Federal surplus land for sale. To View Available Surplus Property.
Federal surplus land for sale Sales Process for Provincially-Owned Properties This is done by adding the property to the yearly Surplus Property Disposition Plan or using special laws. Each year, this program reports state surplus land that is available for lease. Email: governmentlandsales@transport. The Federal Surplus Program transfers federal surplus property to eligible customers for a service fee. L-C-038 B: Location: 3205 W Redwood Ln. 3(b), "[t]ransfers [of Federal surplus property] may be made only to States, their political subdivision and instrumentalities, tax-supported public health institutions, and nonprofit public health institutions which have been held tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. section 11011. The auction may be conducted by the federal agency that owns the property or an Welcome to South Dakota Federal Property Agency's online catalog! PROPERTY ON THIS SITE. These properties are available at discounted or no cost, intended for The Government of Ontario announced on December 4, 2018 that it is reducing red tape and accelerating sales of surplus government property, making IO’s process more efficient. Visit GSA Auctions® for more information or to search and This site advertises auctions of seized Real Property for sale throughout the United States and Puerto Rico and includes single and multi-family residences; commercial and residential land; commercial buildings and warehouses; and Find surplus federal government properties for sale to the general public. INTRODUCTION TO STATE & FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY PROGRAMS FOR STATE AGENCY STAFF . SUITE. Auction rules may vary across sellers. Properties listed are either for sale, will soon be for sale or have recently been sold. gov Before a building or parcel of land is offered for lease or sale to a local or federal unit of government or a private party, it shall first be offered for lease to state agencies, state universities and the Florida College System institutions, with priority consideration given to state universities and Florida College System institutions. Surplus Property 2846 Highway 179 Jefferson City, MO 65109 . The contract for sale of land and Design Guidelines for your estate usually specify whether or not you can erect a Colorbond fence. C. To View Available Surplus Property. Employees from other agencies can bid if they are not prohibited from doing so by The State Surplus Property and Federal Surplus Property programs provide invaluable support to state agencies, citizens, and clients of the State of Texas. Contact the Real Estate Services Bureau for information or explore related pages about endowment land for sale. No closings at this time. Government’s Standard Form 114C April 2001, “General Sale Terms and Conditions. Small Business Administration (SBA) is amending its regulations to expand access to the U. In FY2022, GSA oversaw the negotiated sale of 10 surplus federal buildings and four parcels of surplus land. View our inspection reports and buy with confidence. S. If you have questions regarding the GSA Federal Surplus Property Program, need interpretation and While WV Surplus does house a small amount of federally donated property onsite, the more unique items are typically made available through the PPMS. What are BASIX guidelines? The NSW Government has introduced compulsory minimum guidelines, develop, redevelop, or sell the property without restriction. Department of Corrections Former Camp Kitwin View, bid on and buy from government auction and sales. Office hours: Monday Available Surplus Property. The State Surplus Property Program gathers and disperses surplus goods collected from other state agencies. For more information about a property, or to submit a proposal to purchase the property, email Jim. All personal property owned by the state of South Carolina that has been declared as surplus is required to be disposed of by the Surplus Surplus real estate. Please study the terms and conditions in the invitation for bid, and in any notices provided at auctions and other sales. , Phoenix, AZ 85045: Property Information: 23,227 sq ft / . GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. LOCATION: Northwest corner of I-40 & Classen Boulevard, in Oklahoma County. The current list includes properties in 28 municipalities in seven provinces but will grow over time through an ongoing review of underused or vacant federal land and buildings. To see which surplus properties are for sale, check the eMarketplace. Bidding on any item indicates your acceptance of these terms listed below and all other terms announced at the time of sale whether bidding in person, through a represenative, by phone, internet or other absentee bid. . To set up access, visit PPMS Login or contact our Federal Point of Contact at 615-350-3373 #3. All of our auctions are online - some are live with an auctioneer. Federal Surplus Property; Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) Mail Service Center; Motor Fleet Management; Non-Public Education (Home & Private Schools) Purchase & Contract; State Construction Office; State Parking; State Property Office; State Surplus Property; Boards & Commissions. Find surplus property based on availability to local agencies, affordable housing sponsors, and the public. Phone: 573-751-3415 The Federal Lands Initiative is a $316. Infrastructure’s surplus real estate, which is offered for sale to the general public is listed with a qualified realtor and posted develop, redevelop, or sell the property without restriction. General Services Administration (GSA). Policy and regulations We notify state and local agencies of the availability of any surplus federal real property that they may be eligible to acquire The Surplus Property Office manages the sale and disposal of personal surplus state property and the distribution of federal government property, equipment and vehicles to government agencies, qualified non-profit entities and the public. Many properties are also listed on the Multiple Listing Service ® (MLS ®). Others are timed. 6th Surplus land is offered for sale through either a public tender or a restricted tender (for nonconforming properties only) in accordance with the "Provincial Policy on Disposal of Surplus Lands". If you are interested in any of the items, you will be required to register as an official bidder online, and agree to the Terms and Conditions posted on the web page. Open to the public, GSA Auctions allows direct bidding on surplus federal property. Sale 139793 (PDF) - Lookout Tower located off 220th St and TH 65, McGrath, MN. Here’s how you know Bid on United States of America Real Estate / Land Parcels Real Estate, Buildings, Structures in our surplus auctions. Negotiated Sale for Housing Programs Subject to approval, a negotiated sale might be used to acquire surplus federal buildings or land for a Current properties and structures for sale by bid. State-Owned Real Estate for Sale; Closing Dates. Purpose: Site allows the public to view all available surplus property that has been declared through the State Controller's website. If you have questions regarding the GSA Federal Surplus Property Program, need interpretation and translation services, or require assistance for accomplishes this is through selling surplus federal land, improvements to land, and rights to land. Browse our listings to find your next business, residence, rental, or vacation property today. 990,000. If the proposed deadline stated in the bulletin has expired, then the property is being actively marketed until it is sold. singh@dot. F. Have any questions? Please contact your local branch. Access requires coordination with these representatives. General Services Administration's (GSA) Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation Program for certain small business concerns in accordance with the Recovery Improvements for Small Entities After Disaster Act of 2015 (RISE Act), the Federal Surplus Property Pro Bono Publico – ‘For the Public Good’ ‘What is Federal Surplus Property?’ The Arkansas Federal Surplus Property Program is governed by the General Services Administration (GSA). 2. ELIGIBILITY. Federal rules limit eligibility to state and local government agencies and certain other nonprofit organizations such as education and health About this Service. Local Agencies are provided with priority buyer status to acquire surplus state-owned real property prior to the property being offered for sale to the general public. com provides services to government agencies facilitating the sale of surplus items on the internet. Federal aid project delivery For general questions, contact WisDOT's Statewide Surplus Land Sales Program Coordinator: Parminder "Mindy" Singh Bureau of Technical Services/Real Estate (262) 548-8716 parminder. gov . au Federal Surplus Property. These properties can vary widely in location, size, use and value and may include improved and unimproved land, office buildings, warehouses, commercial and industrial facilities, airfields, former Post Offices, easements, SALES OF SURPLUS LANDS. mil. Surplus Properties (As of December 2018) These properties are in varying stages of circulation, due diligence and marketing. Land and Property Transport Property Planning and Land Services Department of Transport and Planning 1 Spring Street Melbourne Vic 3000. 17430(04), Part of Parcels 77 & 78 BID OPENING SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 13, 2025 Disposal of Surplus Land: JP 17430(04), Part of Parcels 77 & 78; Lots 24 thru 33, Block 4 of the Westover Addition (Replat) to the City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. GSA fleet vehicle sales - auctions of government-owned vehicles that are in good condition and ready to drive e-Tools for State Agencies and Public Organizations GSA Auctions SM: Bid electronically on surplus federal personal property. Find government assets for sale. *Bid Opening March 18, 2025; Sale 139616 (PDF) - 0. Public sales, under NRS 408. VEBEG continuously offers and sells a wide Surplus government property is any federal or state property that is no longer needed. Surplus Real Estate Contact: Steve Harless Director of Real Estate Phone: (317) 234-4724 E-Mail: sharless@idoa. Long-term planning of the government-owned portfolio centres around preserving Ontario's valued real estate, seeking opportunities to use it in the best and most effective ways, and supporting the government's commitment to footprint reduction by enhancing and selling surplus assets. GSA operates a variety of sales venues for citizens and public organizations. Marketing surplus real estate to general public. Current auctions conducted by HIC is found at SPO Public Auctions GSA Public Auctions Federal Surplus Property does not conduct live auctions. com. Search for homes, land, farms, ranches, and commercial real estate from the federal government, which sells or auctions them to the public. General Services Administration (GSA) disposes of everything from office equipment, furniture and vehicles — trucks, planes, boats and more — to scientific devices, heavy machinery, and even luxury goods. Properties that may be available for purchase or lease are available for review via the State Public Auction The State Surplus Property Office conducts internet auctions on a weekly basis. These can range from computers to artwork to mobile homes and more. GSA Auctions. in. Idaho Department of Lands. Sale of surplus lands shall be by quitclaim deed (including improvements) on an "as is,” "where is" basis subject to all outstanding taxes, any special liens or assessments, comprehensive land use plans, zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed by governmental authority; qualifications and Land Rover (2) Mercedes (9) other brands (4) Trucks (33) Iveco (4) Iveco-Magirus (3) Magirus (1) MAN (13) Mercedes (7) Multicar (2) VW (1) other brands (2) Unimog (15) Unimog (15) Firefighter vehicles (6) VEBEG - Federal Surplus Sales VEBEG GmbH is wholly-owned by the Federal Republic of Germany. Properties are available for exchange before being offered for sale at auction. The notice contains a brief description of the property, a list of the PBC uses and statutes under which the property can be conveyed, and contact information for the Regional office and appropriate sponsoring This data provides federal real estate properties available for sale to the general public. Real Estate Sales; Vehicle Auctions; Aircraft Sales; General Surplus Information; State Surplus FAQ; General Surplus On-Line Sales to the Public; Surplus Sales to Local Government; School Computer Donations Excess Land No. State representatives manage the PPMS through the VAM Federal Surplus team. Department of Corrections Former Camp Ottawa (Posted 10/1/19) - SOLD. gov (formally GSAXcess). Find properties . Apr 03, 2025 10:00 AM. State Surplus Property. When surplus property becomes available as a possible PBC or Negotiated Sale, GSA prepares a surplus screening notice for the property. Sales/Leases may occur via negotiated sale/lease, public auction, sealed bid or public purpose conveyance/lease. sco. Auctions can take place online, in person, or by mail-in bid. Government sales Find surplus federal government properties for sale that are circulating to priority interests in accordance with Treasury Board Policy on Disposal of Surplus Real Property. The government sells billions of dollars of surplus, forfeited and seized assets each year. For more information on any of the properties currently accepting offers, help placing a bid, or to inquire about any other Houston The cost of land in Washington makes affordable housing construction a challenge for developers. gov GovDeals. To be notified when a property is listed for sale, please sign up for property alerts. Today, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Public Services and Procurement, and the Honourable Anita Anand, President of the Treasury Board, announced that 6 surplus federal properties will be developed into more than 2,800 new homes in Calgary, Alberta, Edmonton, Auctions may take place online, in person, or by mail-in bid. Mequon WI, 53092-5891 Minimum Bid. idaho. surplusmail@oa. ”You may ask to review a copy from any of the GSA regional sales offices. 9-million fund designed to support the transfer or leasing of surplus federal lands and buildings to eligible applicants. Policy and regulations Toggle submenu. The Federal Surplus Property Program acquires surplus federal property such as vehicles and heavy equipment, medical and rescue supplies, boats, furniture and aircraft for eligible state agencies, universities, local governments, public The U. The U. It is brought in from all over the [] About Condominium in BGC (Taguig) Federal Land brings the cosmopolitan vibe to life with the master-planned community of Grand Central Park. By offloading excess personal property through GSA’s Personal Property Management program, federal agencies reduce the federal environmental Surplus property may be sold to another level of government or approved entity to support a government purpose or initiative prior to being offered for sale to the general public. ; Surplus Personal Property Sales: Find personal property using one of a variety of sales methods including live auction, fixed price, drop-by, and sealed bid. Register free and start bidding today across more than 500 categories. Boards & Commissions; Commission of Indian Affairs Welcome to Government Auction Terms and Conditions. This unique program has the ability to acquire property that has been declared surplus by the federal government. Negotiated Sale for Housing Programs Subject to approval, a negotiated sale might be used to acquire surplus federal buildings or land for a Federal government is given an opportunity to purchase where prior interest is expressed. These previously Learn how to buy surplus property. 38 Acres of Vacant Land located SE of TH 210 E For questions or more information about the state's surplus real estate process, please contact IDOA Director of Real Estate Steve Harless. Properties listed are either for sale, will soon be for sale, or have recently been sold. Sales link address: 52 Wilson Street (opens in a new window) 6 Fulford Street, Wodonga (opens in a new window) General enquiries. All properties included in the tool will be ready to be released as soon as possible. • Properties will be listed on this site when information and dates become available. Public land identified as surplus (through the Department?s land consolidation review) are first offered to governmental agencies, then alternate conservation owners before being offered to the general public for exchange or purchase. Found in North Bonifacio Global City, Grand Central Park is the home of Taguig’s Access information regarding excess real property available for state use, 90-day local agency notices, surplus real property for sale, and request for lease proposals. wa. If you download a bid package, keep checking the site for updates until the bid Surplus Federal properties that are not conveyed to state/local governments and other eligible recipients are sold to the public through a competitive bidding process. The SSP is open to the public and other government bodies. § 12. 3(e), In 2024, the Government of Canada launched Solving the Housing Crisis: Canada’s Housing Plan, which lays out an ambitious whole-of-government approach to addressing the housing crisis by building more homes, making it easier to rent or own a home, and helping Canadians who cannot afford a home. federal real property; surplus; for sale; real estate online; REO; office; residential; land; water lot; Subject: Government and Politics; Maintenance and Update Frequency: As 104 South 43rd Avenue Caldwell, ID 83605 (208) 334-3477 Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm The primary mission of the DOAS Surplus Property division is the identification, redistribution, and disposal of state personal property (not real estate) to state and local governments, eligible non-profits, and the public. GSA’s federal asset sales seeks to engage all agencies from the federal government. Surplus property is either redistributed to other government entities or sold to certain organizations and the public. Current and Future Properties for Sale For more information, contact: Land Development & Sales LandDevelopmentSales State Surplus Property. This property is not for sale to the public. Contact WisDOT General Contact Information Technical Web Support The State Surplus Property Program receives excess property from state agencies and sells the property to eligible recipients. A key component of Canada’s Housing Plan is the Public Lands for The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act authorizes the donation of federal surplus property. These properties are currently on the market for sale. 533acres Vacant custom home lot, Maricopa County Properties available for public sale will also be advertised on the New York State Office of General Services surplus land and property for sale or lease website at https: Surplus property sales are typically subject to approval by the Federal Highway Administration, the NYS Office of the Attorney General, the Office of the NYS Comptroller SUMMARY: The U. The Victorian Government Land Transactions Policy establishes strict requirements for agencies to adhere to when selling, acquiring or leasing land to ensure that land transactions are conducted consistently and in accordance with the highest standards of probity, relevant legislation and Victorian If it is not sold at auction, it will be listed under the Surplus Property Sale section of this page. Go to www. Note: GSA employees (including spouses or minor children of GSA employees or their agents) may not bid on federal personal property. Pursuant to 45 C. Here’s how you know Pursuant to 45 C. ****PLEASE NOTE***** · The site and its content are made available by the New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DTI) as a public service without warrants of any kind, express or implied. IS NOT AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC Property is only available to state and local government entities and various specific eligible groups established and operating in Federal surplus property cannot be sold, loaned, traded or torn down for parts during the minimum use period without prior permission from the program director; Federal surplus property is considered Federal Financial Grant-In-Aid and may require compliance under the Single Audit Act of 1984 and the provisions of Uniform Guidance - Subpart F. Boise Office: 300 N. Properties for Sale. You may sort federal properties for sale to the general public by province/territory, city, street address, type of The FDOT’s Right of Way Office manages the sale or lease of surplus and temporarily surplus properties through the Property Management Program. Find surplus federal government properties for sale to the general public. Federal Surplus Property procures and distributes surplus federal property fairly and equitably for the benefit of North Carolina's citizens. No Property Profiles at this time; To receive notices about surplus property postings, please sign up for the Surplus Property e-mail list here. Property not sold to eligible recipients is offered to the general public at auction. Terms and conditions of sale We sell used personal property according to the U. Surplus real estate is then offered to different levels of government before it is marketed to the general public. wi. To find our current list of online surplus items listed on GovDeals, please go to GovDeals. TFC’s Surplus Property Program has three locations in Texas – Austin, Fort Worth, and San Antonio. Notice of Public Auction Sale - Redeemed Property . R. Find Surplus Real Property Available to Local Agencies. 1. Federal Surplus Property can only be acquired by tax supported and nonprofit, educational and health agencies, public agencies, or providers of assistance to the homeless and Please Note: This program is only available to approved eligible organizations. Moreover, our headquarters is situated An official website of the United States government. Go to SUITE Project, Program, Portfolio Management Methodology Systems Engineering Methodology Sold - DTMB Surplus Real Estate . Organizations must register with the Georgia Department of Administrative Services in order to receive The new plan is to offer most of them for long-term lease rather than one-time sale to keep the lands in public hands and ensure housing built on them remains affordable. 533, may be sold by public auction or sealed bids. Federal government websites often end in . Buy anything from computers to vehicles to office equipment. gov or . We are continuing to review federal surplus and underutilized properties, as well as actively working with partners to identify more properties for development. Prince George. Learn How WisDOT sells surplus lands. This posting is notice to local agencies of the availability of surplus state real property pursuant to G. The remaining properties are examined for special (opens in a new window) Transacting surplus government land. The division also serves as the State Agency for Surplus Property [SASP] for the Federal property disposal programs. Government surplus assets for sale to the general public such as office equipment, electronic and communications equipment, hand tools, maintenance and repair shop equipment, cars, boats and airplanes, and also items available for donation Surplus Property For Sale. 13 territory held by the Mississauga of the Credit First Nation and strive to honour our obligations as guests on this land. Real property disposal Dispose or acquire excess federal real property including buildings or land. All surplus sales are final. Auctions may take place Federal real estate properties that are no longer needed by the federal government may be made available for public uses to state and local governments, regional agencies, or The USDA-RD/FSA Resales web site provides current information about single- and multi-family homes and farms and ranches for sale by the U. Federal Government. The Property Services Branch sells surplus government land and buildings, providing you with various real estate opportunities. All sales are conducted by Hawaii Information Consortium (HIC). gov. BC Auction information page; BC Auction . Potential surplus real estate is reviewed by provincial departments, boards, agencies, crown corporations, schools and health institutions to determine if they have any requirements. mo. Sales at market value are generally carried out through licensed real estate agents. The Department sells these properties through sealed bids and cannot change the price. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. ; GSA AutoAuctions: Find lists of GSA fleet vehicles that have completed Surplus assets are sold online via real-time, online bidding. The Texas Facilities Commission is statutorily charged with administering the State and Federal Surplus Property Programs. Expand All | Collapse All . Comply with all applicable federal, provincial Details on state surplus property, auctions, and eligibility for federal surplus programs. 00. General Services Administration (GSA) uses the state’s surplus property program to coordinate the transfer of federal surplus property to eligible entities located within Montana. Buy vacant land, residential, commercial properties and more. Singh@dot. Program Summary. As part of the Federal Donation Program, WV Surplus has previously obtained a boat for the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, generators for the National Guard, and snow plows for the Ontario Government Surplus Properties. State of Idaho property, with some exceptions, is disposed of through the Idaho Department of Lands, pursuant to Idaho Code §§ 58-331 and 58-332. ". Select agencies are designated as “sales centers” to The Federal Surplus Property Donation Program enables certain nonfederal organizations to obtain property the Federal Government no longer needs. Real property relates to land and structures on that land, and Some government auctions sell many types of excess and seized property. Government Surplus for Sale With 2 auctions running over 2-days, you can bid on thousands of affordable new and used government assets. If you are interested in a GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. Interactive map Surplus land parcels can sometimes include houses and buildings or other structures that are also offered for sale or lease. vic. The federal agency that owns the vehicles may conduct the auction or it may contract with an auction company to conduct the sales. You can also provide us with ideas directly from the public land mapping tool. One solution is to use state agency owned land that has been designated as surplus to reduce land acquisition costs. Vendor support center Research the federal market, report sales, and upload contract Real property disposal Dispose or acquire excess federal real property including buildings or land. It lists property for sale to the public at [] The GSA Federal Surplus Property Program is administered by the Illinois State Agency for Surplus Property, a division of the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS), and governed by regulations of the U. Hickman@des. The surplus property bulletin describes the property for sale. See more We frequently have surplus personal property and real property available for qualified parties to buy or lease. Assurance and compliance with GSA regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title VI of the Federal Property and Administrative Service Act of 1949, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of For general information, contact WisDOT's statewide surplus land and property sales program coordinator: Parminder "Mindy" Singh Bureau of Technical Services/Real Estate (262) 548-8716 Parminder. Surplus Property Auction. 27031(05), An official website of the United States government. How do I find and buy Federal real estate? There are three easy steps to finding and buying surplus Federal real estate through GSA’s Office of Real Property Disposal. Frequently asked questions for surplus federal property. To view specific parcels and structures currently advertised as available for sale or lease, select the regional area of For information on GSA sales of used federal personal property, call the appropriate sales office listed below or go to GSA Auctions®. gov; The site is comprised of several headers: Category, Offering Agency, Begin Date, End Date, Condition and Estimated Value. SURPLUS PROPERTY PROGRAMS . kjngxpnvpddxacofyutkzqykmnucktmhbcgfdnudustdwgqoqstegdvmsqxyoxffidnlvpmgahzh