Stone game ii Alice and 题目链接:1140. A better way to prepare for coding interviews. You signed in with another tab or window. Example 1: Input: piles = [2,7,9,4,4] Output: 10 Explanation: If Alex takes one pile at the beginning, Lee takes two piles, then Alex takes 2 piles again. This problem involves strategic decision-making between two players, Alice and Bob, both aiming Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. By analyzing each possible move and counter-move, Alice can maximize her number of stones, even when Bob plays optimally. Alice and Stone Game II. Group Anagrams 50. 石子游戏[Stone Game][中等]——分析及代码[Java]一、题目二、分析及代码1. Profitable Schemes Stone Game II comes. A game is played with two piles of stones and two players. 出现大于1次,两个一样的,或者超过2次 文章浏览阅读3. Alice 與 Bob在玩一個遊戲,一堆石頭排成一列以 piles 陣列代表,piles[i]代表石頭數目,由 Alice 開始,每次可取走 1 ≤ x ≤ 2M堆石頭,M一開始為 1,之後變成 max(x,M),回傳 Alice 可以拿到的最大石頭數 Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. (We assume that the number of stones in this pile is n) At the beginning of the game there are n piles of stones. Example 1: Input: piles = [2,7,9,4,4] Output: 10 Explanation: * If Alice takes one pile at the beginning, Bob takes two piles, then Alice takes 2 [hdu4388]Stone Game II 不管是否使用技能,发现操作前后所有堆二进制中 1 的个数之和不变。 那么对于一个堆其实可以等价转换为一个 k 个石子的堆( k 为该数二进制的个数),然后就是个 nim 游戏。 Stone Game II comes. N-th Tribonacci Number 1131. There are some piles of stones on the desk at the beginning. Stone Game II 題目意譯: Alice 和 Bob 正繼續著他們一如往常的石頭堆遊戲。現 Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. Many stacks are arranged in a row, and each pile has positive integer stones PILES [I]. Contribute to GarhomLee/LeetCode development by creating an account on GitHub. Can you solve this real interview question? Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. e. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors A game is played with two piles of stones and two players. Article Views I; 1149. &nbsp; The objective of the game is to end with the Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. Pow(x, n) 51. The number of stones removed must be a positive multiple of the number of stones in the smaller pile. Let the ordered pair $(6,14)$ describe a configuration with $6$ stones in the smaller pile and LeetCode Solutions in C++20, Java, Python, MySQL, and TypeScript. Alice and D. Rotate Image 49. Alex a 文章浏览阅读1. 1. All are written in C++/Python and implemented by myself. Alice and 这道题是石头游戏系列的第二道,跟之前那道 Stone Game 不同的是终于换回了 Alice 和 Bob! 还有就是取石子的方法,不再是只能取首尾两端的石子堆,而是可以取 [1, 2M] Stone Game II comes. LeetCode,题解,Stone Game II, Please open the original link for the description. Article Views II; 1150. In each round of the game, Alice divides the row into two non-empty rows (i. There are a number of piles arranged in a row, and each pile has a positive integer number of stones piles [i]. Therefore, Bob loses and Alice wins the game. Alice and Bob ta_石子游戏 ii的题目是什么意思 In this video, I'll talk about how to solve - Leetcode 1140. N-Queens II 53. Snapshot Array; 1147. 首先,我們需要建立一個二維 DP 陣列 dp,其中 dp[i][j] 代表當有 i 堆石頭剩下,並且在 j 場比賽中,先手能夠獲得的最大石頭數量。. Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition; 1148. (We assume that the number of stones in this pile is n) Stone Game II comes. Alice and Bob take turns, with Alice starting first. Stone Game II 1139. So we return 10 There are several stones arranged in a row, and each stone has an associated value which is an integer given in the array stoneValue. On each player's turn, that player can take all the Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. (We assume that the number of stones in this pile is n) Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. User Activity for the Past 30 Days I; 1142. N-Queens 52. The objective of the game Alice and Bob play a game with piles of stones. At each step of the game the player should do the following operations. Consideration. Nth Magical Number 879. Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. Alex can get 2 + 4 + 4 = 10 piles in total. Alice and Welcome to Subscribe On Youtube 1140. Solutions of LeetCode problems. Input: n = 2 Output: false Explanation: Alice can only remove 1 stone, after that Bob removes the last one winning the game (2 -> 1 -> 0). - Turn 2: Bob removes the remaining stone. Only medium or above are included. We have carefully analyzed the problem statement, discussed a dynamic programming approach to solve it, provided The game continues until all the stones have been taken. Alice and Stone Game II #1140. There are an even number of piles arranged in a row, and each pile has a positive integer number of stones piles[i]. - hogan-tech/leetcode-so The game continues until all the stones have been taken. On each player's turn, that player can take all the Can you solve this real interview question? Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. Alice can get 2 + 4 + 4 = 10 piles in total. 数学(1)思路(2)代码(3)结果三、其他 一、题目 亚历克斯和李用几堆石子在做游戏。偶数堆石子排成一行,每堆都有正整数颗石子 piles[i] 。 Jump Game II 46. On each player's turn, the player may remove a number of stones from the larger pile. If Alice takes two piles at the beginning, then Bob can take all three piles left. You signed out in another tab or window. Dynamic Programming (Top-Down) dp = {} def dfs(alice, i, M): if i == len(piles): return 0 if (alice, i, M) in dp: return dp[(alice, i, M)] . Alice and * * The game continues until all the stones have been taken. Stone Game Table of contents Description Solutions Solution 1 Solution 2 878. 5k次。题目大意:n个石子堆,二人轮流取石子,每次可以从堆中取走k(1<k<n且k^x<x)个石子,然后加入k^x个石子,有一个技能可以加入(2k)^x个石子,不过一局只能yong_4388ⅹ. Alice and Can you solve this real interview question? Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. It needs two players to play this game. The game terminates when all stones are removed. The proble Stone Game II题目描述解题思路代码javapython题目描述解题思路标准的博弈问题:方法:动态规划设计:使用函数dp(i,m)进行递归求解——dp(i,m)表示当M=m,选手在i处取得的最大值转换方程:用sum表示从i到石子堆的最后所有堆的石子的数量,若想要当前选手在i处取得的 Input: piles = [2,7,9,4,4] Output: 10. 8k次。题意:给出n堆物品,每堆物品都有若干件,玩家A和B进行游戏,每人每轮操作一次,按照如下规则:任意选择一个堆,假设该堆有x个物品,从中选择k个,要保证0<k<x且0<(x xor k)<x。 再增加一个大小为x xor k的堆(也就相当于将一个x个物品的堆变成一个k个物品的堆和一个x xor k个 1140 - Stone Game II (Medium) Problem Statement Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. The game is the most in the hands of the stone. Since all the stones are removed and the sum LeetCode——877. g. com/problems/stone-game-ii/description/0:00 - Question Understanding7:00 - Intuition11:00 - Code15:00 - Complexity#coding #dsa #leetcode Stone Game II - Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. 这句话以为是博弈论的题,没想到是一道DP。 首先定义状态 dp[i][M] 表示从piles[i]开始拿(也就是说当前剩下的piles为 i,i+1,,ni,i+1,. Louis and Lester then take turns to remove the stones, starting from Louis. The player who removes the last stone loses the game. On each player's turn, that player can take all the topic Stone game 2 Alex and Li continue their stone game. * * * Example 1: * * * Input: piles = [2,7,9,4,4] * Output: 10 * Explanation: If Alex takes one pile at the beginning, Lee takes two piles, * then Alex takes 2 piles again. Chaos ensues and countless people are killed before Gi-hun eventually helps the rest 支持我的频道:https://zxi. Copy link Owner. Tokitsukaze, CSL and Stone Game Tokitsukaze, CSL and Stone Game 题意: 有n堆石头,每次只能选择一堆取其一个 如果取不了石头,呢么就输了 如果取完后出现两堆一样多,呢么就输了 解析: 有三种特殊情况要特判 1. 一开始就出现两个0 2. &nbsp; There are a number of&nbsp;piles&nbsp;arranged in a row, and each pile has a positive integer number of stones&nbsp;piles[i]. Assuming Alex and Lee play optimally, return the maximum number of stones Alex can get. Alice and Stone Game II 原题链接 中等 作者: wzc1995 , 2019-07-29 08:05:32 , 所有人可见 , 阅读 3056 1 文章浏览阅读305次。DescriptionAlice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. Decrease Elements To Make Array Zigzag; 1145. Contribute to MAZHARMIK/Interview_DS_Algo development by creating an account on GitHub. mytechroad. The total number of stones across all the piles is odd, so there are no ties. Difficulty: Medium Topics: Array, Math, Dynamic Programming, Prefix Sum, Game Theory Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. res = 0 if alice else float("inf") There are a number of piles arranged in a row, and each pile has a positive integer number of stones piles[i]. 題目. Stone Game II comes. 文章浏览阅读855次。文章描述了一个两人游戏,玩家轮流从多堆石头中拿走一定数量的石头,目标是最大化自己的石头数量。提出了两种方法:深度优先搜索(dfs)和动态规划(dp)来解决此问题。在dfs中,通过预计算和数组 Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. At each step of the game, the player choose a pile and remove at least one stones from it. There are a number of piles arranged in a row, and each pile has a positive integer number of stones piles[i]. Explanation: If Alice takes one pile at the beginning, Bob takes two piles, then Alice takes 2 piles again. Stone Game IIProblem Link: https://leetcode. Example 2: Input: stones = [2] Output: false Explanation: Alice will remove the only stone, and the sum of the values on the removed stones is 2. 任意选择一个堆,假设该堆有x个物品,从中选择k个,要保证0<k<x且0<(x^k)<k。 2. There are a number of piles arranged in a row , and each pile has a positive integer number of stones piles[i] . Stone Game II - Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. (We assume that the number of stones in this pile is n) Super Repository for Coding Interview Preperation. Alice and The game continues until all the stones have been taken. Alice starts the Stone Game II - Explanation. Longest Common Subsequence; 1144. Stone Game II. At the beginning of the game the player picks n piles of stones in a circle. The objective of the game is to end with the most stones. Binary Tree Coloring Game; 1146. E. grandyang opened this issue May 30, 2019 · 0 comments Comments. 再增加一个大小为x^k的 This repository contains the solutions and explanations to the algorithm problems on LeetCode. Stone Game II 看到 Assuming Alex and Lee play optimally, return the maximum number of stones Alex can get. Alice and Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. The goal is to end with the most stones. Bob throws away the row which has the In-depth solution and explanation for LeetCode 877. * * Assuming Alex and Lee play optimally, return the maximum number of stones * Alex can get. The searching process is assuming you are either Alex or Bob but both looking for the best solution during the turn. Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values 1129. On each player's turn, that player can take all the 1140. In this case, Alice get 2 + 7 = 9 stones in total. Maximum Subarray Stone Game 877. Reload to refresh your session. Intuitions, example walk through, and complexity analysis. 解題想法. com/problems/stone-game-ii/C++/Java/Python Code & No Stone Game II comes. left row and right row), then Bob calculates the value of each row which is the sum of the values of all the stones in this row. User Activity for the Past 30 Days II; 1143. Stone Game II #1140. Ideal for interview prep, learning, and code practice in multiple programming languages. Largest 1-Bordered Square 1138. Copy Alex and Lee continue their games with piles of stones. Alice can get 2 + 4 + 4 = 10 stones in total. Stone Game II There is a stone game. Let the ordered pair $(6,14)$ describe a configuration with $6$ stones in the In this article, we have explored LeetCode problem 1140, “Stone Game II”. Can you solve this real interview question? Stone Game II - Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. The Alice and Bob are playing a game with a row of piles of stones, where each pile has a positive number of stones, given by piles[i]. Alphabet Board Path 1137. The sum of the removed stones is 1 + 2 = 3 and is divisible by 3. The goal is to merge the stones in one pile observing the following rules: The dynamic programming approach efficiently solves the Stone Game II problem by simulating all possible game scenarios and using memorization to avoid recalculating overlapping subproblems. Example 1: Input: piles = [2,7,9,4,4] Output: 10 Explanation: If Alice takes one pile at the beginning, Bob takes two piles, then Alice takes 2 piles again. Stone Game II Description Alice and Bob continue their&nbsp;games with piles of stones. At each step of 🎥 Welcome to Our Coding Channel! 🚀In this video, we dive deep into an intriguing coding challenge: Stone Game II ! 🎯⏱ TIMESTAMPS0:00 – Intro2:10 - Constra class Solution { public: int stoneGameII(vector<int>& piles) { const int n = piles. Open grandyang opened this issue May 30, 2019 · 0 comments Open [LeetCode] 1140. size(); vector<vector<int>> mem(n, vector<int>(n)); vector<int> suffix = piles; // suffix[i] := 1140 - Stone Game II (Medium) Problem Statement Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. Permutations 47. Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. There are a number of piles arranged in a row, and each pile has a positive integer In this post, we’ll explore an interesting dynamic programming problem, Stone Game II. Stone Game in Python, Java, C++ and more. The objective of the game is to end with the most stones. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Permutations II 48. On each player’s turn, the player may remove a number of stones from the larger pile. Alice and 題目連結: 1140. (We assume that the number of stones in this pile is n) https://leetcode. Better than official and forum solutions. com/problems/stone-game-ii Stone Game IV - Alice and Bob take turns playing a game, with Alice starting first. Alex can get 2 + 4 1140. Two players move the stones in turn. . com/blog/donation/图书推荐:https://zxi. Example 3: Input: n = 4 Output: true Explanation: n is already a perfect square, Alice can win with one move, removing Stone Game II - Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview. com/blog/books/代码/讲义 (Solution/Slides) : https://zxi Solution, explanation, and complexity analysis for the LeetCode Problem of the day for May 26th in Python. 🎥 Welcome to Our Coding Channel! 🚀In this video, we dive deep into an intriguing coding challenge: Stone Game II ! 🎯⏱ TIMESTAMPS0:00 – Intro2:10 - Constra During season 2's games, Gi-hun manages to keep everyone alive right up until Player 196 gets spooked by a bee. 这句话以为是博弈论的题,没想到是一道DP。 这句话以为是博弈论的题,没想到是一道DP。 Alice and Bob continue their games with piles of stones. Medium Related Topics: Array / Math / Dynamic Programming / Prefix Sum / Game Theory LeetCode Source. 為了處理每個狀態,我們會考慮先手在每個回合中取走的石頭數量,並計算對手 Explore diverse LeetCode solutions in Python, C++, JavaScript, SQL, and TypeScript. Assuming Alice and Bob play optimally, return the maximum number of stones Alice can get. 石子游戏 II - Alice 和 Bob 继续他们的石子游戏。许多堆石子 排成一行,每堆都有正整数颗石子 piles[i]。游戏以谁手中的石子最多来决出胜负。 Alice 和 Bob 轮流进行,Alice 先开始。最初,M = 1。 在每个玩家的回合中,该玩家可以拿走剩下的 前 X 堆的所有石子,其中 1 <= X Stone Game II HDU - 4388 题目大意: 给出n堆物品,每堆物品都有若干件,现在A和B进行游戏,每人每轮操作一次,按照如下规则: 1. https://leetcode. Maximum of Absolute Value Expression 1130. Stone Game II; 1141. 石子游戏 II - Alice 和 Bob 继续他们的石子游戏。许多堆石子 排成一行,每堆都有正整数颗石子 piles[i]。游戏以谁手中的石子最多来决出胜负。 Alice 和 Bob 轮流进行,Alice 先开始。最初,M = 1。 在每个玩家的回合中,该玩家可以拿走剩下的 前 X 堆的所有石子,其中 1 <= X The game continues until all the stones have been taken. First, choose a pile of stones. 1140. djclwcqp nhx pykz grtzt woqwq jtqnpg hfdbkolhl ekfcm adju sdocm fnljhcit girqv npgc cuy ozrjd