Dungeons of Eternity comes out tomorrow anyways. Did i miss something? 2 Share. Running PCVR wirelessly is awesome. This. That's been my experience. Knockout League (Quest 3 Mixed Reality Update) Les Mills Bodycombat. If it's coded to use 140% on quest 2, it will actually render at lower resolution on quest 3! So for some games code changes will still be needed (but those games rendered at high resolution on quest 3 on the first place). Asgard's Wrath 2 and Walkabout Golf are my two games so far. Honestly, you have to look for it now, whereas it was all I could see in CV1. This is the best bowling game available in VR. I would recommend Population1. Share. Overall game library is larger, but PSVR2 has exclusives. The new default strap feels way more secure compared to the old one. The 5 I know about are posted by someone else here I'm just going to add that from my understanding, Asgards Wrath 2, Assassin's Creed, and Dungeons of Eternity will be upgraded for Q3. This may seem wordy, but it's necessary to The Quest 3 tracks both your hands and the controllers at the same time too, meaning you can hold the controllers and still interact with things with your hands. The Quest 3 is only a couple of months old; there's a bunch of us new users. The team has also given Pistol Whip a few visual and performance enhancements that we’re excited to share, including: Visually enhanced shadows and bloom effects. It will release today. If you have a gaming PC, I would say Quest 3. It is compatible with PCVR and can be connected via cable or Air Link. Quest 3 first impressions. Those games in particular will simply not do as well with the latency of PCVR streaming. Hi there! Just received the new Q3. But Quest 3 looks very good and is a bit sharper. And Roblox officially launched its immersive platform of games and social experiences newly optimized for VR Action Heroes on Quest 3: this one’s for you! You can now play Pistol Whip on the new headset. AC Nexus, Asguards Wrath 2, Dungeons of Eternity. Journey to Foundation. It’s the Quest 3, I’m sure you already knew that! $500 is quite a lot for something that goes on someone’s head! However, I didn’t realize I would enjoy VR as much as I have. It really seems obvious and integral to MR/AR where wearing a headset can be a very off putting to other people in the room, but if you all have headsets you open up all kinds of shared experiences. Today I was researching on the subject and found that a French developer has been plugging at a program which you can install on the headset to increase the resolution of every standalone game / software you use. The Quest 2 was my first "ready for average gaming consumer" headset, just for Blaston (free) and Contractors always populated. Also comes with a browser for YouTubing and a MP3 player for grooving. Headline says quest 3, but they mean quest 2, pro, and 3. It was just updated for Meta Quest 3 with Mixed Reality and better textures. Discussion. Asgard’s Wrath 2. Let's start with Samba de Amigo. This is NOT a guide for Pico headsets. It will pop up briefly with “prioritize”, but not actually download or add to queue. The wired mode makes for zero latency, which is perfect when it's needed. - Meta Quest 3 review: The best VR headset just got a whole lot better - Meta Quest 3 is a major VR advancement in need of more games - Meta Quest 3 review – the dawning of a golden era for VR gaming - Meta Quest 3 Is an Excellent Portal to an Empty Metaverse [Digital Trends] Yes the Quest 3 is the most capable standalone VR device yet. Some enhanced versions of games already shipped as part of our Best on Quest 3 program, taking full advantage of all that the new tech stack has to offer (we’re looking at you, Red Matter 2, Pistol Whip, and Guardians Frontline). Chess club, angry birds, vr fishing are a few I have that are perfect for sitting. But a few big games are now 30+gig. apk but that’s not really the same, at all. 3. chavez_ding2001. It is a pretty substantial quality bump over native titles though - I run games like pistol whip, beat saber, echo VR etc. kellzone. Still not great looking, but very playable. It's straight out of Apple's playbook. The Quest 3 tracks both your hands and the controllers at the same time too, meaning you can hold the controllers and still interact with things with your hands. Being wireless is amazing, but offcourse does have it's drawbacks. So 128gig setup is fine for most people, BUT we expect bigger size games as they take advantage of the better specs. Your Quest 3 came bundled with Asgards Wrath 2, which is getting a lot of buzz. Initial setup process is massively streamlined compared to prior headsets: They barely qualify to be called “demos”. ADMIN MOD. And yes I know they aren't out yet. This year, we got Diablo 4, Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty. I have not heard anything on Radius. All games simply looked sharper on Quest 2 because they did less subsampling by default. illkillyall. So something like Pavlov doesn't appeal to me (I actually purchased Pavlov back in 2017 when it was $10 on Steam). As of now, as it seems to stand, pirated games have been caught by Meta. Job Simulator/Vacation Simulator/Cosmonious High (New Updates with Release Note: Support for Quest 3) Kartoffl. A place to discuss the Meta/Oculus Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3, and Quest Pro Members Online I've been working on a party game where you can make a VR player very tiny with just an AR-enabled phone, with real-time scene reconstruction. Consider just hosting a private server. Wired Link would be $150 or so for the cable (not US prices), and a lot less convenient. Tip 3: Reset view. I also like PCVR, and my biggest concern is my PC not being good enough. Quest 3 pirated games. So if you accept this logic, the plural of "Quest 3s" is "Quests 3s". Be ready to mute kids. Increased detail on our 3D models. In addition, I got a few exclusives like RE4VR and ACNexus. ) Virtual Desktop. 2. No you can not. For buying from Meta, I'd recommend games that work best in standalone (even moreso than wireless PC), like Space Pirate Trainer or Thrill of the Fight. Look at their sizes. Gaming - Virtual Desktop. A place to discuss any and all things Virtual Reality. Standalone is better on Quest 3. Actually a dance game, but here you really get moving and the cool, familiar characters and environments are really fun! A world ranking list and over 40 different The biggest improvement is the processor. But also u can look into fitness games which are really The Quest 3 is definately a step up, its lighter, easier to use, controllers are less cumbersome. RoutineComment5330. Play Xbox Game Pass on Even More Devices with Meta Quest 3 today. Just got my Quest 3 about an hour ago. Still, even for quest 3 users, one month old Reddit posts can be outdated. Throw physics and pin action are very nice for a virtual experience. I still wouldn't say they look good though. Skyrim VR. The Quest 2 was no slouch at it, and Quest 3 has twice the power. Besides the 3 (Keep talking and Nobody Explodes, Acron, and Richie's Plank Experience) that have been mentioned already, Job Simulator is a pretty fun one to watch people play. Apple execs are geniuses /s. I want to increase the resolution, have my PC play it, and stream it to Quest 3 for even better performance and clarity. You’re not supposed to let kids that young use it…. 2. Tea for God. I got nothing to ask, i just want to say that the Quest 3 is a bomb y'all. at quest 2 native res at 72Hz (small bump to smoothness, huge bump to visuals). But fine to stick with existing headsets. You don’t get to do anything or interact with anyone. AAA games for Quest. This guide will show you how to download and install pirated games on Meta Quest 1, 2, 3 and Pro. It even comes with a file cleaner to get rid of all the cache and background apps Quest loves piling up Sure you can sideload any Android . But yeah, nice to have, if you can easily afford it. . Quest 3 will have gamepass later this year. Meta will launch their cloud based service that has been in testing for ages. Another point for comfort is the IPD adjustment. If you want an immersive experiences and cool AR or VR games= quest 3. • 6 mo. The glare inside the lens, could have been improved. Dude its easily First Encounters for the Quest 3. It's a solid fishing game. For mixed reality there’s also the hand tracking demo game which is really cool IMO. Just FYI (if you don't read the article) That's fuckig awesome considering I have a quest 2 and was about to be disappointed because I wasn't going to grab the 3. Is pirating PCVR games safer than pirating Quest Games. 99. •. Cod zombies, PMC vs bots, Titanfall vs bots It's all fun. And I’m stuck. And Quest 3 is still nowhere even remotely close to PC. It's inaccurate and some of the games listed aren't even out yet. Broken edge should be getting a mixed reality mode to. Half-Life 2 via PC, Resident Evil 4 on Quest, Nexus, Red Matter 2. Reading recent posts before you make one tends to be important. PT on a quest 3 with a handy script seems like the ultimate right now. Death Horizon: Reloaded - When it goes on sale the co-op mode is decent. I suggested to my brother to buy one, as even just for the menu and web browser in your passthrough home, it's enough value just for that. Just check one of the hundreds of articles and YouTube videos titled like "best <number> Quest games 2023/ever" There's so many genres - how should we know what you like? Do you like fitness games, puzzle games, adventures, shooters, exploration games, mixed reality games, racing games? My Top VR Fitness Games for Meta Quest! Self-Promotion (Content Creator) - Standalone. Superhot, Red Matter 2. Pass through is very convenient. 00% chance that in the next 3+ years an Android VR game will come out that will IMO Green Hell VR is the best VR game out there right now for stand alone quest. For ppl wondering how this is useful: often I use Sidequest to set a ton of Quest games to 90hz because the Quest 2 can handle it. Yep you can do that with Virutal Desktop. For example, one of the demos consisted of a 3D animation of a guy fucking a girl inside what appears to be the bedroom for a baby (tapestry with infantile themes, a cradle on a corner, etc). We need a spreadsheet that shows apps, a column for release date/status, one for just how important passthrough is for the game or how it makes use of it, etc. • 1 mo. I think his argument was that the plural of "iPhone 6s" is "iPhones 6s", similar to how the plural of "attorney general" is "attorneys general". That’s it. Endyz2_0. 39GB. Red Matter 2 is one example of a gorgeous Quest 3 game. Media - Big Screen VR. Resident evil 4 is good sitting down. ) To be bought on sale: Half life Alyx Beatsaber. Co-op is more fun for the host but it's a chill little game. Trover saves the universe, Tetris Effect. Try the demo, pretty innovative and immersive game. And Android games never even came CLOSE to PC games, not just graphically either. I like tactical shooters where it's about team work over individual accolades. MR gaming has great potential, now bring on the games! Aside from that, Beat Saber and Superhot will always be timeless first-time showcases. PC VR can be better, and if you demand more than the Quest 3 offers, you can wirelessly connect the Quest 3 to your PC to play Half-Life: Alyx and other VR games that require tens of gigabytes of storage. zm da or dk ex lq la lg nl ll