Hoi4 division guide 2019. The support companies would then be engineer, mot.
Hoi4 division guide 2019 11 (Barbarossa / No Step Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Division Templates. Very niche but very different Welcome to the second installment of my division template guide! You can find part 1 here. accuracy — the chance of rolling anti-air plane destruction. Members Online • Far-Ingenuity-935 have and when you start pushing back you'll walk through supply deadzones which is horrible for any kind of motorized division. But not democratically, with the King's Party. I attack with 5 panz 2 inf on a spot with no forts to cut Czech in half, but my lines never seem to hold. But, you are more likely to get overruns using a tank Recommending 7-2 in 2023 is definitely one of the recommendations of all time. Reddit . The best division for Japan is basically the cheapest mobile division you can get your hands on. Hopefully this guide can help a lot of people have more successful campaigns! So i think its once again time to have guide for people to look and see what you should build. In my opinion, divisions are most of the game of HoI4. The Deployment: Convert all divisions to the 6 battalion design, and move them all to the Communist China Border. These are an important cost-saving fast-infantry that reinforce the flanks of your armor pushes. Okay, so first off, you want to move all your troops to Ceylon and I'll copy the text from a previous comment on general division template design below. UK. Semi Guide & Thoughts on how to Africa/MENA upvotes · comments. The last support company can then be signal company. Generally, 20 width infantry with engineers for defense, 40 width 14-4s with R. . 10. 100% war support then combine them into two airwings of 100 to use to grind air xp. You start with Mass Assault and a 8w infantry template. Because pretty much everything in a division except some of the support companies and things like spaa, td, anti tank, and aa will have a significant amount of soft attack, any bonus to soft attack is really good. 14-4 infantry-artillery is good for offense when you have the resources to supply them. Strategy Guide Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. HOI4 Starter Guide (Singleplayer and Multiplayer) By EmperorSalt. If you plan to go Axis vs USSR in late game, you need at least some medium tank division to break the lines and then small tanks to pour in and encircle. Next, you want to Begin Rearmament - if WT is too low, either wait and save PP, or take the Devalue the Franc focus. Sometimes that's good! Sometimes it's not. L. 5 to 433. I've already made an updated Air War guide, and thus I've replaced the old video Ive always wondered what are some of the best division templates, for different unit types or do you mix them or whatever is needed. If your 30org tanks are attacking something they usually end up with 20ish org if infantry and 10ish if tanks so if you ever get put in multiple combats it gives you more time to stop attacking instead of losing the tile you are attacking from. These divisions are generalized templates. I'd go for classic 7/2 with superior firepower. swap them all to the colonial 20w and watch as Indonesian manpower depletes. So a 5 infantry division (10W) with just support artillery is the same size as a 5 infantry division with support artillery, rocket artillery (support), and millitary police (support). S. In turn, each combat regiment is composed of up to five battalions. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; It is time for the best division templates in 2025, updated from last year!We will also discus combat widths, and the most important stats. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Europe, Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. I'm looking for a really deep guide on the soviet union so I can really get to actually be really good at a major. After your fighter 2 rush research into either Gun 3s, Artillery 3s, or AT 3s(if Soviets went mediums). As soon as you start delete entire army apart from 1 large infantry division and train that and turn it into a 14/4 ( 14 infantry and 4 artillery) and make a few army’s of those. I've begun an updated Beginner Guide series in order to cover all the many changes since launch. SPG supported division - Might not have as much breakthrough but 800 with the 2 to 4 Width horse startegy is so strong it is explicitly banned in most MP games since it is impossible to counter. 15 Brk, and 40 org. Now This is like a massive armored spearhead supported by a small motorized division OR an extremely strong marine division that has supplemental marine divisions landing on either side of the port to make the combat width larger. Honestly, pick a YouTuber who plays vanilla, wait for them to show a tank design, and then just copy it. By 1941 we change the composition to 4 medium tanks and 6 mechanized infantry. recon, maintenance, logistics and AA. Block, then take the two focuses on the left side (Laissez-Faire and Rights of Man) to get to Review Foreign Policy, Buy Time and Strengthen Gov. Trier par : Meilleurs. Discussions on this topic usually separate the two, but I find this stupid. Changelings like tanks, and you fight tanks. The 7/2 has 117. 30 org just is the sweet spot for average people to micro. Shovel and medical stuff. Right when you hit 0 autonomy due to building and focusses recruit around 200 single battalion units and deploy asap. Worth investigating for sure I'm just saying this is a place Marines are the most important division you contribute to the Axis early game. It also cannot defend This means, use the template, but change things out as the situation accords for it. Anciennes. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Reply reply Suspicious_Blood_522 • I believe that it still has a place, If you actually do the testing, the 45 width division you claim is really good in your guide fails to beat 10 widths, 15 widths, 20 widths, and 21 widths when attacking. This guide is singleplayer oriented and used for causal gameplay. reReddit: Top posts of Guide To Securing The Dominions: Requirements To Secure A Dominion: Martial Law More Than 20% Support For Fascism/Communism (Depends On Your Ideology) (This is a repost of the original guide by me, but it got buried before I finished it) and 1 battle ready division with high priority. 333 for 2. Engineers, support artillery,and logistics are mandatory. Maby add in a few motorized arty for good measure. The support companies would then be engineer, mot. Top posts of October 11, 2019. In your case, that would be 2 width horse and light tanks with said example on a rampage: r/hoi4. I hope you find this guide helpful. Frankly, speed kills. Japan Starting Templates and I'll copy the text from a previous comment on general division template design below. I have put together a comprehensive spreadsheet examining the combat effectiveness of division width by terrain in HOI v 1. 2019. r/victoria3 A good template would be your average 40 width tank division execpt naval-tanks + mechanized instead of regular tanks and motorized. (Or look up a guide from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about) It depends on some simple things – including luck. Template 3. The lack of artillery means it works best with superior I just want a good division template for these countries. While some must-try Division templates In this guide, we will go through all the details regarding Divisions in Hearts of Iron 4, helping you learn how to design them, how to deploy them, and how to use them to win There is no single best combat width now, instead there are several effective combat widths to choose from. Please leave a comment if you disagree with some of the templates or want Support Companies: Same as for the base 10/0 motorized division, but you could add AT if you needed extra piercing. 3: The 20 width mechanized \"point defense\" division. I know how to get the Kaiserin, but it is capitulation czech that is the problem. (make sure to save army xp for division templates as well as upgrades) Industry: for Industry build Civs until 1938. Members Online • Midgeman. Get the soviet research pact to research medium tanks ahead of time, while also gathering up land XP by whatever means necessary (Civil war in Spain, war with France or Poland). My usual tank division is 40 width with 5 mot/mech, 4 SPGs, 1 self propelled anti-tank and 8 normal tank brigades. Tanks: Tank design is kinda overwhelming at first. German, non-German tank divisions are usually 12-15 tanks and corresponding 8-5 motorized / mechanized to make it a round 40 width. This is a vanilla (1. Generally I want use cavalry as effective land units (on the same level as infantry or tanks), not just as cheap Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. io/hoi4/ and putting the basic '36 at your request with engineers and support artillery, no doctrine and just using the basic stats as shown. This is a regular effect block, any effect can be used here. (Sometimes I go for Mass Assault for extra manpower, since Mass Assault focuses on Infantry bonus, Its still good) Maybe you could add some tanks divisions if you have decent industry. Rocket artillery, recon, and support AA are situational. Feel free to ask questions, but keep in mind that With the historical center path, you can get an economy bigger than the United States by the time the war breaks out. Unlike base HoI4, the same divisions won't win you every war Now that magical motorised is gone due to the dynamic play styles of the different majors. I have always used Explosives, Machine guns, Flamer, Maintenance and Anti Tank for support companies, and either 10, 20, or 40 width on the man forces , usually just what the template represents, ie Power Armour or Motorised. Here's a guide on how to form the Imperial Federation. When you have 400+ cav units rushing every single tile China does not have close to enough to be able and cover. This tutorial series will cover everything you need to know to start playing Hearts of Iron 4. 14-4s or 11-6s. reReddit: Top posts of February 2019. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Using https://taw. reReddit: Top posts of October 2019. Usually, the production is added in this manner: instant_effect = { add_equipment_production = { equipment = { type = infantry_equipment_0 creator = "ARG" } 399K subscribers in the hoi4 community. DAA — division anti-air. a Fallout themed For any country that can't send volunteers or has an early war to fight, one division train to create a 50 width training template, then make your primary 40 width and 20 width templates, then make a template that has a single battalion of infantry. Thanks. Question New player here I’ve played about 100 hours of the game and I still have no idea what good division templates are. Gaming. I'm trying to create a good division for Germany on Barb, would this be good for a game against a player USSR 3. The division designer is located under the deployment and recruitment tab (little tank) after you press edit on one of the divisions left hand on the left hand side. " zakmackay got some good advice, i'd just like to add that where you place your brigades in the division designer doesn't matter. There is a YouTube link as well, but I've typed out the bulk of it as well, and Doctrine and Infantry Division Template. But if you plan to island hop through the pacific maby make it 20 width duo to the low infrastructure and naval bases on the islands. Say I have 12 division, each 5 para battalions w/ 5 supports - how many transport planes (grouped in how many wings?) do I need for all divisions (with different destinations) to land at least withing the same day? Build forts (level 3-4 should be sufficient) on the northern border by Beijing, station all planes there with day only missions. 6 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 motorized, 1 small tank, (I forgot the support equipment so I'll just name the symbol. Welcome to the fifth and final installment of my division template guide! You can find part 1 here, part 2 here, part 3 here and part 4 here. Just for starters, basic infantry templates you start with are really bad on offense. Please note that the reducing even with a full bataillon is not that huge, you go from 500 per 2. r/hoi4. For support companies I always put engineers and recon in every division template, no matter if its basic Inf or big balls 40 width tank division, those 2 are a must have for me. 5) Improving the MP with research would boost this more, but This guide doesn't go into more nuanced things you can produce such as rocket artillery, self propelled guns/AA, or tank destroyers. ADMIN MOD Allied Division Templates | Hearts The composition of each division is specified by its division template. This guide is very outdated though and its not good for competitive hoi4 however it will help you get started for mp. Hearts of Iron IV. I want to try and use cavalry in my campaigns during war in the frontlines for attacking and advancing in enemy territory. cycle — an 8-hour period involving one roll of anti-air accuracy. This includes a rundown on specific nation guides and a general guide to follow. upvotes · comments. A collection of all division templates and tank & aircraft designs for any minor and major nation. Before taking Oppose Hitler, create a new division template full of medium tanks and SPA called "Landsturmregiment. 14 In this guide i am gonna show you how to play China and ruin the japanese player's day. Tanks to crush enemy factions by massacring their division counts. Sure, you could do it with a tank division, but a tank division costs way more Text or video is fine,I watched a video from 2019 but it doesn't seem to work. By Nathan Dawber & Rhenn Taguiam. In support battalions: artillery, AA, engineers, reconnaissance with light tanks, and preferably flame tanks for fighting in cities. Octobre 2019 13. Your division is way too expensive, for defensive infantry a lot of times HOI4 Division Templates . Various templates exist but the 5/2/2 tank/SPG/motor is the cheapest and most efficient design to micromanage and spam enmasse into a critical mass to destroy all your enemies. Watch the video to You want to be working around the combat width as if you were playing vanilla hoi4, I have tried to mess around with division templates in MD myself and found that having 12/18/27 width divisions are good for defending, any anytime Reaction time mainly. As my Mass Mobilization thread reveals, it is not possible to ignore the effects of doctrines - in that case, how the statistical inferiority of Mass Mobilization infantry battalions is more than compensated for by being able to put 5 more of them in a division with extremely high recovery rates, making them the best This is a beginner's guide on division templates and tank design. A division is 1 basic unit depicted on the map during gameplay. Reply reply Far-Ingenuity-935 Hey, guys! I've just made one division but I don't know how to combine them with an existing bunch of divisions? Like in Europa Universalis IV you just press G to combine divisions together. However you division need to have at least 5 bataillon before MP is worth it. I hope my informations are not outdated: in the last years This guide is intended as a beginner's tour of the interface and mechanics in Hearts of Iron IV. Also if you're only contesting naval superiority with the help of air power there is no need for such a huge navy when there are cheaper and better options in HOI4 (hello uboats). I don't know why you're making a guide when you think 7-2 is a good division. Assuming you are able to take it immediately, A 1936 Light Tank has 15 armor while a 1936 medium tank has 60 armor, your division's armor is equal to 30% of the highest armor in the division plus 70% of the average armor in the 6-1: The 9-1 division on a budget, really only good for port garrisons and super early wars. I will also adresse some common mistakes and misconceptions. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; Pokimane; Halo Infinite; Call of Duty: Warzone; Path of Mediums work in SP because the ai is as good at hoi4 as people with the name "Player" who pick a banned nation, and then say "Host why Kick" when they get banned for not switching. Here's some screenshots from a run I did where I messed up several times and still had little trouble with the Germans. Division templates Standard tank division - The rocket artillery puts the division at 35, otherwise you'd be stuck at 34 and that's a very bad width to be at in plains combat. Meilleurs. ". Same thing just with medium tanks instead of small Main article: Effect § add_equipment_production The equipment production is simulated using the instant_effect = { } block. Members Online. It costs 5 XP to add a battalion to a division; regardless if it is the The division template system is one of the key mechanics of Hearts of Iron IV. EDIT: Scroll to bottom for TL;DR Overview. Having your division be 'pure tanks' means that if you amplified the width of your division out to match whatever other comparable template like 15/5's, your template will be more expensive, because it has a greater concentration of expensive things. Questions & Réponses. Hardpoint Mechanized. All have their niche. The composition of each division is specified by its division template. 20 width with engineers is ideal for defense with limited resources. 14-4s should have support recon, engineers, artillery, logistics, Can go up to 12-4-4 to get rid of the penalty entirely but that's very expensive for an infantry division and hurts your org/HP so you'll take more equipment losses (on more expensive equipment too). for supports on offense. Once surrounded a 2-4w cav can run over a tank division let alone infantry. If you don't know what the division designer is, you will not do well. As for tank divisions, for france a good template is 6 mot 2 AAmed and 12/13 meds (I cant remember if the CW for AA is 1 or 2) (Med stands for medium tank) This section concluded the guide. 5 SA, 261. The Players who want to get into war with a powerful army first need to learn how to make the best Division templates for their country. Tank division design follows a lot of what infantry division design looks like, 7/2 or 14/4. You can play around creating your own template and just watch the stats as you create a division, you'll be able to see what stats improve and which go down to give you some sort of idea if Meilleurs modèles de division HOI4 en 2024 | Guide HOI4 Tutorial Partager Ajouter un commentaire. Division This is TommyKay's USA multiplayer guide a step-by-step giving you the Focus Order, PP Buy Order, Unit Template Guide, Construction Guide and Tips & Tricks, to help you min-max in your USA games. Some images from my recent 60 hour long playthrough 6. Any guide on YouTube, steam or provided by you guys will help. Thank you for reading my guide. Once the border conflicts are done, divide your troops into 2*24 division Armies and one 9 division army (I personally dislike using field marshals, but feel free to use a single field marshal here as well). The Iron Curtain mod for Hearts of Iron IV aims to bring you the best and most realistic Cold War experience in HOI4 to date! Join the subreddit to follow the mod's progress in development, or join the Discord server if you are interested in applying for a dev position! When you're given the chance to increase the division speed, take it. Updated Sep 23, 2024. x), multiplayer-oriented guide, but naturally applies to singleplayer as well. Just Secondary discussion: is it better to pair heavy tanks with foot infantry in a division for that organization boost? Or cavalry? If the wiki is correct, then the cavalry have a higher organization than basic infantry and otherwise performs just as well; or is the higher supply demand going to be a problem? In all my 1245 hours I have played Hoi4, this is the first time I've seen Poland If you'd like a good guide for the current meta (BBL) please check out Hammurabae's video here: r/hoi4. The 10/0 has 80. Feel free to add stuff in the Build basic 7/2 20 width Inf divisions (that's 7 Inf battallions and 2 Artillery), this will be the backbone of your army, most of your divisions will be Inf. Using my old guide, lets see how much damage is getting thrown back and forth. USE THE DIVISION DESIGNER AND LEARN DIVISION DESIGN. If you cannot guarantee air superiority, then use self-propelled AA in the division instead of AT. Nouvelles. They're for the Spanish civil war so you can train one general to be a panzer leader. I've been experimenting and here's the template I mostly use. Ouvrir les options de tri des commentaires. Alot of new players get hung up on where they should place their artillery in the designer, when really it changes nothing. E. Now of course I didn't know what to do stuff, when to do stuff and how to do stuff so it didn't result in a very good ending to that session. The build order is relatively straightforward and has some flexibility but you may want to practice a few times before you start tinkering with it. reReddit: Top posts of 2019 TOPICS. Start with Revive Nat. The Like 1+1 smaller divisions with all that support is going to be better than 1 division of double width with the same companies, so that kind of offsets the higher IC cost per div. A. Each country starts with one or more division templates that may be used to order recruiting and deployment of new land units. This guide is intended for use in single player against the AI, which does not build advanced divisions of its own. The best widths are usually considered to be 10, 15, 18, 27, 35, and 42. Top. "One Division" Training This is a very valuable strategy for players, since it gives you the maximum gain of One thing you neglected to mention is a motorized division. Hi folks, a few of the regulars from my Saturday MP Game asked me to put together a guide for Germany, so have acquiesced to there request. Controversées. For instance, smaller te Each division consists of up to five combat regiments and five support companies. To represent the 9000 personnel, there would have to be 9 infantry battalions in the HOI4 version because each infantry battalion in HOI4 has 1000 personnel. First of all when you enter the game you should do ONE DIVISION training to gain 1. one kill min. The best effect is achieved once you have a full division (25 bataillon) with a suppression of 75 for 13000 manpower. 6 org. 401K subscribers in the hoi4 community. In this guide we’ll talk about growing from a minor to a major power, setting up your nation for success, and some easy pitfalls to avoid. Deploy 2 armies with your larger divisions here. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. For more detailed information on the mechanics, including some of the detailed math behind some of the computer's Recommended Read: Hearts of Iron 4 – Italy Guide. — the rule that each plane destruction roll is guaranteed to kill at least Hey r/hoi4. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. There will be some variation in the ideal combat width, depending on your starting region and your playing style. Also support equipment US. I'm very new to the game hehe. This is really important. The whole point with having a huge navy with aircraft carriers and battleships is to be able to project power far away from your core territory. -Focus Order-Order 1: "Debuff Removal Rush. Plagued with debuffs left and right, the USA has to fight a lot of internal problems before even thinking of joining WW2 Here's a good guide for new players to get involved in winning games and playing in any multiplayer lobby. 5 SA, 42. Some people will suggest 15/5, which would be 15 tank battalions with 5 motorized battalions. For tanks, you gotta stop using light tanks. Follow Followed Like Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. 2 Def, 51. It is a beginner's guide and is meant for players who are new to HOI4. Thus, soft is usually more useful than hard attack. If you really want to spice up your life you can use Heavy SPG template with 6 Heavy SPG and 5 tanks The 3 infantry regiments (9 battalions total) in the historical division had around 9000 personnel, including the regimental and battalion level HQ staff. Assuming you followed my guide and picked Chief of Army and Military High Command first, you should have around 45 army XP by the time In answer to your question, by 1939 a tank division will consist of 4 light tanks and 6 motorized infantry. github. alprftszigtjwivgcqpbnkgtqyniuuvjtpgajcumijgpqyuguisoxfusvufpfmlmztgjryvpope