Biceps tenodesis rehab exercises • MADISON, WI 53718 Rehabilitation Guidelines for Biceps Tenodesis with Soft Tissue Fixation The shoulder has two primary joints. Please note this protocol is a guideline. Sling Your sling is no longer necessary unless your doctor instructs you to continue using it (use it for comfort only). The goal of LHBT tenodesis is to provide the patient with pain relief, restore elbow function and provide a Home Exercises: Pendulums, elbow passive ROM, wrist AROM, grip strengthening. Kevern MA. After a bicep tendon repair, it is most Bicep Tenodesis Rehabilitation These guidelines were created as a framework for the post-operative rehabilitation program. 4. *Weeks 1-4: Being formal PT 2-3x/wk. Long Head of the Biceps Tendon Pain: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment. Active elbow flexion (Passive if biceps tenotomy / tenodesis) and extension, hand circulation exercises and scapular muscle activation. Sling Use your sling most of the time for the first 3 weeks. ORG 621 SCIENCE DRIVE • MADISON, WI 53711 4602 EASTPARK BLVD. Light Biceps Tenodesis Rehabilitation Protocol - This protocol is intended to be independent of a Rotator Cuff Repair (RCR) protocol. Simple, but not necessarily easy. D. Shoulder: PROM → AAROM → AROM Sling for 4 weeks (removed 2-3 times per day in order to perform the exercises that follow). The sling can be BICEP TENODESIS REHABILITATION PROTOCOL This protocol was developed for patients who have had a bicep tenodesis. FF 140°, ER 40° IR behind back . Eccentric biceps exercises with scapula control if required . The normal attachment of the long head of the biceps is surgically cut and reattached to the humerus witheither a soft tissue or hardware fixation technique. Rehabilitation Protocol for Rotator Cuff Repair-Small to Medium Sized Tears • If combined with biceps tenodesis, no biceps strengthening for 6-8 weeks • Tolerance of scapular and RC exercises without discomfort • Independent with HEP Rehabilitation following subscapularis tendon repair. Careful pendular exercises. Amoo-Achampong K, Krill MK, Acheampong D, Nwachukwu BU, McCormick F. com 1 Phase IA: Home Exercise program Immediate post-op phase (day 2-14days after surgery, prior to starting ROM Kit and PT) Goals: 1. The protocol is divided into phases. Any strengthening activities related to elbow BICEPS TENODESIS/TRANSPLANTATION PROTOCOL This protocol provides appropriate guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients following arthroscopic biceps For the biceps tenodesis, the surgeon determines the length of time in a sling based on basic » First do rehab exercises as part of upper body warm-up. Ahsan encourages you to get back to your normal activity and exercise schedule. Use The rehabilitation protocol after the tenodesis procedure included an arm orthosis used for five weeks, and passive shoulder range of motion exercises was followed by active exercises from the fifth week onwards . Do not start pendulum exercises initially if the operative report states that pendulum exercises should be started from the 6th or 8th postoperative week. Milestones . If you've been around athletes, you've probably heard how plyometric exercises can rapidly improve strength and performance. Rehabilitation concludes with gradual return to all unrestricted functional activities. Continue stretching and strengthening program . Passive range of motion exercises with limits: abduction 60 degrees, flexion 60 degrees and external rotation 20 degrees needs to learn more about biceps tenodesis and rehabilitation we recommend reading: Krupp RJ. Benjamin Szerlip to speed up your shoulder recovery in Cedar Park and Austin, Texas. Begin sports related rehab at 3 months, including advanced conditioning; Return to throwing and begin swimming at 3 The management of biceps tendinopathy is a simple, 2-step process. About 90% of patients participated in exercises with physiotherapists, while 10% were precisely instructed about the rehabilitation BICEPS TENODESIS REHABILITATION PROTOCOL Weeks 1-4: • Sling for 2 weeks • PROM, AAROM, AROM of elbow without resistance. Remove the sling 4 or 5 times a day to do pendulum exercises ( fig. • Avoid shoulder rotation ROM from abducted position and cross body motions. Rehabilitation after Biceps Tenodesis Phase One: 0 to 4 weeks after surgery Goals: 1. Regain range of motion Activities: 1. I was allowed to come out of the sling at 4-5 weeks. Gaines MD. BICEPS TENODESIS PT PROTOCOL BRACE INSTRUCTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS RANGE OF MOTION GOALS PT EXERCISES/NOTES PHASE 1 First 6 Weeks (0-6) 1-2 Sessions/week This protocol is intended for the purposes of guiding post-surgical or post-injury rehabilitation exercises and goals. If so, limit your activities to allow for healing of your labrum and capsule. Rehabilitation of a Surgically Repaired Rupture of the Distal Biceps Tendon in an Active Middle Aged Male: a case report. Precautions. 1 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Expert respondents reached consensus on multimodal interventions including exercise, manual therapy and patient education to manage LHBT tendinopathy. Bicep tendon degeneration and/or tearing can cause significant shoulder discomfort and dysfunction. The biceps tenodesis procedure is a surgical intervention designed to address biceps tendonitis, SLAP tears, or other biceps-related pathologies. J Orthop and Sports Medicine. As a result, you might need to take off work or ask for help with everyday activities. For damaged and partially torn long head of biceps tendon. Individual variations will occur depending on surgical details and patient response to treatment. 10. proprioception (ex body blade), and closed chain exercises at 12 weeks. It is by no means intended to be a substitute for one’s clinical decision making regarding the progression of a patient’s [] The RCT (Barbosa et al. The following Shoulder Biceps Tenodesis Post-operative Guidelines were developed by HSS Rehabilitation. Int J Sports Phys Ther, 14(2):318-332. Lintner Matt Holland, PT and Nathan Hironymous, PT. Elbow strengthening progressed as tolerated from isometric to weights and Rehabilitation after Biceps Tenodesis Phase two: the 5th and 6th weeks after surgery Goals: 1. postoperative rehabilitation course of a patient that has undergone a Biceps Tenodesis for biceps dysfunction. Take it easy b. Return to Work Following a Distal Biceps Tendon Repair: a Systematic Review of the Literature. Can progressively decrease use of sling after 4 weeks. Use of the 8. Individual patients will progress at o Continue phase 1 exercises o Submaxim bicep curls with dumbbells (eccentric for biceps tendinopathy) o Rotator cuff & scapular prone exercises. Skip to main content. ). Sling except for exercises . • Completion of current rehabilitation program / exercise without increase in pain or difficulty. Protect the surgical site 2. Walking OK. If your biceps is damaged a biceps tenodesis is performed where the surgeon cuts the normal attachment of the biceps tendon from the shoulder and reattaches the tendon to the bone of the upper arm (humerus). Phase I: Passive Range of Motion Phase (weeks 1- 4) Goals: Benefits of Plyometric and Functional Exercises. Can remove for home exercises and bathing Wound care if axillary incision used The following are guidelines for biceps tenodesis rehabilitation. Exercises. I’ve definitely improved, but it just seems odd to have no exercises biceps tenodesis Definition: An open sub-pectoral biceps tenodesis is a procedure which involves removing the long head of the biceps from the glenohumeral joint and fixing it the humerus deep to the pectoralis major tendon. • May discontinue after 4 weeks • Passive to Active shoulder ROM as tolerated o 140° Forward Flexion o 40° External Rotation with arm at side o Internal rotation behind back with gentle posterior capsule stretching o No rotation with arm in abduction until 4 wks The Procedure: Biceps Tenodesis vs. Phase I – Passive Range of Motion Phase (starts approximately post op weeks 1- 4) Goals: 1. J shoulder Elbow Surg March 5, 2020. Long Head of the Biceps o Exercises should be progressive in terms of muscle demand / intensity, shoulder elevation, and stress on the anterior joint capsule needs to learn more about biceps tenodesis and rehabilitation we recommend reading: o Krupp RJ. Phase I, surgery to 4 weeks OSMS appointments: Medical appointment at 2 weeks with films exercises for glenohumeral and scapulothoracic musculature. Elbow, wrist, hand ROM . Patients with additional surgery will progress at different rates. Step 1 involves modifying aggravating exercises and activities to flexion for 8 weeks for biceps tenodesis. Light PNF; D1, D2 and manual 5. (2019 BICEPS TENODESIS REHAB PROTOCOL. Improve range of motion of the shoulder 3. Most people who have biceps tenodesis surgery have physical therapy to increase shoulder range of motion and strength. 1-4 There is a variety of LHB tendon pathology that can lead to pain including inflammation, degenerative tears, tears at the Rehabilitation Protocol: Biceps Tenodesis Phase I (0-6 weeks): • Weight Bearing: Non-weight bearing • Bracing: Sling for Six weeks during day and at night. o Passive biceps x6 weeks (AAROM; no tenotomy or tenodesis) o Active shoulder retraction o Shoulder PROM progression No motion x2 weeks Passive flexion 0°-90° from weeks 2-4, then full External rotation 0°-30° from weeks 2-4, then full Avoid internal rotation (thumb up Bicep tendonitis rehab exercises and stretches help with: Faster recovery; Less inflammation and shoulder pain; Improved muscle balance and strength; If you’re looking for guidance on treating your condition, you’ve come to the right place. Regain range of There are a number of different anchoring techniques that surgeons are currently using. If further information regarding the various biceps tenodesis surgical techniques is needed the Rehabilitation Protocol: Biceps Tenodesis Name: _____ Date: _____ Diagnosis: _____ Date of Surgery: _____ o Begin AROM of elbow with passive stretching at end ranges to maintain/increase elbow/biceps flexibility Therapeutic Exercise o Begin light isometrics with arm at side for rotator cuff and deltoid – can advance to bands as tolerated Shoulder Arthroscopy with Biceps Tenodesis – Rehab Protocol 0-4 Weeks: • Sling for Comfort. Postop. Biceps Tenodesis Rehabilitation Guidelines *may be in conjunction with rotator cuff repair rehab which takes precedence Phase I: Immediate Motion Phase (Week 1 to Week 4) Continue previous exercises 2) Initiate biceps isometrics; may advance to LIGHT (less than 1 lb) resisted biceps at week 10 3) Strengthening of triceps, rotator cuff The GLSM Biceps Tenodesis Rehabilitation Program is an evidence-based and soft tissue healing dependent program allowing patients to progress to ADL’s, vocational, and sports-related activities as quickly and safely as possible. 2009; 39(2): 105-117. This protocol guide provides a comprehensive overview of the preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative phases of care for patients undergoing biceps tenodesis. Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Recovery And Rehabilitation ; Biceps Tenodesis Protocol ; . Each exercise should be performed as 10-15 repetitions followed by 2 minutes of rest and repeated 3-4 times. Rehabilitation following tenodesis will progress more slowly over the first 2-4 weeks to protect healing biceps tendon. » Acceptable Upper Body Lifts » Biceps: Curls with free weights, elbows at BICEPS TENODESIS PHYSICAL THERAPY Philosophy Rehabilitation should create the optimal environment for the natural process of healing to occur. pendulum exercises A biceps tenodesis is typically done when there is significant chronic long head of the biceps dysfunction either along its length or from its labral attachment. A biceps tenodesis is a surgical procedure that may be performed for treatment of severe shoulder symptoms involving the biceps tendon, including inflammation or partial tears. » Lift appropriate weight for 2–3 sets of 15. The normal attachment of the long head of the biceps is surgically cut and reattached to the humerus with either a soft tissue or hardware fixation technique. Resisted exercises should be done 3 days per week. This helps to maintain the length and function of the biceps muscle, while eliminating the source of pain or instability. Resisted Exercises 12-16 Weeks: After 12 weeks, the patient can begin strengthening with resisted exercise using elastic bands and/or hand weights. Closed chain exercise as tolerated Are you awaiting or just recently undergone biceps tenodesis surgery? Read our bicep tendodesis rehabilitation protocol for information about recovery. - If a biceps tenodesis is performed with a RCR, follow the RCR protocol for the shoulder and refer to the Biceps protocol for distal extremity. The physician reserves the right to either advance or delay this protocol as deemed necessary. Weeks 1-2: No excessive sweating. Roache MD ShoulderEducation. After six weeks, Dr. If Biceps Tenotomy/Tenodesis ONLY follow Immediate Post –op phase 0-6 weeks, then progress as BICEPS TENODESIS REHABILITATION PROTOCOL Phase I Weeks 1-4: • Sling for 4 weeks; may remove for sedentary activity when comfortable (ex body blade), and closed chain exercises • Begin sports related rehab at 3 months, including advanced conditioning • Return tothrow in gandbeginswmmina3 monhs, • Th rowfmpitcher’smounda t4½monhs . 9. Remove arm from sling only for writing, typing, hygiene and gentle ROM exercises (pendulums) Take Aspirin (or other DVT medication) for 2 weeks after surgery Rehabilitation after Biceps Tenodesis Phase One: 0 to 4 weeks after surgery Goals: 1. But he only had to do the biceps tenodesis, so it’s not as involved, which is why they started my PT a 3 1/2 weeks. 2. Unless otherwise specified, do not begin physical chain activities Only do strengthening 3x / week to avoid rotator cuff tendinitis Postoperative weeks 12+ his protocol is intended to be a general outline only. Can remove abduction pillow at 4 weeks. JOSPT. Criteria to Progress • Appropriate healing of surgical repair. Dr. The pain may limit your shoulder motion and Biceps tenodesis is a minimally invasive keyhole procedure to re-anchor the biceps tendon at the top of the arm bone (subpectoral tenodesis). 5. They can be used for patients undergoing biceps tenodesis With the tenodesis, the LHBT is reattached to the humerus outside of the joint. Tenotomy. Protect the surgical repair 2. General time frames are given for reference to the average, but individual patients will progress at different rates. Continue home exercises. Weeks 2-6: Exercise bike, walking a treadmill OK. HEP daily. Rehabilitation Protocol: Biceps Tenodesis !!!!! Name:&_____&&&&&Date:&_____& Andrew Parker, MD 1120 Raintree Circle, Suite 280 Allen, TX 75013 Phone: (214) 383 – 9356 Fax: (214) 383 - 9886 REHABILITATION FOLLOWING OPEN/ARTHROSCOPIC BICEPS TENODESIS Rehab Exercises after Bicep Tenodesis . BICEP TENODESIS REHABILITATION PROTOCOL RANGE OF MOTION SLING EXERCISES PHASE I 0-4 weeks PROM as tolerated* 0-6 weeks: except for exercises and hygiene 0-2 weeks: wrist/hand ROM, pendulums, wall stretch at home per instruction sheets 2-4 weeks: Grip strengthening, pulleys/canes, wrist/hand ROM, Rehabilitation Protocol: Biceps Tenodesis Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, Burlington 781-744-8650 Lahey Outpatient Center, Lexington 781-372-7020 Post –op Phase/Goals Range of Motion Therapeutic Exercise Precautions Phase I : 0 – 7 days Goals: Protect anatomic repair Allow healing Initiate early Biceps tenodesis protocol involves surgical repair, focusing on tendon reattachment, rehabilitation, and post-op exercises for optimal recovery, addressing biceps tendinosis, shoulder pain, and rotator cuff injuries with %PDF-1. Rehabilitation Protocol: Biceps Tenodesis Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, Burlington 781-744-8650 Lahey Outpatient Center, Lexington 781-372-7020 Continue exercises above Restore Full PROM Week 4-6 Progress shoulder AROM, emphasis on mechanics (supine to upright) Rehabilitation Protocol Biceps Tenodesis Phase I: Protect repair, restore ROM (0 to 6 weeks) • Avoid pure active shoulder exercises, resisted biceps exercises. Verma or Biceps tenodesis and/or Subacromial Decompression Rehabilitation Protocol Range of Motion Sling Exercises Phase 1 0-4 weeks Passive to Active shoulder ROM as tolerated No rotation with arm in abduction until 4 wks 0-4 weeks: Sling for comfort 0-2 weeks: wrist/hand ROM, pendulums, 2-4 weeks: Grip strengthening, • Pendulum Exercises usually start after surgery: (start of pendulum exercises is defined by the surgeon in the operative report. Edema and pain : control . Weeks 0-4 ; PT 1-2x/week . This could involve the long or short head of the biceps, but more commonly involves the long head. It is by no means intended to be • Begin resisted biceps exercise; start with 1 lb. Biceps Tenodesis: During this procedure, the biceps tendon is surgically reattached to a different location within the shoulder, such as the upper arm bone (humerus). They DO NOT substitute for any specific restrictions or requirements that are determined through the necessary shared decision-making and collaboration between the operating surgeon and treating rehabilitation team. Level of Evidence. 2009; 39(2): 55-70. Learn about our biceps tenodesis protocol from Dr. New York, NY 10016 (646) 501 7047 newyorkortho. PHASE I - PROM 1st post-op visit 2nd post-op visit 2-6 weeks atrophy, and impingement, SLAP, or rotator cuff treatment. 6 %âãÏÓ 294 0 obj > endobj 319 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[52A34377A8C3BF468F0EFAD4D1A2039D>09076A316E144D40A83AC2BCBD7F229E>]/Index[294 42]/Info 293 0 R Distal Clavicle Excision and Biceps Tenodesis Rehabilitation . One part of the shoulder blade, called the glenoid fossa forms a flat, shallow surface. Alleviate shoulder pain and inflammatory response 2. Rehabilitation following tenodesis will progress more slowly over the first 6 weeks to protect healing biceps tendon. This gives biceps tendon proprioception (ex-body blade), and closed chain exercises at 12 weeks. • Begin sports related rehab at 3 months, including advanced conditioning • Return to throwing and begin swimming at The long head of biceps tendon can also become inflamed and irritated. No active or passive shoulder extension beyond neutral with the elbow extended for 8 weeks. com! Goal o Sling immobilization to be worn at all times for showering and rehab under guidance of PT o Goals: full passive flexion/extension at elbow and full shoulder AROM Range of Motion o PROMàAAROMàAROM of elbow as tolerated without resistance (allows Biceps Tenodesis With and without Regeneten Bioinductive Implant: ( Patch) Rehabilitation Protocol Paul B. PHASES & TIME LINES REHABILITATION GUIDELINES GOALS Phase I 0 ± 2 Weeks x Shoulder pendulum hang exercises x PROM elbow flexion/extension and forearm supination/pronation x AROM wrist/hand x Begin shoulder PROM in all planes to BICEP TENODESIS REHABILITATION PROTOCOL RANGE OF MOTION SLING EXERCISES PHASE I 0-4 weeks PROM as tolerated* 0-6 weeks: except for exercises and hygiene 0-2 weeks: wrist/hand ROM, pendulums, wall stretch at home per instruction sheets 2-4 weeks: Grip strengthening, pulleys/canes, wrist/hand ROM, UW HEALTH SPORTS REHABILITATION UWSPORTSMEDICINE. Kotara S. The tendon is transposed from it's origin on the glenoid to the humerus, with screws or anchors. 1). This is coupled with What’s involved in biceps tenodesis rehabilitation? You’ll wear an arm sling or arm immobilizer for two to four weeks after your surgery. Prevent shoulder stiffness 4. Rubinger et al. and gradually increase resistance by 1 lb. The rehabilitation guidelines are presented in a criterion based progression. If the treating physical therapist; needs to learn more about biceps tenodesis and rehabilitation we recommend reading: Krupp RJ. Achieve gradual restoration of passive range of motion (PROM) 3. 31) included EE muscle training in the experimental (US+EE+joint mobilization) and control (US+EE) groups. Biceps Biceps Tenodesis Protocol Guide. Post-operative Rehab Protocol Bankart Repair, SLAP Repair or Biceps Tenodesis PHASE I: Protective Phase (day 1 to week 6) Weeks 0-2 Shoulder sling x 6 weeks Sleep in sling x 3 weeks Shoulder, elbow, and hand ROM o NO resisted active isolated biceps activity (elbow flexion or forearm supination x 6 weeks) Remove sling for light activity and home exercise program as indicated by therapist x Any strengthening activities related to elbow flexion, supination, or forward elevation of the arm with the elbow extended should be restricted until 9 weeks following biceps tenodesis. Biceps Tenodesis Is a Viable Option for Management of Proximal Biceps Injuries in Patients Less Than 25 Years If you have pain in your upper arm or shoulder, you may have irritated your biceps tendon, a condition known as biceps tendonitis. Codman needs to learn more about biceps tenodesis and rehabilitation we recommend reading: Krupp RJ. These guidelines may be interpreted by a certified physical or Suggested Exercises: Gradually progress sport activities to unrestrictive participation . 31 The EE muscle training exercise had participants perform a “bicep curl” movement (patient atrophy, and impingement, SLAP, or rotator cuff treatment. Sling must be worn during sleep for the first 4 weeks. Cervical ROM Week 1-Week 3 At 1 week post-op, begin codman’s exercise in the elbow straight as long as patient can do these exercises without pulling in the biceps Daily active exercises. Avoid active elbow : flexion . • MADISON, WI 53718 Rehabilitation Guidelines for Biceps Tenodesis with Hardware Fixation The shoulder has two primary joints. Rehabilitation Protocol for Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair (no active elbow ROM for 4 weeks if biceps tenodesis is performed). We recommend the treating therapist understand the technique their referring surgeon typically Discover the phases of recovery from biceps tenodesis surgery, including detailed rehab exercises and timelines for optimal healing and strength restoration. Rehab: Biceps Tenodesis; Outcome: Full mobility at 3 months; back to all activity and Postoperative Rehabilitation Protocol for Biceps Tenodesis Patient will wear a simple sling for 4 weeks postoperatively. Horschig et al. Ensure wound healing 3. Rehabilitation Protocol for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty REHABILITATION FOLLOWING OPEN/ ARTHROSCOPIC BICEPS TENODESIS PRECAUTIONS: No heavy object lifting overhead No jerking movements Do not use affected shoulder in sitting or rising • Continue all exercises • Initiate isolated biceps isometrics Return to Activity Phase (13-22) UPPER SUBSCAPULARIS REPAIR WITH BICEPS TENODESIS REHABILITATION PROTOCOL RANGE OF MOTION IMMOBILIZER EXERCISES PHASE I 0-4 weeks 0-2 weeks: None 3-4 weeks: Begin PROM Begin resistive exercises for scapular stabilizers, biceps, triceps and rotator cuff* No resisted IR ***2lb lift limit in flexion with biceps tenodesis for 6 weeks PHASE III Shoulder Rehab ; Biceps Tenodesis ; Biceps Tenodesis. The advantages of open biceps tenodesis over biceps tenotomy (release) are: 1) Establishment of a new bony origin REHABILITATION PROTOCOL- Nonoperative Biceps tendinopathy/tear The rehabilitation guidelines are presented in a criterion based progression program. BICEPS TENODESIS POST OP REHAB PROTOCOL This rehabilitation protocol has been developed for the patient following a biceps tenodesis surgical procedure. • Grip strengthening exercises/Postural exercises • No biceps strengthening Aerobic Conditioning UW HEALTH SPORTS REHABILITATION UWSPORTSMEDICINE. Initial Postoperative Shoulder Exercises ok for Biceps Tenodesis procedure The long head of the biceps (LHB) tendon is a common source of anterior shoulder pain for many patients. No abduction >90° No rotation in 90° abduction . A biceps tenodesis is a surgical correction specifically for the attachment of the biceps at the shoulder. Long Head of the Biceps o Exercises should be progressive in terms of muscle demand / intensity, shoulder elevation, and stress on the anterior joint capsule Biceps Tenodesis Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis Protocol The intent of this protocol is to provide the therapist with a guideline of the post-operative rehabilitation course for the patient that has undergone a subpectoral biceps tenodesis. Note Well: Variances will be communicated by the surgeon directly to Rehabilitation Services. The outcomes of LHB tenodesis are favorable across all age groups and activity levels. The bi-ceps tenodesis procedure is normally the result of clinical diagnosis of shoulder biceps tendonitis, a SLAP tear, or biceps tear. Biceps Tenodesis ± Rehab Protocol x Brace: Use of the sling required for up to 4 weeks postoperatively. PHASE I (WEEKS 1-2) Control pain, swelling, and loads placed on healing tissue. Goals. Singleton SB. The intent of this protocol is to provide the therapist with a guideline of the post-operative rehabilitation course for the patient that has undergone a subpectoral biceps tenodesis. A study currently in review from American Sports Medicine Institute examined 76 softball players and compared results of SLAP repair versus biceps tenodesis. Biceps Tenodesis Rehab Protocol. • Scapular mobility exercises with sling. IJSPT February 2012 vol7 issue 6 pg:663-671. EXERCISES: Hand squeezing exercises Elbow and wrist active motion (AROM) with shoulder in neutral position at side atrophy, and impingement, SLAP, or rotator cuff treatment. Begin gentle strengthening Activities 1. Initially, there should be a strong emphasis on minimizing swelling Exercise band strengthening of scapula and shoulder 4. • Initiate exercise program 3 times per day: BICEPS TENODESIS Aaron Bott, M. Continue with all strengthening exercises, increasing resistance as Rehabilitation Protocol After Biceps Tenodesis 333 38th St. These exercises Rehabilitation Protocol for Total Shoulder Arthroplasty and Post-Operative Rehabilitation Guidelines for Shoulder Arthroscopy Biceps Tenodesis Please note that these instructions are general guidelines to be followed; however, any written or verbal instructions provided by Dr. Sample schedule of activities following shoulder surgery: a. hdvhtrpizfsartaskiijohxtocbaongkafdjitsabyhoselhoyywgrocollzwbdcwntgl