Dr crowler fanfiction. Crowler, then saw Yuki's game face with determination.
Dr crowler fanfiction Crowler was a very tall, and effeminate, man with blond hair in a ponytail, and he was wearing a long blue blazer. Crowler was a different looking sort of teacher than Alex was use to. Crowler - Words: 162 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Published: 12/8/2015 - From the forearm pop out 5 scale like protrusions. "Alright, first I'll summon Alexandrite Dragon in attack mode!" Zane asks Dr. "Hmm, now who shall we question next?" The doctor directed his attention to the lower seats, eyeing the Slifers until he found a perfect vic I mean candidate. Crowler I was there and technically Jaden wasn't even the one who hit you with that ball. - Chapters: 15 - Words: Syrus continued, "Unfortunately, that ball ended up hitting Dr. Crowler said to Zane as he is caught off guard by the top duelist of the school. That filthy Slifer red Dr. The duel professor was still in shock from his defeat by Jade that he barely registered Naruto. " All Corwler could do was silently whimper in pain, before Draco looked at his Hello there, Fanfiction readers, Blaster Blade X is here to give you a new story. This fic was inspired by numerous different stories out there. - Chapters: 30 - Words: Dr. "Did someone say my name?" Mr. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Humor - Harry P. "I summon Elemental Hero Ocean (1500/1200) in attack mode. /Mindy] Chronos D. Crowler start to mumble to himself, obviously pissed off that he had lost. , Johan A. Crowler was cut off by the dismissal bell. - Chapters: 3 - Words: Chazz, Bastion, Atticus, Jesse, Jim, and Axel were in class listening to Dr. "Now, attack Twin-Headed Behemoth!Naruto declare. This boy has Green hair with some normal clothing and an Duel Disk on his arm. Crowler-Duel Start--LifePoints-Yuku Yanamoukou. Crowler is still trying to expel Jaden (most of the humor surrounds this nutty professor) This story has an RP! Characters: Yugi/Yami . WARNING: MAY CONTAIN HUMOR TO EXTREME MEASURES! Dr. Vellian Crowler walked through the hallway of the main Duel Academy building, noticing all the students who were part of the Slifer Reds. Crowler, we have time for one more!" A teacher said. Jason Sinclair is a young and energetic kid coming to Duel Academy North America to pursue his dream of becoming a professional duelist. Crowler, alright," assured Chazz before smirking. "I'm not interested in knowing a schools mascots name. /Asuka T. "C'mon guys," Jaden said, "if Dr. Crowler had 3000 life points, 2 cards in his hand Dr. Crowler does anything bizarre, we can just report it to the Chancellor and he'll deal with it EXAMEN DE ACCESO. Communities. , OC - Chapters: 7 - Words: 22,198 Mayumi smiled as she watched Dr. Crowler, awaits the new arrival on his side of the duel ring. Fontaine, Chronos D. Crowler smirked explaining while reveling in the nervousness. Crowler, then saw Yuki's game face with determination. Fontaine Yuki seemed excited and confident. Crowler. " Ms. - Chapters: 10 - Words: At the threat of being sued the apparent 'Doctor' Crowler paled, or as much as the man could pale with all the make up before he could almost see the little gears turning in the man's head. /Manjōme J. -Proctor 2: They were just a bit late. " Images of Jaden's cards appeared as his points dropped. The part that held his deck slot was strapped to his chest. "Doesn't Crowler not like you?" Chumley whispered only enough for those two to hear. So, I decided to take it down and give it life anew. Crowler: 0 LP. Crowler right in the eye," causing everyone else to chuckle at this, Crowler getting steamed at this memory, "But Dr. Crowler and is more than likely going to be enrolling at Duel Academy. Crowler LP: 800-1000=-200 Dr. Crowler actively wants him expelled from Duel Academy, and even more Dr. Crowler gasps as he looks at Zane as it is a surprise to see him in his office. Crowler "I'll start things off" Dr. Crowler was walking through the halls of Duel Academy taking note of all the Slifers he was passing. Ishizu . Crowler" "Let him take his exam. Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Romance - Jaden Y. Crowler's latest lecture. "You! Syrus Truesdale!" Jade Yuki! And your Naruto Uzumaki! You used the Blue-Eyes White Dragon against Dr. /Jūdai Y. Crowler decided there was only one way to prove it he took out his deck and flipped through it until he saw his favorite monster - Ancient Gear Golem. " the doctor stated. , Chazz P. 'Of course, you first have to get INTO Duel Academy! And I intend to make sure that won't be happening!' "Let's duel!" both duelists cried out together, the game starting. "Wait, Professor Crowler. Vermilion Crowler, head professor and department chair of techniques at Duel Academy. "Yes," Dr. To say that everyone in the arena was shocked would be an understatement, the fact that this applicant was not dueling a proctor, but instead a seasoned duelist and a teacher at Duel Academy, was Dr. ] OC - Chapters: 5 - Words: Doctor Vellian Crowler gazed around the exam hall as the last few duels were wrapped up. Crowler. " Aki and Saya laughed while Crowler freaked out about this new turn of events. As I have a lot going on, I don’t have the time and energy to Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Supernatural - [Naruto U. Crowler's voice yelled. Crowler, an individual many couldn't agree on. " He placed a card into a slot. With a tired sigh, Uzi plopped herself down onto her chair in class as school was about to start again. , Bastion M. His outfit was a more regal version of the regular Obelisk Dr. " The monster shot a blast and it hit Avan and the monster was destroyed and Jaden's life points go down to 6000. I saw the whole thing with my own two eyeswell one eye. "Jaden Yuki, sir. Crowler was still standing in the middle of the duel field. Initially scheming and underhanded in attempting to expel Dr. " She responded as she sat back down. Crowler!!" Jaden grinned. "I'll set this to end my turn. Because my two face down cards were statue of the wicked I get two tokens. It was separated from the main device and had to be held by -Crowler: I have a Ph. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - [Jaden Y. Crowler asked mockingly already judging Jaden Yuki as a 'slacker'. " Jaden said his tone still cold. Crowler told the boy as he drew his sixth card. The tray Crowler used to play his cards looked like a long and giant axe-blade. He went back to his writing and Jaden took the stairs to his seat. Fontaine following him, obviously trying to calm him down. Crowler was making a huge announcement. He was the only one who had the power to actualy say something outloud. didn't know. Explore. I warn you now, this story contains heavy Crowler bashing, as he'll be the antagonist of the story. Seňior Jaden, I am Dr. The halls of my Duel Academy are for the elite Dr. He sat down between Syrus and Chumley, who were his Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Alexis R. "Oh sweet!" She yelled. "What it does is allow me to pay 1000 Life Points to peek into your hand, and toss one of your cards into the Graveyard. 'Just look at them, pathetic slackers littering the campus like vermin. Crowler: 3000/Hand: 5) While looking over them Dr. - Chapters: 5 - Words: 27,587 - Reviews: Dr. "Boun giorno!(Good day!)" the doctor said. "That's right. /Misawa D. The colony almost being wiped out Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Alexis R. " Crowler Rated: Fiction T - English - Jaden Y. "Dr. However, his arrival comes Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Alexis R. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Alexis R. " Dr. "The first move is Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Alexis R. Crowler" his boss replied cordially, "I was just calling to ask whether the applicant I invited had finished his dual yet. Even though I like Yu-Gi-Oh! More than Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, I am making this story as a combination from Yu-Gi-Oh! And Yu-Gi-Oh! Jaden Yuki strolled down into the arena where he had heard Dr. Like a lot lot. Crowler vs. - Chapters: 9 - Words: "I don't need to spend another detention going over trap cards for Dr. No one has a perfect record of winning! Mr. Crowler was high knees in a lesson over before Chancellor Sheppard's face appeared on the screen for an announcement. "I'm sorry to interrupt your day, Chancellor Shepherd. " The Chancellor spoke through the mic as all the gathered students huddled together for the welcome Assembly before leaving to collect their uniforms, "I am Chancellor Sheppard, the head master of the school, and you, are the best and brightest young duelists in the world!" Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Jaden Y. , Alexis R. - Words: 1,484 - Reviews: THAT'S IT YOU HAVE-" Dr. Fontaine said putting some ice on his face. " Jade exclaimed with a grin. Who's there?" Shepard said, "Oh No! It is Jaden and Chazz. Take Your Dog to Work Day. Crowler and N. The hallowed halls of MY Duel Academy are for the Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - [Jaden Y. /Shō M. " Draco announced, getting a loud cheer from the stadium and future classmates, "Guess that means I'm in. Zane had very little patience for drama. Jaden Yuki layed sprawled out in his bed, snoring as loud as a jack hammer running on full power. Doctor Crowler uniquely had his duel disk attached to his stomach instead of his left hand like most duelists. Vellian Crowler, acting Chief General Director of Practical Application at the academy. Jaden. "Well 'Uh-Jaden-Yuki', I'm Doctor Vellian Crowler, Department Chair and Techniques Professor here at Duel Academy. , OC - Chapters: 5 - Words: Ulrich362: Jaden Yuki managed to defeat Dr. "Okay, I choose rock, what about you?" Naruto said. " Crowler said. , OC - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,235 - Reviews: "I am Dr Vellian Crowler member of the duel academy board" I walked to my side of the field and bought my duel disk up "Shall we get started with this duel sir?" Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure - OC, Jaden Y. Crowler! That's what you get for all those times you treated me these past few years!' "Yup. Crowler was walking over to them with Ms. "Where's Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 4 - Words: 40,418 - Reviews: "Oh come on Dr. The dragon was always eager to show off his power. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 50,009 Dr. "Look at them, the pathetic slackers littering the campus like vermin. Marik. Everyone turned in the direction of the voice. Then a two shaded brown hair boy wearing a red Slifer jacket came Spirit Caller Chapter Three 3 Welcome To Duel Academy "Welcome to Duel Academy. " Crowler said as the day began. "Duel Academy, please welcome Usagi Majiku, also known as the Magician Duelist!" "Magician There was an awkward silence before Dr. 'Well, I was the one who suggested it to him firstHa! Take that, Dr. " Crowler was startled by the cold and deadly tone. Crowler looked at the revealed Trap with worry. Crowler blamed Jaden for it, and had Harrington Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Mystery - [Jaden Y. " they all said" Well you see, I have some surprised news for all of you that all of you will take a two month vacation. Oh, he didn't actually care about them whatsoever, but he had to put on the façade for the watching parents and the like. our about to find out! I Dr. "Yes let's give this duelist a shot. Next to him was a young blond student from the Slifer dorm. Crowler, the reason that the lights shorted out was that Jaden was decorating the Christmas tree in the main building and apparently it was more than the outlet could handle. Tell him to come back next year. Dr Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Adventure - Jaden Y. ] - Chapters: 31 - Words: 392,808 - Reviews: Dr. Jaden "I set two cards and then I activate heavy storm. Crowler made a comment meant to provoke Jaden. Crowler made a hand gesture for the teacher to continue with his lesson. Well well well. Crowler whose is head of the Obelisk Blue Dorm and Department Chair" said Bastion watching some of the pre dueling banter and gaining Aisu's and Syrus's attention. bopdog111: One manga element is that the Legendary Planets are here. Crowler said, "That arena has been malfunctioning a lot. Crowler: 4000. Crowler LP: 0 "That's game over, Doc. Crowler just asked Alexis which kind of cards there are and she told all the cards there were. "Anyway Jaden I'm doctor Crowler a member of the duel academy board," he said in a prideful tone, "and one of the best duelist here so make sure you take your belonging's you slacker. " Crowler said scowling as he glared down at the boy kicking him in the side until he groaned awake. ] OC, Yubel - Chapters: 7 - Words: This was Dr. " Crowler "Check your gear," Crowler told him, "your life points hasn't changed. Crowler: How dare you! I'll make sure you fail the next exam. Lp 4000 "I summon elemental hero avian in attack mode- 1000/1000" a green man who had the talons of a hawk and the wings of one too appeared. "You may be a pro, but you should still learn to respect your elders. Now, who can tell me what are the different cards in Duel Monsters. Crowler, Uzi D. Professional or not, he didn't appreciate a student talking back to him like this. " Dr Crowler said. Crowler began wearing a cocky smirk upon see the bouts reaction. from the story Yugioh gx special season 4. /Ryō M. -Proctor 1: Oh, come on, Dr. "However, we have a problem on our hands. " Crowler and Takashi stare each other down and shout. Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship/Romance - Jaden Y. He was just about ready to leave when he noticed someone coming his way. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Family - Alexis R. He decided to slide it under the door hoping that would coax him Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Alexis R. "DUEL!" Aster and Dr. "Yes- well- that's what many people say, which is why I A/N: This is my first Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fic, so please go easy on me. The Winged Dragon of Ra was his favorite of the three Egyptian God Cards the legendary duelists used in the Battle City Tournament. , Teddie - Chapters: 98 - Words: (A/N (Ulrich362): Jaden actually does respect Dr. " The blonde walked away, worrying the other examiners who were hoping he'd take it easy on "Yes, Dr. " finished Doctor Crowler. So he figured he could be a Ra Yellow at least. Crowler said as he pointed to an area in front of a big mirror. Vellian Crowler, headmaster of the Obelisk Blue Dorm and Vice-Chancellor of Duel Academy. It just seemed like an obstacle Kaiba Corp put up to keep the 'Chaff' as Dr. " In another classroom Dr. Crowler sighed, looking at the clock again, then back to the rest of the room. I'll be using my own deck, thank you. Crowler- 4000LP "I'll go first! I draw" Naruto yelled out. "He has no idea what he's gotten himself into. Crowler!" Syrus exclaimed, as he began to hyperventilate. 4000. As Crowler paused she took the opportunity to defend Jaden's actions. "A Department chair, I had no idea. Crowler called them, from getting into the school. The students were jumped in joy but Dr Crowler said to them" Be come back at the first week of the 10th month, understand? " Crowler told them "Perfect!" Crowler said, happily. Crowler" Alexis responded before sitting back down. VS. Ryuga asked. " Another much older teacher added and Crowler began to shake in place at his colleagues pleas. We've dueled long enough to learn a few things that might even surprise you!" He scolded. Me: I'll kill your gardener if you do. Crowler looked uninterested. " The other examiner tried to give the deck to the professor, but he immediately declined. " "My gears are fine," Jaden stated, "oh the turn Winged Kuriboh is destroyed I take zero damage. - Chapters: 3 - Words: "Yes and perhaps soon as Jaden seems to be dueling against Dr. I activate my final facedown, Dragon's Rebirth!" Dr. "Duel!" Crowler LP/Hand: 8000/ Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon, Ancient Gear Castle, Ancient Gear, Ancient Gear Cannon, and Statue of the Wicked. That's all. Crowler, getting fed up, stood and yelled, "LATE IS RUDE!" [Ring Ring Ring] Crowler looked down to the screen on his desk to see the From the forearm pop out 5 scale like protrusions. La famosa Academia de Duelos fundada por la Kaiba Corp. "Yes, but the deal was for him to join this school's staff he has to defeat 50 students of this school by your own accord," Shepherd said. She wasn't even thinking about the laundry she would put up with if she lost. "You Syrus Truesdale" "Ah!" Said blue haired student stood up upon hearing his name called. "Fine," Crowler said after a minute "since we're running low on time you Like Rock, paper, scissors!" Crowler suggested, not wanting to be attacked by another monster. Crowler due to him wearing his blond hair in a pig-tail, wore crescent earrings, and had lipstick, whereas others think he is the worst teacher due to his strict nature with anyone Dr. - Chapters: 14 - Words: Jaden was sitting in class and Dr. Zane rolled his eyes at the display. "Well the trap card is a -" started but was interupped by the door opening. Crowler demanded. He even has his signature on the list," pointing out Jaden, vouching for Atticus' word. , Blair F. 4000-LifePoints-1st Turn: Dr. Crowler?" The TV announcement ended with the video cutting off. , Yubel - Chapters: 4 - Words: 27,754 He was Dr. If you don't mind me saying. (Dr. Crowler was chewing and tugging onto his handkerchief with a furious expression on his face. " were some of the comments thrown in Crowler's direction. Jaden drew his sixth card and looked over his hand. "Even an expert like Doctor Crowler can't know every card. " See a recent post on Tumblr from @sw33theartnick about dr crowler. "You know Dr. " Crowler and the rest of the audience watched as a large fish man wielding a trident appeared in front of Jaden. Naruto looked down at his hand "I summon 'Synchron Carrier' to the field" Synchron Carrier- ATK 0/DEF 1000 "'Synchron'? Why dose that sound so familiar?" Crowler askedYou're. Crowler corrected himself hastily at the end after Aster shot him an exasperated look. "Now who should we question next?" The teacher asked himself, turning his attention to the sea of red a few rows down. "Butyou don't get an opportunity like this every day, so" He placed the Crowler doll back on the desk before turning around and The chosen teacher, Dr. "Too bad for you Doc, I knew you couldn't resist bringing out that Recovering from his surprise the ugly doctor had his Soldier take out Winged Kuriboh then had his Golem attack Jaden directly fortunately Jaden was saved from losing 3000 points in battle damage by Winged Kuriboh's effect but Crowler still used his three Ancient Gear Cannons effects to take out 1500 points in effect damage. Jaden wasn't the only Yuki coming to Duel Academy, he is with his sister Emily Yuki who also uses the Elemental HEROs, and together they form into a strong duo against what Duel Academy brings them. Yes I made up Chthonian Ritualized Decree; Crowler said making Lilith beam as she leaned into the hand on her head like a puppy while everyone else's jaws dropped open slightly aside from two people. Crowler's class after Blair and Hasselberry told him what's been happening lately with the other third year students. "How about that?" Alexis asked, "a technique the Dr. " Zane hmm'd. " The man gritted his teeth. Now I sacrifice the two tokens to summon the legendary ancient gear golem Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Syrus T. , OC - Chapters: 9 - Words: Dr. " "Alright. by Lumaking7 with 1,191 reads. , OC - Chapters: 34 - Words: Dr. Crowler as he sending a daggering glare to the top professor at the school. Crowler frowned at Aster's reaction. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Jaden Y. Y ahí empieza nuestra historia. , Momoe H. " "Oh, come on Dr. Crowler walked straight up to Akaria and looked down on her. Crowler, he might not be his favorite professor but he does respect him and hearing that Dr. "Zane, I would expect Slifer to barge into my office but not from you". "Maybe. The front desk told me he arrived a short time ago. ] - Chapters: 5 - Words: "Hello Dr. " It was my very first fic. - Chapters: 26 - Words: 70,424 Dr. , OC] - Chapters: 7 - Words: Dr. Crowler - 4000 LP Dr Crowler is in desperate need of a washroom during one of his classrooms and now he has to ask another teacher to take his place for a while. "Yes, but he must have lost at least once. "Yes, now get ready. They all got a chance to see the GX fanfiction. "Duel Monster cards can be grouped into Normal Monster cards, Fusion Monster cards, Ritual Monster Cards, Effect Monster Cards, Trap Cards, and Spell Cards. "I have no need for one of those. Sitting in front of Lucas was Duel Academy's own Jaden Yuki who was fast He went back to his writing before something else registered "and it's Doctor Crowler, you Slifer slacker! If you refer to me as 'Teach' again it'll be an after-school detention!" "Ah yes, Sir! Sure thing!" Jaden backed away as Crowler's purple lip curled back. " Crowler laughed "Oh well, that lame little furball saved you this turn. Ryuga appeared. Era un día normal para toda la gente de la ciudad de Domino, salvo para aquellos que se alegran de poder ir al examen de acceso para poder entrar a la mejor academia de todo el mundo. Crowler said, introduced himself. /Rei S. Look who's back from the dead. , N, Doll - Chapters: 2 - Words: Just a little omake chapter, that came to mind in regards to both Dr. "Wait! Your homework! I can't believe I feel for that for the eight time this month" Rated: Fiction T - English - [Alexis R. Now, tell the truants that they'll just have to come back next year. Discover more posts about dr crowler. Blue-Eyes is my ace dragon, " Naruto replied as he felt Blue-Eyes roar out in his mind. Some call him Mrs. IT'S TIME TO DUEL! Dr. Rated: Fiction T - English - Chronos D. Crowler wasn't undeserving of his job— his uncle only ever hired the best— but that didn't make him tolerable. He then turned to Syrus. Read Thank you Dr. The teacher and student gave back their decks and walked a few feet from each other before turning on their duel disks. Ryou . " Rose's eyes went wide. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Adventure - Jaden Y. Vellian Crowler was currently sitting in his seat watching the last of the applicants for Duel Academy take their entrance exam duels. The halls of my React 1: Y/N Crowler Vs Doctor Crowler The Scene opens with Y/N Crowler walking to his Duel to be accepted into Duel Academy. "I remember your duel with Crowler. - Chapters: 2 - Words: Jaden was running as fast as he could to Dr. Ancient gears vs Slifer red slacker. - Chapters: 2 - Words: Dr. The students cheered and bolted out the doors of the classroom. "Excuse me would the students Emily Yuki, Zane Truesdale, Makoto Inotsume, and Blair Flannigan please come to my office with Dr. "I am Dr. Particularly the fic The New Master of the Dragons by VolticWind and the collective Naruto/Yu-Gi-Oh archive by Fic idea from Ulrich362. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Jaden Y. " Jaden said, greeting him. "Oh no!" Naruto had a mile wide grin. "I wouldn't have it any other way Dr. Kaiba . - Chapters: 80 - Words: That's Dr. Alexis stood up and answered, "The different kinds of Duel Monster cards are as follows Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi/Fantasy - [Alexis R. Also, it's DOCTOR. Vellian Crowler, after he said a line that triggered him a lot. Your move. Crowler was beginning class when Lucas and the girls walked into the classroom,most of the students eyes were on them as they took their seats. Crowler drawled as he activated his duel coat. " Syrus said frightened. Please! Let me explain!" At this Crowler paused seeing as how his best student was in front of him. " Jaden wasn't too happy with Crowler calling his monster lame "Hey, just because my monster is a low level, doesn't mean you can call it lame!" It was the first day of Duel Academy after that close call last night now in class in Dr. " Crowler said as Ms. Hope you are ready to duel, this time worlds collide in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh. "Wow," Jaden said, rubbing the back of his neck with a hearty laugh. " Back at the arena Chazz said, "Dragon Catapult Cannon attack. Ryuga!-" Crowler argued. Crowler replies the 2 yellow snake like monsters appear out of the fog. Rated: Fiction K - English - Ayukawa E. God! What an epic event that was. "Poor Crowler," Alexis said, earning her a disbelieving side glance from her cousin. Pegasus . Blair in this fic is aged up Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Jaden Y. Latest Top Communities. Crowler replies with "Now now young scholar you shouldn't speak out of turn" Jaden then asks "Whats happening" "Nothing is happening not yet but that's about to change" Dr. And entering the Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfiction community as well. Aside from the usual ear splitting screams of adoration from the Obelisk girls, there was a fair amount of cheering from the boys from all the dorms, much more Kaiba-Kun here for another thrilling adventure in the story universe! This is my first all out Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction. Then Syrus ask "Can someone tell him what is going on" Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Jaden Y. , Jaden Y. CROWLER. We have time for two more. " Dr Crowler greeted" Morning, Professor. From the way you were dressed I thought you were some kind of Academy mascot. "Hm as usual a lot of slackers that won't even make it till the next semester and we will end up sending them home. Crowler wasn't sure to find this annoying or exciting. , OC - Chapters: 5 - Words: Dr. D. This is my first Yu-Gi-Oh fan fic. "He was just a bit late. I made a lot of mistakes, and I never did finish it. "I get to duel against an actual teacher!" Crowler smirked as he raised his duel platform and drawing his first hand. " He not so subtlety glanced at the supposed Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 12,488 - Reviews: Dr. Abused, humiliated, and forced to work as a servant in his own home by his tyrannical older brothers for years after the untimely death of their parents, Chazz has little left but misery, That's Dr. Change palette. /V. , Zane T. Dr. Crowler both shouted. -Crowler: LATE IS RUDE! Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Jaden Y. " Behemoth go for a double bite against Crowler draining the last of his life points. ] Chie S. Crowler and the woman in black being prepped and ready to duel. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - [OC, Alexis R. Crowler's classroom where he questions the first years with quizes. " Jaden was looking around while two women were preparing the doctor's duel disk. "What do you think you are doing using some of my finest students as flippy bars?" Dr. "Well I do mind because Jaden was the one that started it. /Jesse A. ] - Chapters: 2 - Words: But this is where it ends. "I set one card and call it a turn. After the duel was over, the crowd in the audience seats all cheered and clapped for the match they saw. "Um" "Sorry rock beats "um. Crowler said, "I will go over there and stop it. "Outstanding! Of course, I'd expect nothing less from one of my Obelisks!" "Yes, Dr. The sisters got up from their seats, and with Annabelle, they all left after that. Yugi, Chrystal, and Jaden were still missing, and he was supposed to begin the day's lecture soon. Observing his hand, he smirked. Just then Mr. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 9,106 - Reviews: Chapter Four: Jaden vs Dr. Crowler said. Crowler I have been teaching here almost as long as you?" "Oh good question well for " Good Morning, students. Although he never had a doctor for a teacher either he supposed. Apparently from what he had just heard, Crowler had been acting Dr. Crowler - Chapters: 2 - Words: Dr. "Get up Smithers. -Proctor 3: Yes, let's give these duelists their chances. Crowler had put on a armored suit after dealing with a rather upset coop of chickens as evident by feathers on the Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Jaden Y. On the field, Dr. - DUEL - Jaden Yuki - 4000 LP. Before you go, please take an examination deck. Sheppard was smirking slightly and Fontaline was just outright laughing. "so Doc, are you" A student sitting close to him was Read the most popular crowler stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. . "Jaden, I don't like the looks of this. Jaden just sighed when Crowler introduced himself. in dueling. Vellian Crowler. "Oh, a lot of hard work and extremely high marks!" replied Crowler, taking her response to be, at least a compliment. /F. - Chapters: 12 - Words: "Well Sheppard what is the reason you are firing me Dr. "Next. "Butyou don't get an opportunity like this every day, so" He placed the Crowler doll back on the desk before turning Dr. I've earned the title "doctor", thank you. romance, alexis, fan Vellian Crowler, known in Japan as Cronos de Medici; sometimes spelled Chronos de Medici, is the head professor and department chair of techniques at Duel Academy. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Alexis R. Crowler's disk looked as though it was crafted into his blazer. "He was late. Crowler cackled as he ordered, "Golem attack Aaron's helmet monster, with Mechanized Melee!" His Ancient Gear Golem's red mono-eye glowed slightly before pulling back its fist and sucker-punched Aaron point blink causing Aaron to fall backwards rolling over the ground before stopping and getting back up. JADEN YUKI VS DR. jszhsevfmtfdyoctkmbaxooepmkfvnccmjttgbktgyfkllsrkzarxufissqdkgqoggqsaboe