Delete from table where id = b. To keep In SQL, the DELETE statement allows you to delete one or more rows from a table based on a condition. 6. @jayarjo: Any difference would probably be quite negligible, and I don't think there is any reason one-by-one delete would be any more Deleting whole table and importing needed entries is not an option. I tried this query : delete from t2 where t2. The next thing is now to delete all Schemes which have an id of NULL or an id which does not exists in the ProjectsSchemes Table: Learn how to use the SQLite WHERE clause for filtering data in SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. DELETE Syntax. SELECT (sub)queries return result sets. gamer_id JOIN TABLE_3 t3 ON t3. Using joins and subqueries to data in one table to delete rows in another table. DELETE FROM inscriptions WHERE not ( agent_inscripteur_1 in (100520, 97927, 99237) OR agent_inscripteur_2 in (100520, 97927, 99237) ) Share How can I delete multiple rows from a table with another condition? 0. 0. While DELETE removes only the data, DROP TABLE removes both the data and the table structure. Until that point, they can still be undone using a database rollback The current isolation level defines whether Delete multiple table data using transaction block, table variable and JOIN. Notice: It is necessary to use conditional clauses (WHERE, LIKE) in delete query. Filter rows by predicate. Unlike the DROP delete from YOUR_TABLE where your_date_column < '2009-01-01'; This will delete rows from YOUR_TABLE where the date in your_date_column is older than January 1st, 2009. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . John Woo. E. WHERE. Follow edited Apr 18, 2022 at 18:39. here WA contains the entries which u want to delete. Suppose you want to delete artists whose names contain the word Santana: +1 But with one caveat. The WHERE predicate supports subqueries, including IN, NOT IN, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS, and scalar 方式一: delete from table where id in (select user_id from table2) 方式二: delete a from a,(select id from XXXX where XXX) b where a. id is null ) But Mysql forbid me to use t2 in the same time in the delete and in the select (sound logical by the way) This is a good candidate for FORALL statement. Similarly, as mentioned above if you do not specify the WHERE clause in the DELETE statement all the rows from the table will be deleted. In such scenarios, the code is a bit longer and requires more steps: Create the temporary table; Perform the 大家好,我是宁一。 今天是sql课程的第十课。讲讲delete 删除语句,用来删除表中的一条或多条记录。基本语法: delete from <表名> where <筛选条件>; 1、delete语句 如果省略where条件,这时候delete就会删除整个表的记录。注意: 这里不是删除表,只是删除表中所有数据,还会保留表结构的。 with_query. Define an alias for the table. Improve this answer. Notes The rows are deleted permanently from the database table in the next database commit. Syntax: Parameter Explanation 1. Important Considerations : Be cautious . The SQL standard concept of a table isn't strictly limited to a table. declare type NumberArray is table of number(10) index by binary_integer; revisions NumberArray; Begin select rev bulk collect into revisions from ( select t. com records (preferably where updated is not null, but its fine if it doesnt work that way) I have this query, which deletes all the duplicates - but doesn't keep a record (which is where i'm confused): DELETE FROM [table] WHERE url IN ( SELECT url FROM [table] GROUP BY url HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) Drop is deleting the table. 如果您打算从一个表中删除许多行,使用 delete quick 再加上 optimize table 可以加快速度。这样做可以重新建立索引,而不是进行大量的索引块合并操作。 这样做可以重新建立索引,而不是进行大量的索引块合并操作。 Once < 1 million rows is deleted it pops out of loop --and grabs next table to delete -- BEGIN --SELECT @NumRows;--can add this in to see current number of deleted records for table INSERT INTO dbo. DELETE FROM @SampleTable WHERE Fname IN (@Fname) In @Fname I have values like 'abc','def','ghi'. DeleteFromAllTables ( tableName, query, cnt, [Source] ) SELECT @Table, @TableSelect, @NumRows, @Source; -- END; END; SET @NumRows = 1000000; Hi experts, I hve data in one internal table but i want to delete some data from that based on condition like when the condition satisfies i hve to make flag field as 1 and after checking for all records i hve to delete records mark as 1. Table2ID is a foreign key reference from Table2. The model name is different than the table name. Create a new table each day (and delete older tables if that is necessary) 2. gamer_id = t1. Syntax of the DELETE Mysql delete from table where date is 'yesterday' but ignoring the time stamp. Delete from an internal table 1. It could also be written as: DELETE FROM phone_book FROM some_table WHERE - but as I wrote, only OracleのDELETE(削除)Oralceでデータを削除するにはDELETE FROM~を使います。--テーブルのデータを削除するDELETE FROM {テーブル}WHERE 条件;empnoempnameaddressA001佐藤花 table_alias Псевдоним, заданный в предложении FROM table_source и представляющий таблицу или представление, строки которых будут удалены. Modified 9 years, 9 months ago. WHERE conditions Optional. id This would delete the record with the minimum id for each grp value. I have a table in Mysql which has column called 'dep_timestamp' which holds data in the following format (the data is received from a external source so can't be changed delete from employee where lastname = 'May'; delete from employee where firstname = 'Mike' or firstname = 'Eric'; To delete an entire record/row from a table, enter delete from followed by the table name, followed by the where clause which contains the conditions to delete. Your subquery is not correlated to the first one and you cannot scan a table which is being modified. It allows you to remove one or more rows from the table depending on the situation. @Hamish, please have a look at the three links I posted in the first line. In both examples, rows from the SalesPersonQuotaHistory table in the AdventureWorks2022 database are deleted based on the year-to-date sales stored in the テーブル自体を削除するには、drop table文を使います。 delete文の文法・使い方はデータベースによって異なる. If Solved: Hi, I want to delete rows from internal table using where condition for select option . jpg testc-image-0. Syntax: DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE Condition]; This DELETE syntax is valid in all the databases such as SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc. 4: No rows were deleted, since no appropriate row was found when deleting using a table key or when specifying a logical expression, the index specified when deleting using a table index was greater than the current number of rows, or no duplicate adjacent rows were found. Use the DELETE statement to delete records from the existing table in the current schema or tables of the schema on which you have the DELETE privilege. To prevent this, it is a best practice in database management to always run the corresponding SELECT statement first to make sure the rows selected are the ones we intend to remove from the table. Hot Network Questions Specifically in cases where I need to actually join on the same table (e. If I pass a SELECT statement in the condition it is deleting. How do you delete from one of those tables without removing the records in both table? DELETE DeletingFromTable FROM DeletingFromTable INNER JOIN CriteriaTable ON DeletingFromTable. EmployeeNo = w. gamer_id = 123 Share. If an overflow occurs because the number or rows is greater than 2,147,483,647, sy-dbcnt is set to -1. " - from MySQL manual; I would use delete to do a delete (of specific rows) with a query. It often includes views. Some_condition: condition to choos In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use the DELETE statement in combination with a SELECT query in the WHERE clause across different database systems, including MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL. count || ' records found from I want to delete ONE of the url1. CLASS-DATA: BEGIN OF tline, col1 TYPE i, col2 DELETE FROM your_table WHERE id IN (select aColumn from ); (Notice that the subquery must return only one column) If you need to delete based on a range of values, either you use BETWEEN or you use inequalities: DELETE FROM your_table WHERE id BETWEEN bottom_value AND top_value; or. asked Mar 19, 2013 at 15:44. 65. PUBLIC SECTION. ) and Table2 (ID, Col1,. DELETE MARA FROM WA. SQL 删除数据(DELETE 语句) 在本教程中,您将学习如何使用SQL从数据库表中删除记录。 从表中删除数据. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 9 months ago. Putting in another way, I don't want to delete the complete row. See Section 7. The first DELETE statement shows the ISO-compatible subquery solution, and the second DELETE statement shows the Transact-SQL FROM extension to join the two tables. tablename is not the name of the OP's table. The following examples show two ways to delete rows in one table based on data in another table. Certain views are updatable, and by extension, deletable. The conditions that must be met for the records to be deleted. 可以使用 sql 的 `delete from` 命令来删除 `mysql` 数据表中的记录 ### `delete from` 语句语法 `delete from ` sql 语句删除数据的通用语法格式如下 ```sql delete from - 简单教程,简单编程 Delete All Data. 20, “WITH (Common Table Expressions)”. If you leave off the where clause, all records will be deleted. e. Viewed 2k times 0 . mysql; sql; sql-delete; Share. So you need to use IN, not = in your WHERE clause. It is so only in standard SQL and not all RDBMS provide the same standard dialect of SQL. Single-Table Syntax DELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] [IGNORE] FROM tbl_name [[AS] tbl_alias] [PARTITION (partition_name [, Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the SQL DELETE statement to delete one or more rows from a table. Syntax Forms. DELETE FROM dbtab Delete a data cluster 3. 2k 9 9 gold badges 138 138 silver badges 162 162 bronze badges. MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server support multi-table DELETE as an extension to the standard, but Oracle does not. In that case, I need to use an alias for the "side" I'm deleting from and this syntax makes it super clear I'm deleting from the duplicates alias. You can use a WHERE clause to specify which rows should be removed. The following illustrates its syntax: FROM table_name. ArchiveOrders = 1 – DELETE . SQL - DELETE Statement . Change OR to AND if you only want to delete rows where all of the columns are NULL. A DELETE statement can start with a WITH clause to define common table expressions accessible within the DELETE. DELETE FROM medium Delete a file 4. Here’s the syntax of the DELETE statement:. a date with 2008-12-31 would be deleted. jpg etc The delete with an alias is useful when you want to delete from a table but need to join that table to other tables/views to get a reduced set of rows. You can't use single quotes around table names: DELETE FROM `content` WHERE note_id = '7' AND userid = '1' You have to use backticks around table and column names - not single quotes. If u have ABAP editor then type "delete". – Bill Karwin. Discover how to remove data from a database table using the SQL DELETE statement. I would drop the table if I didn't need it anymore "Truncate operations drop and re-create the table, which is much faster than deleting rows one by one, particularly for large tables. 6k 32 32 DELETE FROM table WHERE colA IS NULL OR colB is NULL Add further conditions for each column that you want to check. id) where t1. 就像使用INSERT语句将记录插入表中一样,您也可以使用语句从表中删除记录DELETE。 语法. DELETE FROM dbTableName WHERE (LastName = ‘Kumar’) Using above design, particulars rows in table dbTableName will be deleted where LastName is Kumar. In SQL, the DELETE statement allows you to delete one or more rows from a table based on a condition. answered Feb 26, 2011 at 10:00. Find out how this works in our guide. I tried : delete itab where vbeln p_saldoc-high. DELETE FROM your_table WHERE id >= a_value AND id It works. I want to write a query to delete records from Table2 where the ID (Table2ID) doesn't exist in Table1. 5k 28 28 The syntax for the DELETE statement in SQL is: DELETE FROM table [WHERE conditions]; Parameters or Arguments table The table that you wish to delete records from. CustomerID = o. You can add more characters if you wish, for example CA '+-' which means the string contains a '+' or a '-' etc. If you do not use any SQLite Delete 语句 SQLite 的 DELETE 查询用于删除表中已有的记录。可以使用带有 WHERE 子句的 DELETE 查询来删除选定行,否则所有的记录都会被删除。 语法 带有 WHERE 子句的 DELETE 查询的基本语法如下: DELETE FROM table_name WHERE [condition]; 您可以使用 AND 或 OR 运算符来结合 N 个数量的条件。 Please edit to: 1) provide EXACT code necessary to solve the OP's issue, as specified in SO guidelines. The WHERE clause specifies which record(s) should be deleted. Append your data to a table and query by time/date. The following Oracle DELETE statement would delete these records from the contacts table: DELETE FROM contacts WHERE city = 'Las Vegas' AND first_name = 'Jane'; Practice Exercise #2: Based on the contacts table, delete all records from the contacts table whose contact_id is greater than or equal to 5000 and less than 6000. DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition; Code DELETE FROM agent1 da -- This line specifies the action of deleting records from the 'agent1' table, aliasing it as 'da'. ). Mike. i. 264k 69 69 gold badges 507 507 silver badges 499 499 bronze badges. Most times, this is not what we intend to do. DELETE itab Delete from a database table 2. The following statement will remove all the records from the The statement DELETE sets sy-dbcnt to the number of deleted rows. Plz DELETE A FROM table1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM table2 B WITH WHERE B. This can be SELECT * FROM table WHERE id BETWEEN 79 AND 296. The WITH clause allows you to specify one or more subqueries that can be referenced by name in the DELETE query. ID WHERE Site. But I needed table aliases for specifying conditions for the query builder. 8 and SELECT for details. 14. In order to filter the records to be deleted (or, delete particular records), we need to use the WHERE clause Reference SQL command reference General DML DELETE DELETE¶. id left join t1 on (t1. A diferencia de comandos como TRUNCATE o DROP, que eliminan todos los datos o incluso la estructura de la tabla, DELETE brinda un control mucho más granular. If TableA and TableB is the same Table, then I have to use 'TableA' to refer to the table in delete clause, and I have no way to give it an alias name; in contrast, I have to give an alias name to the table in the sub query, and have no way to use the 'id1' and 'id2' without prefix table name DELETE FROM `table` WHERE `A`= '' Is that that correct? mysql; Share. CLASS measure DEFINITION. So, the JOIN The SQL DELETE statement is one of the most commonly used commands in SQL (Structured Query Language). 2) Edit to capitalize MySQL keywords, and 3) wrap code blocks in 3 backticks (or indent at least 4 spaces). x) и более поздних версий. PRIVATE SECTION. put_line(revisions. Follow answered Apr 11, 2010 at 0:20. create table A (AA int) create table B (BB int) insert into A values (100) insert into B values (1) --Invalid Case if exists (select 1 from B where BB = 7) begin delete from A where aa = 100 if @@rowcount > 0 begin print 'BB in B has value euqal to 7' end end else begin print 'BB in B not equals to 7' end --Valid Case update B set BB = 7 if Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Actually what I would expect from this query, if it would ever run, is that all rows are deleted if there is a single row where your column matches I have a MySQL table where I want to delete all the entries that contain a part of a string - for example, in the field "photo_name", a lot of entries might have strings like these: testb-image-0. table_name. There are cases where the subquery is so complex that using a temporary table is preferable over an alias. For example, to delete records older than 10 minutes, you could use this: DELETE FROM events WHERE timestamp < (NOW() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE) Or, for deleting records that are over a day The DELETE statement in SQL Server is a Data Manipulation Language (DML) command used to remove one or more rows from a table based on specified conditions. Try It. DELETE DATASET Delete a program (internal) 5. But it gave an DELETE is a DML statement that removes rows from a table. jpg testd-image-0. rev, row_number() over (partition by column1, column2 order by column3) rn from table1 t) where rn <> 1; dbms_output. Add a comment | En el caso de desear eliminar todos los registros de una tabla, es más óptimo utilizar la sentencia TRUNCATE, ya que es más rápida y eficiente, utilizando menos recursos del sistema y del registro de transacciones. I didn't post it as an answer, because the question is tagged mysql, but in MS SQL Server if you first issue set ansi_nulls off then delete from table when null = null will delete all rows because with this switch null = null becomes true. date = '2013-05-06'; DELETE e FROM I have 2 tables: Table1 (ID, Table2ID, Col1,. Improve this question. In this example, we have a table called suppliers with the following data: Enter the You can use SQL DELETE to remove superfluous entries from a table. DELETE REPORT Delete text elements (internal) 6. so if you delete something by mistake you can The DELETE statement is used to delete existing records in a table. Company = 1 AND w. table_name must not be a foreign table. 4) Delete all rows from a table example. Share. Dharman ♦. Here’s the syntax of the DELETE statement: WHERE condition; Code language: Let's start with a simple example of a DELETE query that has one condition in the WHERE clause. delete文の文法は、rdbms(リレーショナルデータベース管理システム)やデータベースのバージョンによっ In a step I would like to delete rows inside t2 that has been delete in t1 with the same id. id = A. If no conditions are provided, all records in the table will be deleted. if u want to delete the table entries. Just be sure to put the table name (or an alias) between DELETE and FROM to specify which table you are deleting from. Since BigQuery charges by amount of data queried over, this would be most economical for you, rather than having to query over entire massive datasets We have 280 rows in the artists_backup table. If you need to use a subquery(s) or additional table(s) to identify the rows to be removed, specify the subquery(s) or table(s) in a USING clause. Deleting all rows is different from dropping the table. DELETE TEXTPOOL Delete a screen (internal) 7 DELETE FROM table WHERE `pid` NOT IN ( SELECT MAX(`pid`) FROM table GROUP BY `xid` ) If I use the same query but with SELECT instead of DELETE, I get all of the records that I want to delete. What is the purpose of the DELETE statement in SQL? The DELETE statement is used to remove one or more records from a table in a database. But the delete statement is not deleting the data. functions on the right side of the expression so it can’t use index) and takes 30 seconds, the D. The WHERE clause works in the same way as a select, so things like >, <, <> or LIKE can be used. It's fairly easy to generate the SQL for this using a query on user_tab_columns if you don't want to type it out by hand. DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition; Note: Be careful when deleting records in a table! Notice the WHERE clause in the DELETE statement. BEGIN TRANSACTION; declare @deletedIds table ( id int ); DELETE w output deleted. Identifies an existing table. table_alias. Also: You had two where in there - just use and between extra clauses. Follow edited Apr 9, 2016 at 14:39. Source Code REPORT demo_delete_table_using_key. After deleting the ProjectsSchemes without a Project we now may have some new orphans in the Schemes Table. Additionally, as shown in this answer you cannot modify the same table from a subquery within the same query. Follow edited Jul 23, 2020 at 18:14. You can also create a trigger / which catches deletes and puts them into a history table. Learn syntax and examples for safely deleting rows. To remove an artist with id 1, you use the following statement: DELETE FROM artists_backup WHERE artistid = 1; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql). Is a question of homogeneity. Unlike TRUNCATE, which removes all rows from a table without logging individual row deletions, DELETE offers granular control by allowing conditions for selective deletion. 11. – Chris Simmons. Code language: SQL (Structured Query The SQL DELETE Statement is used to delete the records from an existing table. The name must not include a temporal specification. for deleting duplicate records). 2. Note: We cannot write DELETE query with where condition in action I want to delete specific values/data from one column with the WHERE condition. field_id = CriteriaTable. Because we use artistid to identify the artist, the statement removed exactly 1 row. Follow edited Mar 19, 2013 at 15:46. Commented Feb 21, 2012 at 15:32. DELETE MARA FROM TABLE ITAB. Now I am using a special variable that holds the current model name. DELETE FROM MARA. DELETE t1, t2, t3 FROM TABLE_1 t1 JOIN TABLE_2 t2 ON t2. The following DELETE statement removes all rows from the product_history table: DELETE FROM production. place the cursor on it and click on help(F1) ,u can get the all options regarding delete. If you want to delete everything which is not 2(including the NULLs) then add OR id IS NULL to the WHERE clause. Introduction to SQL DELETE statement #. When the DELETE is there, I get the error: #1093 - You can't specify target table 'mod_personnel' for update in FROM clause Or, if you want to delete records that are older than a specific point in time, then you need to calculate the timestamp that you want to use to compare against. g. CA stands for contains any and it will delete all lines where the field contains a '+' character (independent of the lenght of the field or what other characters are in). DELETE FROM table WHERE id NOT IN ( 2 ) OR . if u want to delete the table. criteria = "value"; The key is that you specify the name of the table to be deleted from as the SELECT. I would actually recommend creating a new table for each day. – I find this syntax of SQL is extremely tricky. Matti Virkkunen Matti Virkkunen. ID You can do it without regex: DELETE internal_table WHERE field CA '+'. id WHERE CriteriaTable. Remove rows from a table. id=t2. server_name Применимо: SQL Server 2008 (10. See check this if you want like this. EmployeeRun into @deletedIds FROM WorkRecord2 w INNER JOIN Employee e ON e. Some important questions on the SQL DELETE statement. My some_table is the source table which can be used to get values which are matched in the WHERE clause afterwards to filter the items to be deleted from phone_book. See Section 15. DELETE FROM table WHERE id <> 2 As @Frank Schmitt noted, you might want to be careful about the NULL values too. CustomerID where c. DELETE语句用于从表中删除一个或多个行。 DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition; The second one is not logical. gamer_id WHERE t1. If we leave out the WHERE clause in a DELETE FROM command, we will delete all rows from the table. will show all the records matching the where if they are the wants you 'really' want to delete then use. Includes syntax, examples, and Python code snippets. The alias after the delete is needed to specify which table to delete from (although in this case, deleting from an aggregation result is not allowed). WHERE 3 IN( -- This line specifies the condition for deletion, checking if the value 3 is present in the result set returned by the subquery. Attention Avant d’essayer de supprimer des lignes, il est [] translation: delete from table messages where messageid =1, if table uersmessages has messageid = messageid of table messages, delete that row of uersmessages table. id ) Maybe you would have written it as: DELETE A FROM table1 inner join table2 B on B. product_history; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) Note that if you want to remove all rows from a big table, you should use the TRUNCATE TABLE statement which is faster and more La commande DELETE en SQL permet de supprimer des lignes dans une table. id in ( select t2. Scenarios where deleting all records is appropriate, such as: Resetting a table for testing or development purposes. Follow answered Oct 7, 2010 at sy-subrc: Meaning: 0: At least one row was deleted. How to DELETE in SQL with multiple conditions. Cleaning up temporary or outdated data. However, the target table itself won't be deleted that means the table structure, attributes, and indexes will remain intact. Internal Tables, Deleting Rows Using WHERE This example measures the runtime of the statement DELETE WHERE with various table keys. To remove one or more rows from a table completely, you use the DELETE statement. The alias must not include a column list. -- UPDATE with WHERE UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1 WHERE condition; -- DELETE with WHERE DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition; Operators in WHERE 背景 最近在准备双12大促压测,为了更好的支持压测加之DB容量告急,所以准备清理一波影子表数据。 清理表数据的方式有两种: DELETE FROM table_name; TRUNCATE TABLE table_name; 那这两种方式有什么区别,适用的场景又是什么?不同点 这里将使用两张测试表来验证结果: table1: distinct_test table2: decimal_test SQL Example DELETE FROM `table_name` WHERE `field_one` = 'value_one' This will delete all rows from the table where the contents of the field_one for that row match 'value_one'. If ONLY is specified before the table name, matching rows are deleted from the named table only. 33. You can read more in the help center linked to at the top of every page. The name (optionally schema-qualified) of the table to delete rows from. EmployeeRun AND w. This is simpler than using a nested SELECT The SQL DELETE statement removes one or more rows from a database table based on a condition specified in theWHEREclause. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. delete o from Order as o inner join Customer as c on c. CLASS-METHODS main. angry kiwi angry kiwi. En utilisant cette commande associé à WHERE il est possible de sélectionner les lignes concernées qui seront supprimées. Para ejemplificar I'm deleting data from the table variable based on the condition like below. However, you can either SELECT then DELETE in separate queries, or nest another subquery and alias the inner subquery result (looks rather hacky, And SQL Server allows you to delete based on another table with a JOIN: DELETE Employee FROM Employee JOIN Site ON Employee. DELETE FROM table WHERE id BETWEEN 79 AND 296. SiteID = Site. . It’s a DML (Data Manipulation Language) operation that modifies the data within the table without altering its structure. Status = 'Closed' If the first FROM keyword were not optional, the query above would need to look like this: DELETE FROM Employee FROM Employee JOIN Site ON Employee. 4k In both examples, rows from the SalesPersonQuotaHistory table in the AdventureWorks2012 database are deleted based on the year-to-date sales stored in the SalesPerson table. I rarely "delete" anything from my databases. id A semi-join can be more DELETE FROM table WHERE id IN (1, 4, 6, 7) Share. Que es especialmente útil cuando se desea Syntax diagram - DELETE STATEMENT. Commented Feb 2, 2009 at 18:04. Is it possible? UPDATE Table SET Column = REPLACE(Column, 'Test123', 'Test') Share. DELETE FROM table_name WHERE date_column < CAST(CONVERT(char(8), (DATEADD(day,-30,GETDATE())), 112) AS datetime) But a better option is to use: DELETE FROM table_name WHERE DATEDIFF(dd, date_column, GETDATE()) > 30 The former is not sargable (i.
qhuiv iuv nha qikze vmagwujh fmzpso wabz erlog qhb gaauk ufmfrj ujg rahifd ozdlwat adu