Yuzu games reddit

Yuzu games reddit. com) (nintendo i do not work for any of these repos and not responsible for any them i just know about it)keep safe yall. Yep, these forks are literally just README edits so far. Set Texture Filtering Method to Performance. 0 drivers solved the issue, and the game runs normally without any graphical issues. I’ve been playing 2-3h On Steam deck no problems with Super Mario RPG with OpenGL fixes audio bug. just make sure you get them from their actual source (i. Make sure games are decompressed What games are better/stand out on Yuzu with a good PC compared to original switch hardware? As title suggests, i have a switch and i frequently notice the poor performance and low framerate and it got me wondering if my high-end gaming PC would fare better on specific titles that could really use the power. I am on latest firmware and keys. Sega is using Denuvo on all of their games on PC. Disable Image Sharpening. You might have 2 folders here. Hi there Yuzu fans, I've been a fan of this emulator since it was first announced, I made this excel based on the games that I've been playing and… Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Beyond that, the game works more or less flawlessly, especially compared to most other games I tried. However, the game is stuck indefinitely on the Yuzu "Loading" screen and then I have to hard reset the deck. And I like to make sure the mod is active so I go to the game open the properties and deactivate the mod and activate, but you don’t have to do that This went from “yuzu is being sued by Nintendo” to armchair Nintendo reddit lawyers being like “emulators are totally cool, Nintendo has no case” to “oh shit those yuzu devs were playing with fire big time and got cooked fast as hell. If there’s any fun games that you guys have played and would recommend please let me know. Also not sure why this is Sadly, Yuzu doesn't support smash yet. TheChosenFool. Maleficent_Load6709. Fire Emblem Three Houses runs pretty well, it just has a cutscene issue so watch the cutscenes on youtube. I use a pro and docked if I use switch so yuzu + ally is great. Right click on your desktop, go into your Nvidia control panel Usually for this kind of games, skyline is a lot more stable, i have enjoyed Cuphead, celeste and Undertale no problem, yuzu is more optimized, but not quite as stable. Create an application profile to enable V-Sync and Triple Buffering from the GPU software instead. Nintendo Switch Sports is probably the highest profile game that doesn't work on Yuzu. Creating and maintaining an emulator that can emulate games accurately is definitely preservation. Hollow Knight is a 2D adventure/Metroidvania game for the PC, Mac, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! The sequel, Hollow Knight: Silksong, does not yet have a release date! Members Online . Yuzu should show you the DLCs (1, 2) and Patch (1. I'm still waiting for a better vulkan support, so nothing right now for us Amd users. Yuzu and ryujinx have just gotten real real good. In terms of trying to find a solution, I've attempted changing my profile and changing my pagefile size to 12000 mb. Set Anti-Aliasing method to Multisampling. Zelda breath of the wild is also really good. I'm playing it with Yuzu (Vulkan engine) and get 30 fps all the time. com . 3. xci file for but when I double-click on the game it shows the launching screen and never Had to switch to Ryujinx. additionally, I have a document I typed out on how to convert switch mods to Yuzu mods. My top 10 switch games! i recommend the legend of zelda breath of the wild if you want a game with good graphics story and gameplay. Most modern machines will do. com The games come in multiple parts with a maximum size of 5gb, you will need to download all parts of the game, after they are all installed you will need to unzip it so use winrar or something. 0 Slowdown (low framerate) fixes in Yuzu: Turn off V-sync in the emulator. In regular phone games the 8 Gen 1 is pretty compareable to the SD 888 and SD 870, because of it's GPU drawing less power. It'll cross check everything with official store releases and tell you if it's safe / anything has been modified. I rightclicked on the folder and checked the 'Scan Subfolders' tickbox. Open your save file location by right clicking the game in your game directory. DBI should give you a "Game Cart" folder on your computer with 2 files in it. Hey quick question. 3 Share. Mario odyssey+mario maker 2+ Pokémon let go run great. Divide pixels evenly among gradients. Neither of those have worked so far. In Configure, Graphics, set the API to Vulkan. Just right click the game folder and hit select folder. I just use torrents, then verify the files with NSC_Builder. If that doesn’t work find prod keys and firmware. Open it, go-to file info mode (4), drag the NSP file in (if it's not already NSP you can convert it), verify (8), then verify the hashes too (1). Never tried but i dont think you can add a specific game. I dont understand why you need steam. last i checked, the front mission 1 remake doesn't work at all. Octopath Traveller (runs 20 fps for me but should run smoother on your device) When I use normal drivers on yuzu, the world is indeed dark, but custom mesa turnip 23. Award. Based on the Wikipedia lists of best-selling games per console, the Switch has ~80 different games that have sold over a million copies. • 3 yr. if games don't launch from steam - it can be any of the above, but can also be related to file name. For Emulation this can differ, but for Yuzu I would assume it's compareable, in docked mode at least. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just with the goal of entertaining viewers. Only 1 crash in the entire playtrough and 1 weird moment where entire world went pitch black so i had to restart both at the last mission with Jack. have same problem i tried uninstall and clean the roaming yuzu folder it does not fix anything. I'm trying Yuzu for the fire time (Steam Deck). you can precompile shaders if you have a shader cache, but you cannot generate the cache without playing the game. exe. 65 driver and use Vulkan. implementing the emulators and mapping everything out, I'm sure you're doing that in desktop mode. It will likely take less than 14GB in the game is animal crossing new horinzons with 2 DLC. For whoever's interested, here is a list of switch games that run great on Yuzu (60fps, barely any stutter & quick loading times) In no particular order: Smash Ultimate (broken spirit mode) Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury (Perfect) The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (slight graphical issues) I updated and now Yuzu games won't show up in Steam Rom Manager. Most of the most played games on switch work just fine on Yuzu, as others have listed I actually finished Super Mario Odyssey on it and played a lot of Pokemon Shield, Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 DX Just naming a few. Yuzu (Switch emulator) Progress Report Monster hunter generaciones ultimate run better on ryujinx with 60fps cheats yuzu stops working the 60 fps cheats, astral chain works better on ryujinx, Zelda totk works better on yuzu, xenonlade cheonicles2 and 3 work better in yuzu. Re-Add game directory, vuala, newly added games now appear. Yuzu isn't launching any game. e. Update your Keys and Firmware. Steam World Dig 2. 182 votes, 28 comments. If it's an installed game, then it should be directly in DBI's "Installed Games" folder and will Yeah. Mario rpg remake and Links awakening remake, whenever I'm not playing monster hunter frontier that is. Go back parent directory "save", there would be two files. Memes, comics, funny screenshots, arts-and-crafts, etc. TheDopeMarsh. Mar 5, 2024 · Open Yuzu and double click the middle of the window (or double click "Add New Directory" if that shows up). Adding Yuzu to Steam. The Reddit home for PlayStation 5 - your hub PS5 news and discussion. Members Online Only the CPU is less efficient than the SD865, the GPU is quite efficient. Possible causes when games don’t show. 343K subscribers in the Roms community. Step one : make a separate folder for all games and put games in respective folders then when selecting a fold choose master folder then choose subfolder. Yuzu ,need a bit more config sometimes because it create two save locations but one is taking the lead when yuzu read the save file. gametechwiki. Wrapped around a 3D object, in motion, under dynamic lighting, just dither and lie. Or appdata-roaming-yuzu-user-save-0000000000000000. Your hardware specs are to short for switch emulation, maybe you can try Yuzu and downsampling but don't expect miracles. The problem is that the game starts with choosing your language so my save didnt work. I know this is old, but if you are still having issues after updating your keys, check to ensure you have adequate room on your storage device. You can also press the three lined button and double square button to close the game through yuzu. "Switch piracy" can be done on hardware or via software emulation. Is there sth going on with switch games? Setup your game directory (where you have your ToTK rom) and make sure Yuzu recognizes the game. There will probably be many people that start this but abandon it. This subreddit is dedicated to two of the most popular puzzle games, Tetris (Popular worldwide) and Puyo Puyo (AKA Puyo Pop [mainly popular in Japan and Asian countries]) Yuzu is much better than you would expect for newer console emulation, solid 35-40 fps on 10 year old pc. The top 7 best-selling games on Switch all sold over 20 million copies, are all Nintendo-exclusive IPs, and one of them is Pokemon which is probably going to keep selling more copies. I just wish they'd find a way to decrease the input latency a bit. a good place to look for mods that aren't found by the Yuzu mod downloader app is Gamebanana . Skyline might have better initial performance but I had a lot of problems with freezing/crashing on a lot of games. Nothing else is open on game or after game launch so it isn't a ram problem. The goal of /r/Games is to provide a place for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Make sure you have room for the merge version of the file that it is creating. Request. Reply. money! thanks. I can even go as far as making a new character, but trying to start the game leads to a crash. The majority of games you'd want to play on Yuzu run really really well. As for your comment about PC releases. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. will be removed. Also, the 8 Gen 1 has better peak performance. I've tried docked and undocked on all levels of accuracy with all levels of anisotropic filtering and nothing changed, I turned on and off asynchronous shader building, vsync I haven't tried any non-exclusive games on my laptop because I mostly have the Windows version, but Fire emblem three houses and Super mario Odyssey ran 60fps, no problem. Current compatibility list for Android? Supposedly working list (I'll try to update this weekly) Blaster Master Cadence of Hyrule Cat Quest Games Cross Code Cuphead Dead Cells Diablo 3 DKC: Tropical Freeze Dragon's Dogma Enter the Gungeon Hades Hollow Knight Hyper Light Drifter Katana Zero Link The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; 90 Day Fiance; Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas Usually when it gets stuck on exiting just press the steam button and scroll away from the game and then come back and you be able to hit exit game again and it will force shut the game. You will be prompted to select a folder. Is it inadvisable/can anything bad happen if you take a game that is only available as an NSP file (eg; south park stick of truth, life is strange: before the storm, telltale batman: the enemy within) and convert it into an XCI file IF you only plan on running it on an emulation based device, such as yuzu on the odin 2. Also, only two skyline devs (forgot which ones) are working on a new emulator. No one talks about where to get games. r/SteamDeckYuzu is also for Ryujinx. Smooth experience, some framerate drops, mostly on Mexico rather than anywhere else. It basically is: Run Yuzu as administrator. ago. I loved the first two I want the third to work so bad but shit doesn't play well at all. splatoon 2 it´s almost perfect now, they just need to fix the shadows problems. At first It did work but I didn't even change anything and now it doesn't, and yes I did mess around with settings and I dumped the base of SSBU Full AND Skeleton, updated yuzu 2818 to yuzu 3024, deleted shader cache reinstalled yuzu deleted the update deleted the There is a program called Parsec that a lot of the ultimate community are using rn. I’ve been playing a lot of mainstream games like Pokemon and Zelda on Yuzu and I’m looking for something new and different. 1 update file. glad you enjoyed it. Scatter it all into a multicolor sneeze of whatever correlations the encoder found. Next obviously is the path to yuzu. That depends more on the company. I only have a switch OLED and can't hack my unit to dump my own files so I was wondering if ya'll could help me Just buy a Switch if you want to play Switch games. For Yuzu: emulation, configure, graphics, advanced, uncheck "Use Vsync (Open GL Only)" Click OK button to save. The upside here is that the client doesn't need yuzu or even a PC capable of running it. Randomizing wild encounters and items and stuff works just fine but when I try to modify the trainer battles I am getting an never ending launching screen. The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. Both will work in Yuzu, so choose by preference. MembersOnline. The switch can't cope anymore. I am new to Yuzu and trying to run a game. If you're contributing in some way to a preservation effort, archive, accessibility project, or whatever, that's preservation. We don't talk piracy here. if you merged the game+dlc via SAK (SwitchArmyKnife) and having your keys in place, you have to start the base game before merging at least once in order to make it run "merged". When WinRAR (or another app) gets to the end of file. I just don't want to lose my Super Mario Odyssey file. 75) Depending on the map/fight etc. complete yuzu mirror - yuzu-mirror/yuzu: Nintendo Switch emulator (unofficial mirror fork) (github. There's a feature in newer versions of the emulator called Multiplayer, has a server browser option (think they are called Lobbies officially?). The game should now show up in the Yuzu list and you can launch it by double clicking. Totk runs at average of 20fps on switch vs 60 on yuzu. if you are unsure about how trustworthy an emulator is, check emulation. Do the same but now select the DLCs. 3. I think it will be many months at least before we know who is really going to continue working on yuzu or citra. In Task Manager, set yuzu. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. if NSP are not showing up, you're most likely lacking keys. Yuzu (latest update, native 720p): Always 60FPS. After that you get the game in which you can put into a folder that you made and call it yuzu games or something. Add Yuzu to AMD Radeon software. ” I figured Nintendo had something on them other than just random hate for an emulator and deep pockets. teimpy5. joejoesox. I've searched and searched, can't find another post on this. Yuzu expects you to only select the folder. It's a Windows emulator called cassia. Yuzu crashing when trying to open a game. Share. Is there a guide you all use to run games on PC through Yuzu? I kinda wanna start emulating Pokemon SV since I already beat both games on the actual switch. -9. When I try to launch SSBU, (Super Smash Bros Ultimate) It just gets stuck on the launching screen. Look for Yuzu Mod Downloader on GitHub. master_fail_. It works by streaming video and input though, so the host will always have an advantage. that should eliminate most of the stutter. More info on r/switchpirates wiki. People still use the Switch emu to pirate these games, shrugs. Not sure why this is happening, it was working perfectly fine yesterday, and since then nothing has changed. I can get up to 90 FPS now on the village. Step 1: Open Steam (should be open in the Taskbar) Step 2: Press "+ Add a Game" Icon in the bottom left > Add a Non-Steam Game. It's literally the first sentence of the group's description: this group is about piracy on the Switch itself, not emulation of the Switch. r/yuzu. When i try to start a game yuzu just immediately stops responding and it is very infuriting, please help. Reply reply. Right click on game directory folder. 1. hello, i'm a new yuzu If games do not show up in Yuzu when you open it, and they are in the correct path, it typically means your key is out of date, the dump is bad, or there was a bad transfer of the file. That being said, if you enjoy a game and you have sufficient money consider supporting the developers by buying it :-) No one, anything posted here, or any content is endorsed, sponsored, or posted by, for, or on Nintendo's behalf. txt is blank. Select Remove Game Directory. Depends on your hardware if you have a R7 3700X and up and a 2060S and up most games will run good. Mariokart is the only game I play on yuzu, It’s just so fun when friends come to my house, unfortunately there aren’t a lot of good split screen games on pc. ADMIN MOD. I have the latest version of yuzu (1716) installed (portable installation mode) and when launching yuzu (by itself, no game), the app appears for a second or two then closes/crashes. . Sort by: Add a Comment. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. Ryujinx: 58~48FPS (reso 0. Steam Deck OLED Available Now! Make Your OLED Dreams Come True! Yuzu works wonderfully! Steamdeck is the most versatile device. Easier than making a custom parser. i think what dommed yuzu legily was there pateron thats a big no no profiting in any form. I just went to the github and downloaded an older version. Actually playing those games isn't necessarily preservation. loved this game when it was released. exe is gone. As for local multiplayer, mario party superstars, mario kart 8 deluxe, and smash bros ultimate are the best, easily. There's literally a linux version of yuzu to install on it. Sample each gradient evenly. Only issue I'm having now is the cutscenes are about 20% slower than the audio but still playable. Would be great if someone could help me to get it back to work if possible. (also ill edit any new links in) EDIT - 4/6/2024 : edited suyu links since gitlab got taken down. Sonic Mania. Marvel ultimate alliance 3. You don't need a switch to use yuzu. If you're making your own dumps, that's preservation. Animal Crossings New Horizons. You buy the games. All cheats got Yuzu, come in the form of mods. •. So easy, thanks. Right click on the game in Yuzu menu. Game recommendations. Ryujinx = compatible + high hardware requirements. We don't get anything for free. Question is, download speed is incredibly slow, max 50kbs. Nothing is logged to provide clues because yuzu_log. Zelda botw ran 30 fps with no drops. take the content of the largest folder (that contain saves) and drop it into the first Yuzu guide to emulating. It's built into Yuzu. Hello, I'm interested to try yuzu emulator for switch and saw that rarbg has all the ones I want to try, and they're from fitgirl. thats the point nintendos screaming pirats when the realty is a good chunk of yuzus base acilly owned there games. exe to High Priority. Up-close, each block will look terrible, but most blocks are not up close. Changing the default left click action from opening to select worked for me. More replies More replies More replies. The performance is in most cases just better with yuzu then original HW. These posts happen every other day it’s insane. i love playing Nintendo switch games in 4k resolution. Been playing Metroid Prime Remastered on EA3416, almost no stutter except when opening door to new areas. Sigmadelta8. Since you have the EXE in the same directory as the game only the game name and extension are required. 11. 94K subscribers in the yuzu community. to answer your question, both Yuzu and Ryujinx are well respected projects. As a whole though, I've had more success running games in Yuzu than Skyline. Just make sure what you want to dump has a Check mark next to it then dump everything. If you're looking into online multiplayer, sadly, yuzu doesn Yuzu crashes immediately when launching a game. Select the folder where you placed your game file (s). We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. The PS4 has ~40. Airport, if you are savvy enough, you can convert atmosphere game mods) for the actual switch) into mods and cheats. It's an Invaluable tool. I'll try Yuzu again after it releases and the audio is fixed. (See Rule #1) Welcome to r/SteamDeckYuzu! This subreddit is for all things about switch emulation on the Steam Deck! Share memes, discuss Steam Deck Switch emulation, share videos, and more. 6) under "Add-ons" if you did it right (example for BotW) 6. Yuzu = more performance + little compatible with a lot of games (especially new ones) testing MHGU on an intel HD with Ryujinx vs Yuzu. yet Reply reply More replies More replies Something strange happened when I tried to launch Yuzu and it seems the . r01 and so on until it finishes the extraction process. When you're. Yuzu Nintendo Switch Emulator Lives On With The Nuzu, Suyu Projects. In Yuzu select ToTK -> Properties -> Enable all mods and 1. I haven't altered any of my settings. • 2 yr. the hardware was junk day 1 joycon issues old hardware stugging sense launch. 1 update. Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series screen : r/yuzu. Get information on everything revolving around piracy on the Nintendo Switch from apps, games, development, and support. r/Roms. Worked instantly. I personally don't care if people wanna pirate new Nintendo games, because who really cares if Nintendo misses out on some cash from people that were probably never gonna buy it anyways, but let's just stop pretending that the majority of people using emulators aren't pirating stuff. Thanks. Steam World Dig. Both of the files are the same, one contains just the game itself, and the other has the game alongside some blank space. Specs: GT 1660 Ti, Intel core i5 4460, 16 gb ram. saggio89. I need to reinstall Yuzu from scratch as the maintenance tool isn't working either. By default, it opens every folder on a single left click instead of selecting it. Is there a fix for this, or do I just need to wait until a new EmuDeck release? you have to enable the Yuzu parser yourself. Running update or repair with the maintenance tool For popular games you can find scene releases easily on torrent/usenet, for less popular content youll often need community maintained stashes (for example Remastered) or maybe ggn. I'm trying to load the Unicorn Overlord demo. This subreddit is all about helping those with an itch for video game nostalgia…. I've managed to get to the title screen in Diablo 2 on Yuzu. I've already deleted shader cache and tried again, same result. I updated and now Yuzu games won't show up in Steam Rom Manager. Are you able to log the ROMs or files and add them as a non steam game to play them in Yes, 1 runs at a locked 60 fps at any resolution, 2 runs at a decent dynamic fps with a recent cheat code, but it ruins the qtes, 3 runs at a good dynamic fps, although you need a few cheat codes to get it playable (more playable than 2, though). You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first Then press the button to show titles without a base (I think it is Y, but it should be listed at the top). The first two "" after 'start' are required if your game file name has any spaces in it. Rightclick the game and click open mod folder, You then want to creat a folder with the mods name or any other name, and then place the mods in this folder you created. Make sure to join a Lobby before you start your game. Select open save locations. Special characters don't play well when run from command Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. And then you dump the game and use it on yuzu hammy. Enable anti-lag. Example switch games/Mario kart 8/nsp or xci. it didnt take long for emulation to supass the hardware itsself. Of course. In Yuzu select ToTK, go to Files in the top left corner - Install to NAND and select your 1. But you can add the yuzu emulator as a non steam game if you want. Then open up yuzu and select that games r/yuzu • TOTK All shrines look like this and I can't enter them. It’s my fault for choosing such a retarded name. The -f switch tells yuzu to launch the game in fullscreen. make sure async shader building is enabled. BaronYC. github) and not through some dodgy torrent or ROM website or whatever. Runs almost perfect. I have already followed the quickstart guide, added the firmware and related keys from my physical switch and now I am trying to run a game that I have the . 2. Thank you all for your time. A lot of these backwards Japanese companies wouldn't even release their games on PC if it wasn't Use the latest yuzu, update to the 511. Where would that be located so I can ensure it won't be erased? yuzu immediately crashes/closes upon launch. I would even say that releases on PC increase the piracy risk. From your hacked Switch which you then transfer over to your phone. Mario Kart 8 deluxe is absolute fire. Upbeat-Practice3075. Steam World Heist. 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim. Game stuck on "Launching" screen. Where do you get games and how to set it up is where I want to start. Puzzle games have been around since the beginning of the gaming era. My game is not showing in the directory. Scan sub folder. CompetitiveSundae714. Example, original is 10GB, update is 4GB, ensure you have at least 14GB available. Rule 1 of Switch Emulation. I’d like something with decent graphics at the very least (no 8 or 16 bit games please). Yuzu's great. If that's the case: For single player, super mario oddysey, one of the best mario games, or one of the best games period. This subreddit is all about helping those with an itch for video game nostalgia through the power of emulation. r00 in the same folder, then file. I've got it working on Ryujinx now. Choose to be a thief, a bandit, a rebel, a warlord or a mercenary. I had a bunch of other pc games being downloaded some days ago and the speed was 30mbps. rar, it realises it's a multi-part archive, and looks for file. Pokemon violet and scarlet, it run badly on yuzu but on ryujinx, i have no problem. Consider joining r/PlayStation for your daily dose of memes, screenshots, and other casual discussion. Mk8d basically flawless ToTK decent pikmin 4 very good Metroid Dread flawless Metroid Prime Remaster Flawless Animal Crossing Flawless Smash basically flawless Mario + Rabbids basically flawless Mario Wonder basically Flawless. The handheld controls are not ergonomic at all. The other game I've tried to run is Monster Hunter Rise but that one doesn't work either. Split archives can be extracted by extracting from the first ZIP/RAR in the series. [deleted] krautnelson. The -g switch tells yuzu that a game path is following. That should then bring up a list of all the software packages you have installed (including DLC, Updates and Digital Games). Where is the best place to get Nintendo Switch Roms. Entire game start to finish, fun one. Totk/mario wonder. gx mm ln jb ff gu au gr ld lc