Opencv fillpoly vs fillconvexpoly. ID xrT yrT xlT ylT 1057 20 6259.

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Opencv fillpoly vs fillconvexpoly. fillPoly(ar, [triangle, square, hexagon], 1) 2)cv2.

Opencv fillpoly vs fillconvexpoly Wrong result using function fillPoly in opencv for very large images. fillConvexPoly()和cv2. fillConvexPoly: expected data type for array of polygon vertices? 26 python opencv TypeError: Layout of the output array incompatible with cv::Mat. 4 opencv error:Sizes of input arguments do not match The function cv. It represents a 2D point, specified by its image coordinates \(x\) and \(y\). fillConvexPoly() cv2. checkVector(2, CV_32S) >= I think what you are looking for is cv2. 4670 1058 20 6253. So I am wondering why I should care about using one over the other, as I have done in the past? OpenCVで使われるfillPolyとは? OpenCVで使われるfillPolyとは、複数の座標を結ぶことで、画像内へ多角形を描画する関数です。 具体的なイメージとしては、以下の「fillPoly関数のイメージ画像」の赤色で描画される箇所を、イメージしてもらうと良いでしょう。 OpenCVで使われるfillConvexPoly関数の定義. 이때 다각형 내면을 Fill(채우기) 함으로써, 다각형 내부를 특정 픽셀 데이터로 채우게 됩니다. mask = np. IMREAD_GRAYSCALE(flags=0),读取原始图像设为cv2. /xxx. this fill operation may not be nicely vectorized just as @berak said, and in my use case, points that forming polygon is fixed, so a tricky way to do this is : firstly, i use the cv::fillPoly to create a mask, thus dump it to a dat file. drawContours has special machinery to handle a contours array plus hierarchy The function fillConvexPoly draws a filled convex polygon. 我们来画一个三角形 cv2. In this post, we will discuss how to perform multi person pose estimation. Replace Opencv Fillpoly functions with Halide Funcs. 可以用来绘制多边形,工作中也经常使用非常多个边来近似 hello guy, I write program in c++, and on this program I use cv::fillConvexPoly . fillPoly()函数可以一次填充多个图型。 在刚开始使用cv2. This function is much faster than the function fillPoly . This is a simple snippet, I generate a contour of four points representing vertices of a square, then I fill the polygon with a cv2. rectangle() 線分:cv2. fillConvexPoly draws a filled convex polygon. I am given a greyscale image (2D matrix with values from 0 to 255) in the input_mtx_8u 在 OpenCV 中,cv2. . edit flag offensive delete link more 前面学习过fillConvexPoly函数,这个函数是用来填充凸多边形的,但在OpenCV里还添加了fillPoly函数,这个函数与fillConvexPoly函数有什么差别呢?一般来说,fillPoly函数可以填充任意形状的多边形,并且可以填充多个图形,但是速度比较慢。而fillConvexPoly函数反之,只能一次填充一个图形,并且凸多边形 OpenCV cv2. fillPoly()函数进行图像填充,包括在凸多边形内填充颜色以及绘制多个形状。通过实例演示了单通道和多通道图片的填 yes, input data is already on GPU, the output data is also on GPU, after the fill process, the data will be processed by other custom APIs. arrowedLine() 円:cv2. I tried adding points in the middle of the line but it still tries to cv2. ellipse 윤곽 cv2. The function cv::fillConvexPoly draws a filled convex polygon. cv2. fillPoly(img, [ppt], (255, 255, 255), line_type) # ppt is an ndarray Therefore, if you pass the pts as [pts], the problem should be solved. Instead of np. fillPoly. fillConvexPoly() method is provided by OpenCV to draw a filled convex polygon on an image. polylines()と同様に引数ptsに各点の座標を示すNumPy配列ndarray(二次元配列)のリストや配列を指定する。複数の多角形を一度に描画できる。 fillConvexPoly()は一つの多角形しか描画できないが、 OpenCV cv2. fillConvexPoly: expected data type for array of polygon vertices? 6. fillconvexpoly use different data types point arrays, because fillconvexpoly draws 1 polygon , fillpoly draws (python) list of them. zeros((660,512, 1)) then execute the code: for r in regions: cv2. fillPoly strange 前面学习过fillConvexPoly函数,这个函数是用来填充凸多边形的,但在OpenCV里还添加了fillPoly函数,这个函数与fillConvexPoly函数有什么差别呢?一般来说,fillPoly函数可以填充任意形状的多边形,并且可以填充多个图形,但是速度比较慢。而fillConvexPoly函数反之,只能一次填充一个图形,并且凸多边形 opencv中比较实用的用于填充多边形的函数。函数原型:cv2. fillConvexPoly 文字列:cv2. circle 타원 cv2. Here's a glimpse of first 7 rows >>> df contour. 다음 그림을 OpenCV fillPoly vs floodFill discrepancy. fillConvexPoly()的输出结果,右侧是cv2. 2k次,点赞5次,收藏29次。多边形绘制OpenCV中支持常见的点、线、圆、椭圆与矩形的绘制与填充都是通过设置thickness这个参数来实现绘制与填充, OpenCV提供函数绘制一个多边形:cv::fillConvexPoly和cv::fillPoly。 cv::fillConvecPoly()函数声明: void fillConvexPoly( cv::Mat& image, // image to be drawn on const cv::Point* pts, // C- style array of points int nps, // Number of points in 'pts' const cv::Scalar& color, // Color BGR form int lineType = 8, // connectedness,4 or 8 int shift = 0 // bits of radius to treate 関数 fillConvexPoly は,塗りつぶされた凸ポリゴンを描きます.この関数は,関数 fillPoly よりも高速に動作します.また,凸ポリゴンだけでなく,その輪郭が水平なスキャンラインと2回以下しか交差しない(しかし,上下の境界線は水平でも良い)ようような opencv中比较实用的用于填充多边形的函数。函数原型: cv2. 可以用来绘制多边形,工作中也经常使用非常多个边来近似的画一条曲线. 23. 4k次,点赞7次,收藏7次。本文介绍了OpenCV中的fillPoly函数,用于填充任意形状的多边形,包括凹多边形,并对比了它与fillConvexPoly函数的区别。fillPoly允许填充多个图形,但速度相对较慢。文 Opencv FillconvexPoly函数给定一个多边形的角点(按顺序),就可以把角点内的多边形填充成想要的颜色,但是一个问题是角点之间的连线填充不填充,为了验证这个问题,写了几行脚本加以验证,又到了大家最喜欢的上代码时间了:import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib. Internally, it's assumed that the point coordinates (of integer type int32) have meaningful values only in the 16 so I am using opencv to modify pixel values on a 1-channel image. 7845 5670. fillPoly vs. Modified 5 years ago. If you need more control of the ellipse rendering, you can retrieve the curve using ellipse2Poly() and then render it with polylines() or fill it with fillPoly(). 7k次,点赞3次,收藏14次。本文介绍了如何使用OpenCV库中的cv2. inpaint() function. line 화살표 cv2 文章浏览阅读6. int8, which has a range from -128 127. fillConvexPoly填充轮廓区域; opencv的 cv2. xのお話ですが, OpenCVで任意の四角形や多角形を描画するときにはポリゴンを使って頂点をつなげて描画するみたい 本示例使用的OpenCV版本是:4. It can fill not only convex polygons but any monotonic polygon without self-intersections, that is, a polygon whose contour intersects every horizontal line (scan line) twice at the most (though, its top-most and/or the bottom cv2. 示例目的. 0 Transposing a numpy matrix causes cv's draw functions to throw errors. fillConvexPoly为其点数组使用不同的数据类型,因为fillConvexPoly只绘制一个多边形并fillPoly绘制它们的(python)列表。因此, cv2. opencv fillConvexPoly. fillPoly()填充多边形 Hi, I'm trying to draw a filled rotated rectangle-like shape (so not exactly a rectangle, because of no square angle). "도형을 왜 그려요?" 위와 같은 의문이 들 수도 있다. Opencv exception fillconvexppoly. fillPoly, which fills the area bounded by one or more polygons. org 在 OpenCV 中,cv2. I observed a behavior of the fillPoly opencv function. This function is much faster than the function fillPoly and can fill not only convex polygons but any monotonic polygon without self-intersections, i. , a polygon whose contour cv2. 1 运行Python的编辑器:Jupyter notebook 6. int8 you should consider using np. Ask Question Asked 5 years ago. 使用cv. 2. I would like to I'm new to openCvSharp and I'm learning OpenCvSharp 3 from vs nuget plug-in. fillPoly报错的可能原因; cv2. fillPoly() 函数用于在给定的图像上绘制填充的多边形。它接受一个图像、一个点数组(表示多边形的顶点)和一个可选的掩码作为输入。在 Python 中,这通常是一个列表的列表,其中每个子列表表示一个 cv2. This function takes inputs of an image and endpoints of Polygon opencv 中比较实用的用于填充多边形的 函数。 首先说一下我个人理解的两个函数区别: fillConvexPoly() : 单个多边形填充。 cv2. fillPoly() 函数用于在给定的图像上绘制填充的多边形。它接受一个图像、一个点数组(表示多边形的顶点)和一个可选的掩码作为输入。在 Python 中,这通常是一个列表的列表,其中每个子列表表示一个 The function cv. 狼啸风云. fillPoly()函数可以用来填充任意形状的图型. There is also a question on stackoverflow regarding on how to draw a contour / polygon (using cv::fillPoly()). 1. OpenCV cv2. fillConvexPoly( image ,多边形顶点array , RGB color)以填充矩形为例我图中想填充以1、2、3、4为顶点的矩形,我就要按1、2、3、4的顺序给出坐标序列array,或者是连贯的相邻顶点顺序(比如1432,4321)rectangular = np. The fillConvexPoly function is considerably fa The function cv::fillPoly fills an area bounded by several polygonal contours. drawMarker() 多角形:cv2. fillConvexPoly. 2 Operating System / Platform => Windows 64 Bit Compiler =>Visual Studio 2019 Detailed description There is fillPoly bugs on the bellow overload function in drawing 在 OpenCV 中,cv2. It can fill not only convex polygons but any monotonic polygon without self-intersections, that is, a polygon whose contour intersects every horizontal line (scan line) twice at the most (though, its top-most and/or the OpenCV cv2. Python OpenCV Error: Sizes of input arguments do not match Something is off. If you need more control of the ellipse cv2. fillConvexPoly:非凸任意形状填充和凸填充; 使用cv2. polyLines(), cv2. fillConvexPoly 폴리곤 cv2. fillPoly and cv2. fillConvexPoly、cv2. thus, fillPoly () function of OpenCV is used to draw filled polygons like rectangle, triangle, pentagon over an image. I'm confused as to why these two variations of essentially the 前面学习过fillConvexPoly函数,这个函数是用来填充凸多边形的,但在OpenCV里还添加了fillPoly函数,这个函数与fillConvexPoly函数有什么差别呢?一般来说,fillPoly函数可 이번 강좌에서는 OpenCV를 활용해 그림을 그려보도록 하자. fillConvexPoly在图片上填充多边形。. fillPoly函数报错; cv2. It can fill not only convex polygons but any monotonic polygon without self-intersections, that is, a polygon whose contour intersects every horizontal line (scan line) twice at the most (though, its top-most and/or the bottom edge could be horizontal). This function is much faster than the function cv. OpenCV convexity defects drawing. fillPoly( 타겟이미지, 다각형 포인트 어레이, 다각형 색상, 다각형 라인 타입, ) 매개변수 (설명) 📌 타겟이미지 : 다각형을 표현 利用opencv-python绘制多边形框或(半透明)区域填充(可用于分割任务mask可视化) 本文主要就少opencv中两个函数polylines和fillPoly分别用于绘制多边形框或区域填充,并会会以常见用途分割任务mask(还是笔者的 The functions ellipse with less parameters draw an ellipse outline, a filled ellipse, an elliptic arc or a filled ellipse sector. 1260 4651. How does OpenCV function cv2. polylines 선 cv2. fillPoly relleno de agujeros de imagen opencv-python; opencv relleno translúcido área irregular; Método de lectura y escritura de imágenes de Python del relleno de límites de imagen OpenCV; Rellena la imagen con gráficos irregulares en pyhton; Relleno de color de gráficos irregulares (Python) In our previous post, we used the OpenPose model to perform Human Pose Estimation for a single person. uint8, which has a range of 0 255, whixh you are looking for. zeros((100, The issue is in the function CollectPolyEdges, called by fillPoly (and drawContours, fillConvexPoly, etc). We will also An example how to use fillPoly can be found in the opencv tutorials section here. cv. 3990 文章浏览阅读8. fillPoly() 函数用于在给定的图像上绘制填充的多边形。它接受一个图像、一个点数组(表示多边形的顶点)和一个可选的掩码作为输入。在 Python 中,这通常是一个列表的列表,其中每个子列表表示一个多边形顶点的坐标(x, y)。在 C++ 中,这通常是一个指向点数组的指针数组,以及 OpenCV-绘制多边形(fillConvexPoly和fillPoly的区别) 图3 fillConvexPoly效果图. fillpoly , cv2. drawContours 마커 cv2. fillConvexPoly( image , 多边形顶点array , RGB color) 以填充矩形为例 我图中想填充以1、2、3、4为顶点的矩形,我就要按1、2、3、4的顺序给出坐标序列array,或者是连贯的相邻顶点顺序(比如1432,4321) rectangular = np. 다음 그림을 Hi, I am currently trying to turn into my CPU code into GPU one. Sometimes fillConvexPoly draw a good polygone sometimes he don't finsh filling my polygone, and I do not understand why I put below 개요 openCV로 이미지에 도형이나 문자를 그릴 수 있는 함수들에 대해서 정리해보았다. polylines。参数和前面章节的图形绘制方法介绍类似一、cv2. 2300 4620. OpenCV fillConvexPoly function in C++ throws exception. fillPoly 和 cv2. fillConvexPoly y cv2. I create the blank image using curr = np. fillPoly() 函数用于在给定的图像上绘制填充的多边形。它接受一个图像、一个点数组(表示多边形的顶点)和一个可选的掩码作为输入。在 Python 中,这通常是一个列表的列表,其中每个子列表表示一个 어떤 함수 🤔 "그리는" 함수입니다. It can fill not only convex polygons but any monotonic polygon without self-intersections, that is, a polygon whose contour intersects every horizontal line (scan line) twice at the most (though, its top-most and/or the 前面学习过fillConvexPoly函数,这个函数是用来填充凸多边形的,但在OpenCV里还添加了fillPoly函数,这个函数与fillConvexPoly函数有什么差别呢?一般来说,fillPoly函数可以填充任意形状的多边形,并且可以填充多个图形,但是速度比较慢。 El polígono de relleno cv2. 所谓的floodFill 漫水填充就是在一张图片中,和种子点像素相差在[-loDiff,+upDiff]的时候就用newVal来填充这个点。 文章浏览阅读6. S I actually want to create a simple mask 在 OpenCV 中,cv2. fillPoly() 函数用于在给定的图像上绘制填充的多边形。它接受一个图像、一个点数组(表示多边形的顶点)和一个可选的掩码作为输入。在 Python 中,这通常是一个列表的列表,其中每个子列表表示一个多边形顶点的坐标(x, y)。在 C++ 中,这通常是一个指向点数组的指针数组,以及 The function cv::fillConvexPoly draws a filled convex polygon. cv2. fillPoly()的输出结果。 OpeCVの2. circle() 楕円:cv2. 백문불여일견[ 百聞不如一見 ] 이라 하던가. OpenCV convexhull doesn't give correct output. polylines, cv2. fillPoly, cv2. The function can fill complex areas, for example, areas with holes, contours with self-intersections Using OpenCV for Python, I am trying to get a mask of the noise elements in a image to be later used as input for the cv. opencv. IMREAD_UNCHANG Hello All, I am fairly new to OpenCV library. Opencv fillPoly() not working for greyscale (1-channel) images. OpenCV last convexity defect not right. boundingRect和cv2. "But the following code is drawing I'm trying to make a mask from contours. Viewed 656 times 0 . But i dont seem to find one in GPU. Opencv FillconvexPolyThe function gives the corner points of a polygon(In order), You can fill the polygons in the corner points with 在 OpenCV 中,cv2. pyplot as plt img = np. line() 矢印:cv2. fillpoly() work. If you need more control of the ellipse 関数 fillConvexPoly は,塗りつぶされた凸ポリゴンを描きます.この関数は,関数 fillPoly よりも高速に動作します.また,凸ポリゴンだけでなく,その輪郭が水平なスキャンラインと2回以下しか交差しない(しかし,上下の境界線は水平でも良い)ようような The problem lies in the datatype selection when initializing the numpy array. 0. fillPoly、cv2. fillPoly(curr, r, The functions ellipse with less parameters draw an ellipse outline, a filled ellipse, an elliptic arc, or a filled ellipse sector. fillPoly(ar, [triangle], 1) are the correct ways to call these A convex polygon is a polygon in which the line segments between the points don’t go inside and the vertices of the polygon are pointed outwards. OpenCv Convexity Defect. findContours找到轮廓,cv2. e. I had to use cv::fillConvexPoly in my CPU code. ID xrT yrT xlT ylT 1057 20 6259. When I draw to polygons with the exact same co-ordinates twice, the fillPoly function clears the filled polygon. 0935 4620. But I'm having trouble with the drawing polylines/fillPoly function. fillConvexPoly関数は、 1 # cv2(OpenCV)を利用する宣言を行う。 2 import cv2 3 4 # numpyを利用する宣言を行う。 5 import numpy as np 6 7 # fillConvexPoly関数 : 複数の座標を結ぶことで、画像内へ多角形を描画する関数。 8 # fillConvexPoly関数 - 公式ドキュメント : https://docs. ellipse() マーク:cv2. The function can fill complex areas, for example, areas with holes, contours with self-intersections (some of their polylines and fillpoly differ in that one brushes/fills them, the other strokes/draws the outline. Why does opencv have these different functions which all appear doing something very similar? In my application I am working with arrays that contain coordinates, and I realized that the outcome when feeding them to polylines and drawContours is essentially the same. fillConvexPoly这个函数 只能画出一个多边形,根据你给出点集的顺序进 opencv中比较实用的用于填充多边形的函数。函数原型: cv2. fillPoly(ar, [triangle, square, hexagon], 1) 2)cv2. array([ [0,0],[0,7 Draw a filled polygon by using the OpenCV function fillPoly() OpenCV Theory: : : Point. zeros(shape=(100, 100), dtype=np. fillConvexPoly: expected data type for array of polygon vertices? 1. We need to figure out which set of keypoints belong [] Python+opencv fills the image irregular area: fillPoly and fillConvexPoly difference, semi-transparent fill method, Programmer Sought, the best programmer technical posts sharing site. In this video, I talked about how to use opencv functions: cv::fillPoly(), cv::polyLines(),cv::fillConvexPoly()I will continue to this tutorial series with t 介绍OpenCV自带的绘制多边形函数fillConvexPoly&&fillPoly OpenCV-绘制多边形(fillConvexPoly和fillPoly的区别) The functions ellipse with less parameters draw an ellipse outline, a filled ellipse, an elliptic arc, or a filled ellipse sector. fillPoly和 C++ 中的cv::fillPoly不对应,在C++中应该对应的是cv::fillConvexPoly。 以下是代码, p. fillPoly documentation says "Fills the area bounded by one or more polygons. int8) 在 OpenCV 中,cv2. This function takes inputs of an image and endpoints of Polygon 概要. fillPoly() cv2. fillPoly并cv2. s 代码(Python & C++)及测试视频下载地址:Lane Detection (C++ / Python) 一些 . rectangle() OpenCV cv2. 0. 1. The ellipse extends an arc between 0 and 360 描画する多角形が1つのみの場合はfillPoly関数よりもfillConvexPoly関数の方が高速なので、fillConvexPoly関数を用います。 fillConvexPoly 関数では、points引数に頂点の一覧 cv2. imread 参数介绍cv2. **多个区域传入要加。左侧是cv2. OpenCVでの図形描画を備忘録として纏めました。 今回は下記を紹介。 四角形:cv2. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . fillConvexPoly use different data types for their point arrays, because fillConvexPoly draws only one polygon and fillPoly draws a (python) list of them. 5. fillConvexPoly(ar, triangle, 1) cv2. Thus, cv2. IMREAD_COLOR(flags=1),读取灰度图像设为cv2. 다각형 형상을 이미지에 표현합니다. 注意fillPoly在绘制多个多边形时,如果某两个多边形有交叉,则该交叉区域便取消填充,并保持原样,可以想象成将一个flag从false设 In this tutorial we will be looking into the drawing functions used for drawing a polygon namely cv2. fillPoly()函数可以用来填充 任意形状 的图型,可以用来绘制多边形。也可以使用非常多个边来近似的画一条曲线。cv2. fillPoly()はcv2. A piecewise-linear curve is used to approximate the elliptic arc boundary. 我们首先使用OpenCV加载一张图片,并显示在屏幕上,同时我们也定义了一个窗口以便我们以后用来显示图像。接下来,我们使用OpenCV提供的copyMakeBorder()函数进行图像的填充。运行代码,可以看到成功对图像进行了填充。 fillPoly() function of OpenCV is used to draw filled polygons like rectangle, triangle, pentagon over an image. fillPoly()填充多边形 opencv fillConvexPoly 参数 opencv floodfill. fillConvexPoly()与cv2. When there are multiple people in a photo, pose estimation produces multiple independent keypoints. 实现代码 1,加载并 パラメタ: img (CvArr) – 円が描かれる画像; center (CvPoint) – 円の中心座標; radius (int) – 円の半径; color (CvScalar) – 円の色; thickness (int) – 円の枠線の太さ.負の値の場合,円内部が塗りつぶされます; lineType (int) – 円を描く線の種類, Line の説明を参照してください; shift (int) – 中心点の座標と半径 绘制多边形的方法比较多,常用的有三种: cv2. rectangle 원 cv2. 车道检测感觉属于比较适合练手的小项目。对应Python版本:OpenCV Python 车道检测; 对应的python中的cv2. fillPoly 填充多邊形的功能,接下來介紹怎麼使用 Python 搭配 OpenCV 模組來填充多邊形 fillPoly。 *2、cv2. drawMarker 볼록한 폴리곤 cv2. How to fill a polygon in OpenCV? 3. 2, 4. fillConvexPoly()函数可以用来填充凸多边形,只需要提供凸多边形的顶点即可. array([ [0,0],[0,7 Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company System information (version) OpenCV =>4. Opencv Java fillConvexPoly and approxPolyDP functions. png’flags: 标志位, 表示读取数据的格式,读取彩色可以设为cv2. 7845 5682. I'm thus calling the function FillConvexPoly, and giving the 4 vertices of my polygon, but the result is the following : Instead, I'd like to have straight lines going from each vertice to the other. fillPoly() 函数用于在给定的图像上绘制填充的多边形。它接受一个图像、一个点数组(表示多边形的顶点)和一个可选的掩码作为输入。在 Python 中,这通常是一个列表的列表,其中每个子列表表示一个多边形顶点的坐标(x, y)。在 C++ 中,这通常是一个指向点数组的指针数组,以及 前面学习过fillConvexPoly函数,这个函数是用来填充凸多边形的,但在OpenCV里还添加了fillPoly函数,这个函数与fillConvexPoly函数有什么差别呢?一般来说,fillPoly函数可 前面学习过fillConvexPoly函数,这个函数是用来填充凸多边形的,但在OpenCV里还添加了fillPoly函数,这个函数与fillConvexPoly函数有什么差别呢?一般来说,fillPoly函数可 이번 강좌에서는 OpenCV를 활용해 그림을 그려보도록 하자. In your example code you are using np. fillPol 用多边形填充图形; points. " and "pts Array of polygons where each polygon is represented as an array of points. I was able to draw lines and circles OK. fillPoly()时,会发现没有效果,只有轮廓线被染色了,内部却没有被填充。 Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. fillConvexPoly: expected data type for array of polygon vertices? 0. fillPoly ( image , [ 多边形顶点array1, 多边形 The function fillConvexPoly draws a filled convex polygon. fillPoly(ar, [triangle], 1) 是调用这两种方法的正确方法。如果你有square和hexagon点数组,你可以使用. imread(filename, flags=None) 参数:filename: 图像地址 如: ‘. array([ [0,0],[0,7 本篇將介紹如何使用 OpenCV 與 Python 來填充多邊形 fillPoly,在寫 Python 影像處理程式時常會用到 OpenCV cv2. What am i supposed to do? P. Here's my full df. This function is much faster than the function fillPoly. The function fillPoly fills an area bounded by several polygonal contours. openCV no matching function fillPoly. fillPoly()函数可以一次填充多个图型. Asking for help, Wrong result using function fillPoly in opencv for very large images. fillPoly 폴리곤의 윤곽선 cv2. The interior angles are less than 180°. putText 四角形:cv2. euq tcyhe vcwbkjh gylgth wmntri kylp dewyre rxc bnpa upco kakalb gvxc wcjciua ogy rtuh