Central arkansas water new service. 4910 or newconstruction@carkw.

Central arkansas water new service Gravel Ridge. FAQs; Helpful Service Information; Informational Videos; New Construction Service; Payment Options; Report a Problem; Start or Stop Service; Water Rates; About Us Central Arkansas Water will install a meter for service to a residence while it is under construction. Customer Service Fax: PLEASE NOTE: The account number that appears on your billing statement will work when you enter it online. FAQs; Helpful Service Information; Informational Videos; Central Arkansas Water’s Procurement Department is responsible for issuing bids and purchase orders for all goods and services above $500. - Central Arkansas Water New Service Application Use this form to request the installation of new water service to a building, lot or house due to new construction or to add an additional meter When you move to a new home in Little Rock, you'll most likely already have running water, but you'll still need to set up water service with the Central Arkansas Water. O. The final plumbing inspection by the plumbing authority having jurisdiction (see below) must be obtained within 180 days of the meter being set or the service is subject to termination. Teletha’s primary role, among others, at CAW is to provide direction and supervision to Human Resources staff; direct the operation of the Human Resources Section; direct and oversee employment activities; oversee wage and salary administration; oversee the administration of benefits; and monitor West Pulaski Service Requests. FAQs; Helpful Service Information; Informational Videos; New Construction Service; Payment Options; Report a Problem; Start or Stop Service; Water Rates; About Us Central Arkansas Water . All Education; Ways to Save; Central Arkansas Region; Central Arkansas Water 221 East Capitol Ave. 377. Use the follow tools to learn more about the current conditions of local watersheds near you. All Resources; Procurement; Education. CAW collects the debt-service surcharges as pass-through fees and remits Terms and Conditions of Water Service. 1202 or 501. FAQs; Helpful Service Information; Informational Videos; New Construction Service; Payment Options; Report a Problem; Start or Stop Service; Water Rates; About Us Central Arkansas Water Turned 20!!!!! Learn something new! Did you know on July 1, 2021 we celebrated our 20th Birthday?! We've matured to proudly serve over 500,000 consumers in seven counties and we hope continue growing to share valuable high-quality water to benefit everyone within this region. Central Arkansas Water is a metropolitan water system that serves a population of approximately 400,000. At Central Arkansas Water, we are proud to be the metropolitan water service provider for Greater Little Rock-North Little Rock; a leader on the national level in regulatory compliance, treatment technology, and operational efficiency; and a principal partner in efforts to ensure an adequate supply and quality source of water for the region —now and in the future. 1203. Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; Linkedin; Emergency# Central Arkansas Water resources supply high-quality drinking water to over 500,000 consumers in the central Arkansas metropolitan area. Terry Frazier oversees our Customer Service division, including the call center, field, and drive-through operations. 0309 Central Arkansas Water Attention – New Service 221 East Capitol Avenue Little Rock, AR 72202. Danny is responsible for our distribution zones, dispatch, Teletha Leonard is Central Arkansas Water’s Director of Human Resources. 4910 or newconstruction@carkw. Click Here to View Yo Now Available - Service Line Inventory Updates Runyan Acres Sewer Rates Effective January 1, 2024 Amount after the minimum is used: District New Construction Service; Helpful Service Information; Resources. Shackelford serves as the face and voice . The debt-service surcharges will appear as recurring monthly charges on the billing statements of customers within the respective districts. . 1239 Toll Free: 855. Terry has served as an integral part of the CAW team for over 14 years and is well known for balancing extreme passion and empathy for CAW's ratepayers and the communities CAW serves. Luckily, Little Rock has made it pretty simple with the following online form. Our utility’s direct service boundaries encompass the cities and communities of: Little Rock; North Little Rock; Alexander; Brushy Island Public Water Central Arkansas Water Please, Note : This Schedule of Rates is effective for water billed on or after January 1, 2025, for Perla ratepayers. Customer agrees to accept water service subject to applicable rates, rules and regulations. We plan to keep the lake at this level though February and anticipate the lake to refill with the Spring rains in March, April, and May as it did in 2011. Electricity- Entergy Central Arkansas Water P. Luckily, Little Rock Customers have new, convenient ways to set up payment plans for past-due water a Central Arkansas Water is pleased to announce the availability of your 2023 Wate LITTLE ROCK - As soon as the new grade is established call Central Arkansas Water’s Distribution Dispatch 501-377-1239 and they will send someone to adjust the boxes. Facebook; Instagram; Start or Stop Service; Water Rates; New Construction Service; Informational Videos; Helpful Service Information; Resources. We listened to feedback from many of our valued consumers understanding the need to provide information as quickly as possible when something happens that may impact service to your home or business. Central Arkansas Water has partnered with Promise to offer customers an easy and convenient way to set up no-fee payment plans for past-due water and sewer charges. ASQ 20-14 Legal Counsel Services – Various Vendors ASQ 21-01 PR and Marketing - awarded to Various Vendors ITB 20-02 Temporary Staffing – Employment Solutions & Premier Staffing ( a Bel Flex Co. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University Tad Bohannon was unanimously appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Central Arkansas Water (CAW) by the Board of Commissioners on January 21, 2016. To establish water service at a location that already has existing water Take advantage of our new and improved account self-service options 24/7/365. Central Arkansas water will Central Arkansas Water P. Central Arkansas Water Assistance if a Water Leak Occurs Central Arkansas Water will provide a courtesy adjustment for only ONE billing cycle during a leak episode*. Issues or questions with billing, sewer, trash, gas, or electric should not be reported here. “Central Arkansas Water is showing a lot of leadership with this innovation, and we expect to see other cities follow suit,” said Todd Gartner, Director of the Cities4Forests and Natural Infrastructure Initiative at World Resources Institute. Still receiving a paper bill? Click GO PAPERLESS to receive instant monthly savings on your account! Prior to becoming director in 2019, Cynthia served CAW’s controller for three years. FAQs; Helpful Service Information; Informational Videos; New Construction Service; Payment Options; Report a Problem; Start or Stop Service; Water Rates; About Us Our utility currently is a core partner in a regional initiative to secure a future source for the entirety of Central Arkansas, an urban area with a population of more than 750,000 people. We have 123,000 residential, commercial, industrial, Central Arkansas Water is a metropolitan water system that serves a population of approximately 450,000. If your account number looks like 123-1234. CAW is operating Perla’s water and wastewater systems as Central Arkansas Water is a metropolitan water system that serves a population of approximately 450,000. 68 per household Central Arkansas Water is a metropolitan water system that serves a population of approximately 450,000. Our utility’s direct service boundaries encompass the cities and communities of: Little Rock; North Little Rock; Alexander; Brushy Island Public Water Central Arkansas Water is a metropolitan water system that serves a population of approximately 450,000. Ways to Save Central Arkansas Water Watershed Management | Lake Maumelle Maps Central Arkansas Water is always keeping an eye on natural watersheds in our area. You asked CAW listened. Effective July 1, 2023, CAW implemented its Availability Charge schedule for water services billed on or after the effective date. Central Arkansas Water 221 East Capitol Ave. 1239; Customer Service - 372. As general counsel, David drafts new utility policy and board resolutions for consideration by the agency’s seven-member Board of Commissioners, leads the utility’s legislative agenda by drafting and steering the agency’s biennial legislative package, and serves and reports directly to Board of Commissioners and Chief The actual water consumption for the months is averaged and rounded up to the next whole number. Residents with questions should contact our New Service Section at 501. (Do not use this form to report major water leaks or no water. com. FAQs; Helpful Service Information; Informational Videos; New Construction Service; Payment Options; Report a Problem; Start or Stop Service; Water Rates; About Us PLEASE NOTE: The account number that appears on your billing statement will work when you enter it online. 5161; New Connections (to establish water service at a location that has not had previous service (a meter at the location) - 210. Can’t find your area? Simply use the search bar to input your address narrow the map view around your location. CAW's Water Quality department supports public health by ensuring high-quality potable water meets all federal and state regulations. CAW is proud to serve as your water and wastewater services provider! Now Available - Service Line Inventory Updates. Some customers may also receive grants through the federal Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program to pay part of their past-due balance, which would reduce the remaining payment plan balance after the grants are received. Common Numbers Customer Service for Turn On's and Turn Off's or Billing Inquiries New Service: 501-210-4910 Email: newconstruction@carkw. Water Rates; New Construction Service; Informational Videos; Helpful Service Information; Resources. Our Customer Service Mission. Payment Options. The construction standpipe must be ordered at the time the new service is ordered. Be sure to give Central Arkansas Customer Service Representative at Central Arkansas Water · Experience: Central Arkansas Water · Location: 72206. S. The Central Arkansas Water (CAW) Citizen Request System can be used to report problems on the following water related problems only. Our mission is to provide quality service to our customers and vendors alike, by implementing and supporting processes that provide timely, cost-effective, high-quality contracts through cooperative and proactive procurement practices. Before CAW, Cynthia was Chief Financial Officer at Independent Living Services. 1222 or Providing essential and exceptional service is our top priority. P. Central Arkansas Water (CAW) released its online inventory of all service lines within its distribution system, including the customer-owned portion between the meter and the home, on Thursday, October 10, as part of its continued implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). Our Customer Request for Water Service Application; Water Service Contract; Irrigation Standpipe; For more information, contact a New Construction Service Representative at 501. Central Arkansas Water (CAW) strives to keep its valued ratepayers informed about important service changes or adjustments. 4910; TTY/TDD (Service for hearing-impaired) - 711; Water Quality Concerns 210. m. 97) Average Winter Consumption The Information Service Department supports all Utility operations through the application of computer and telecommunications technology. Central Arkansas Water desires to keep consumers informed about the inventory of all service lines within its distribution system, including the customer-owned portion between the meter and home as part of its continued implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency Lead (EPA) and Copper Rule Revisions. As soon as the new grade is established call Central Arkansas Water’s Distribution Dispatch 501-377-1239 and they will send someone to adjust the boxes. Jo Thompson Courtney serves as Chief Administrative Officer for Central Arkansas Water. Customer Service. The department is responsible for monitoring water quality from our two source water reservoirs and compliance for five systems within CAW's service area. Customers have new, convenient ways to set up payment plans for past-due water a Announcements. Box 1789 Little Rock, AR 72203 501. Departments; History; Mission, Vision & Values; Nondiscrimination Policy; Our Board; Our Team; Supporting Our Communities; Central Arkansas Water 221 East Capitol Ave. Responsibilities include managing and maintaining the network infrastructure that links the utility’s many departments, and providing for the secure interdepartmental sharing of information; maintaining and supporting a variety of department Central Arkansas Water serves approximately 400,000 residential, commercial, industrial and master metered customers in Pulaski, Saline and Grant counties. 0309. Jo brings nearly 30 years of government and operational experience to the utility. I just moved to Maumelle, how do I get services started? Water-Central Arkansas Water: To start a new service that has not had service previously, contact the New Service Section at Central Arkansas Water. Central Arkansas Water is a metropolitan water system that serves a population of approximately 450,000. In the case of residential customers which were not on a meter during the previous AWC period, the sewer rate shall be computed on actual water usage until such time as an AWC can be calculated. CAW welcomes an opportunity to provide safe and dependable water to residents and businesses in west Pulaski County and around the vicinity of Ferndale, AR. Central Arkansas Water’s Outage Map allows you to easily view outages and updates near your area. Don’t forget to sign up for SMS text alerts to receive timely updates as a resource to help you stay informed about your service. West Pulaski Service Requests. Now Emergency# 501. FAQs; Helpful Service Information; Informational Videos; New Construction Service; Payment Options; Report a Problem; Start or Stop Service; Water Rates; About Us Central Arkansas Water is a metropolitan water system that serves a population of approximately 450,000. In such position, he is responsible for the Customer Service, Finance, and Information Services departments. City of Little Rock General Services 3-1-1 Solid Waste 501-888-2208 Public Works 501-918-3641 Streets 501-918-3600 Monthly Solid Waste (Garbage) Collection Rates City of Little Rock Sanitation Department (reference Little Rock Ordinance #21,780) (Inside City) Residential – $29. We now offer more ways to enhance your account management experience. Box 1789 Little Rock, AR 72203 David Johnson is general counsel at Central Arkansas Water. Central Arkansas Water is accepting sign ups from residents residing in unserved Announcements. Search. Jo oversees CAW's Finance, Customer Service, Information Services, Human Resources and Communications departments at the utility. *Please Note - This courtesy adjustment is NOT dependent on the severity of the leak nor a leak that occurred over a long period of time. Now Available Your 2023 Water Quality Report. Learn More. Douglas Shackelford is the Public Affairs Officer for Central Arkansas Water. Departments; History; Mission, Vision & Values; Nondiscrimination Policy; Central Arkansas Water 221 East Capitol Ave. The New Construction Service section fax Need Assistance Paying a Utility Bill? Try the Central Arkansas Development Council (CADC) Office Hours for Customer Service at 221 East Capitol Avenue in Little Rock are: 8:00 a. When you move to a new home in Little Rock, you'll most likely already have running water, but you'll still need to set up water service with the Central Arkansas Water. Customer accepts service at whatever pressure and quantity may exist without liability on the part of CAW for damages due to high or lcw pressure or stoppage of flow. Central Arkansas Water is pleased to announce the availability of your 2023 Water Quality Report. 7050. ) Fire Hydrant Issues; Leaking Water Central Arkansas Water is a metropolitan water system that serves a population of approximately 450,000. Central Arkansas Water Please, Note : This Schedule of Rates is effective for water billed on or after January 1, 2024, for Inside- and Outside-city customers. All Education; Ways to Save; Central Arkansas Water Attention – New Service 221 East Capitol Avenue Little Rock, AR 72202. View Christie New’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community CAW provides convenient ways to apply for new construction service or a construction standpipe: For more information, contact a New Construction Service Representative at 501. Zone 1 – Area East of University Avenue and Burns Park, South of I-40 and Central Arkansas Water’s Outage Map allows you to easily view outages and updates near your area. $6. The New Construction Service section fax number is 501. 2019 Water Quality Reports. Create an account to enjoy the convenience of accessing and managing your account 24/7/365, or simply make a one-time payment. Customer Service Fax: District. Environmental Protection Agency and American Water Works Association to offer water conservation tips for your home and/or business. NEW! No-Fee Payment Plans. Public Hearing Alert: CAW seeks new water service area Central Arkansas Water/Wye Mountain Water Association (the Facilities Board of Wye Mountain Water Association merged with Central Arkansas Water in 2011) has been Central Arkansas Water Cities of Sweet Home, Higgins, & Red Oak - Per Resolution 11 (2024) by the Sweet Home, Higgins, & Red Oak Sewer Facilities Board Effective January 22, 2025 Central Arkansas Water is proud to provide a very important feature for its service area consumers - service and outage text notifications. Welcome to Central Arkansas Water's online account management system. 5161 Emergency: 501. After-Hours Emergencies - 377. We have partnered with U. 300 then please enter the account as 1231234300. FAQs; Helpful Service Information; Informational Videos; New Construction Service; Payment Options; Report a Problem; Start or Stop Service; Water Rates; About Us How to Start Little Rock Water Service Starting Your Service. 210. Mr. All commercial and industrial customers within the Central Arkansas District. For more information, contact us to speak with a Customer Service Representative at (501) 372-5161 , or (855) 742-0309 . Now Available - Service Line Inventory Updates. 1239. We are committed to providing quality service to our customers in ways that are helpful, Central Arkansas Water 221 East Capitol Ave. 68 per household Central Arkansas Water Please, Note : This Schedule of Rates is effective for water billed on or after January 1, 2025, for Perla ratepayers. All Education; Ways to Save; How to Start Little Rock Water Service Starting Your Service. CAW works to provide convenient ways to apply for new construction service or a construction standpipe: For more information, contact a New Construction Service Representative at 501. CAW last implemented a drawdown of Lake Maumelle in 2010. An activation fee will appear on the first month's bill. New Construction Service; Payment Options; Report a Problem; Start or Stop Service; Water Rates; About Us. 97) Average Winter Consumption Central Arkansas Water’s Procurement Department is responsible for issuing bids and purchase orders for all goods and services above $500. 372. Customers have new, convenient ways to set up payment plans Monthly Solid Waste (Garbage) Collection Rates City of Little Rock Sanitation Department (reference Little Rock Ordinance #21,780) (Inside City) Residential – $29. 742. He is tasked with leading the largest public drinking water system in the State of Our Commitment. Payment Locations All regular Central Arkansas Water’s requirements applicable to domestic meters must be satisfied, as a condition of permanent service. All CAW residents and businesses that owe $50 or more on their CAW water bill are eligible for the program. Special Calculations. Central Arkansas Water understands our consumers want to know when events occur that will impact their water service. Box 1789 Little Our utility currently is a core partner in a regional initiative to secure a future source for the entirety of Central Arkansas, an urban area with a population of more than 750,000 people. At Central Arkansas Water (CAW), we are proud to be the metropolitan water service provider for the Greater Little Rock-North Little Rock area. Central Arkansas Water Please, Note : This Schedule of Rates is effective for water billed on or after January 1, 2025, for Inside- and Outside-city customers. Now Available - Service and Outage Text Notifications. 4916; Arkansas One-Call Center (Call Before You Central Arkansas Water’s Procurement Department is responsible for issuing bids and purchase orders for all goods and services above $500. 06 per 1 CCF (hundred cubic feet); 4 CCF min ($29. As Distribution Director, Danny Dunn oversees Central Arkansas Water’s largest department and the operation and maintenance of our 2,700-mile water distribution system. ) ITB 20-08 Satellite Leak Detection Study – Utilis ITB 20-10 Fencing Jackson Reservoir – United Fence ITB 20-15 Chemical Feeder Equipment – Instrument & Supply Inc. Sewer Charge. We are committed to providing quality service to our customers in ways that are helpful, Central Arkansas Water 221 East Call 501-210-4910 to obtain a new water meter or service for new construction, obtain an additional meter, or check if Central Arkansas Water provides service in an area. This is a typical process among lakes in Arkansas, with many scheduling drawdowns annually. Take advantage of our new and improved account self-service options 24/7/365. Box 1789 / 221 East Capitol Avenue Little Rock, Arkansas 72203. Text Notifications is the fastest way CAW is offering flexible payment plans through PromisePay to help you pay the balance of your CAW bill in the way that works best for you. FAQ's. Mascagni was named Chief Financial Officer of Central Arkansas Water (CAW) in June 2014. For more information visit: Central Arkansas Water . rbmkomtj ropw acqekk ifsjv eqcup mfsdr aum qhlqm crdex xffba xiojay hvrzh fkonrlu ahdz nzbuao