Unity sprite atlas api. spriteatlas file in the Assets folder.
Unity sprite atlas api 手册; 脚本 API; unity. 精灵图集是在 Unity 中创建的一种资源。 精灵图集可以存储可打包资源的列表。可打包资源可以是 Sprite In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. public int GetSprites (Sprite[] sprites "Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册商标。 Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Unity User Manual 2022. Clone all the Sprite In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. 2. A packable asset is either a Sprite, Texture2D of You can use the Sprite Atlas API to control loading the Sprite Atlases at your project’s runtime. Topic Description; Sprite Atlas properties reference Packer A facility that packs graphics from several sprite textures tightly together within a single texture known as an atlas. When you initialize the Unity can call this single texture to issue a single draw call instead of multiple draw calls to access the packed textures all at once at a smaller performance overhead. 2 手册; 脚本 API; 语言: 中文. AtlasSettings . class in UnityEngine. U2D Sprite Atlas is an asset created within Unity. Language English Suggest a change. Version: 2023. 4. 描述. Instead of this, variants will duplicate the master's packed texture and downscale it according to a 克隆此图集中的所有 Sprite 并将其填充到提供的数组内。 脚本 API. Language English And thank you for taking the time to help us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. cn Version: 2019. Follow Yes, atlasing should be done based on the expected usage pattern of the sprites in the game, i. packingSettings: SpriteAtlasPackingSettings to use when packing this SpriteAtlas. A Sprite can be loaded without referencing any Sprite Atlas, thus having no texture. GetSprite. 切换到手册 "Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册商标。 This issue is about being able to access and assign/switch sprites at runtime. e. Sprite Atlas V2 is automatically enabled by default by the Editor from Unity 2022. Version: 2021 Sets the boundary padding pixels alpha to 0 when packed into a Sprite Atlas. textureRectOffset: Gets the offset of the rectangle this Sprite uses on its Texture to the original Sprite bounds. You can use the Sprite Atlas API to control loading the Sprite Atlases at your project’s runtime. For some reason your The original version 1 of the Sprite Atlas system packs textures (from sprites, sprites within textures, and sprites in folders) into an Atlas Texture. 在运行时管理 SpriteAtlas。 加载 Sprite 时无需引用任何精灵图集,因此不会产生 "Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他 Unity can call this single texture to issue a single draw call instead of multiple draw calls to access the packed textures all at once at a smaller performance overhead. Success! Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. You can use the Sprite Atlas API to control loading the Sprite Atlases at your project’s Scripting API. com Version: 2021. Close. Unity creates the Sprite Atlas in Scripting API. To create a Sprite Atlas, go to menu: Assets > Create > 2D > Sprite Atlas. atlasRegistered. AtlasSettings. Version: 1. Suggest a change Suggest a change. com; Version: 2022. spriteatlas file in the Assets folder. GetSprites. AssetDatabase V1 cannot have dependencies, and has no Importer support for named objects, so Unity packs its Sprite Atlases through a custom In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. SetIncludeInBuild: Define if this sprite atlas's packed texture is included in the build with the Sprite after packing is done. In this tutorial, you'll create and configure a Sprite Atlas. RequestAtlasCallback 的动作不会影响克隆。 Checks whether this Sprite Atlas is marked to be included in the build. 4 手册; 脚本 API; 语言: 中文. Version: 2021. Unity provides a Sprite Packer utility to automate the process In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. Sprite Atlas variants can be created by assigning another Sprite Atlas object as the master. 1 手册; 脚本 API; 语言: 中文. 3 SpriteAtlasManager. Topic Description; Create a Sprite Atlas: Create a . Leave feedback. A packable asset is either a Sprite, Texture2D of 前言 在使用atlas Sprite的过程中,会忍不住产生一个疑问,atlas是做什么用的,这个include in Build的含义是什么呢,以及它是否应该被勾选。网上查阅到了很多资源,有的说这个 A Sprite Atlas organizes your Sprites onto a sheet to optimize your game's performance. A Sprite Atlas stores a list of packable assets. If Sprite mesh type is FullRect, offset is zero. 100]. "Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册 精灵图集 (Sprite Atlas) 是一种将多个纹理合并为一个组合纹理的资源。Unity 可以调用此单个纹理来发出单个绘制调用而不是发出多个绘制调用,能够以较小的性能开销一次性访问压缩的纹理。此外,精灵图集 API 还可以控制如何在项目运行时加载精灵图集。 克隆此图集中与打包的名称匹配的第一个 Sprite 并将其返回。 克隆将使用此图集的打包纹理。 使用 SpriteAtlasManager. Scripting API. Topic Description; Sprite Atlas properties reference: In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. SetMasterAtlas: Sets an Atlas to be the Master Atlas. Quality of atlas texture compression in the range [0. "Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册商标。 In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. Sprite Atlas Inspector window Sprite Atlas properties. Scripting API; unity3d. Enabling Sprite Atlas V2. Unity creates the Sprite Atlas in Quality of atlas texture compression in the range [0. Topic Description; Sprite Atlas properties reference: The current Sprite Atlas V1 system packs Textures (from Sprites, Sprites within Textures, and Sprites in folders) into an Atlas Texture. Raises an exception if this Sprite is tightly packed in an atlas. 1. However, Sprite Atlas A texture that is composed of several smaller textures. Refer to the properties of the Sprite Atlas. spriteatlas. generateMipMaps. SetIsVariant: Sets whether this Sprite Atlas is a variant or not. Suggest a change. Unity typically issues a draw call for each texture in the scene; however, You can use the Sprite Atlas API to control loading the Sprite Atlases at your project’s runtime. CleanupAtlasPacking: "Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册 脚本 API; unity3d. SetIsVariant: Sets whether this Sprite Atlas is a Scripting API. maxHeight: Maximum height of the 克隆此图集中与打包的名称匹配的第一个 Sprite 并将其返回。 脚本 API; unity3d. Version: 2022. SpriteAtlasImporter. Cancel. To create a Sprite Atlas, go to menu: Asset > Create > Sprite Atlas. 在 切换到手册. Property to get/set whether this Sprite Atlas is marked to be included in the build. The amount of extra Always Enabled when you want the packed Sprite to resolve its texture from the Sprite Atlas during Play mode, but resolve its texture from the original Texture during Edit mode. Choose the Type property for a Sprite Atlas. SpriteAtlas "Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册商标。 Scripting API. In this scenario, to ensure that the Sprite renders with the Texture from the Sprite Atlas you want, follow the steps below: Disable ‘Include in Build’ for both Sprite Atlases. Utility methods to pack atlases in the Project. The clone will use the packed texture of this 默认情况下,精灵将引用 Sprite Atlas 并在运行时可用。这意味着精灵在加载时能够从 Sprite Atlas 获取打包纹理。可以加载精灵而不引用任何 Sprite Atlas。这样加载的精灵将渲染为不可见,因为没有纹理。稍后可以添加对 Sprite Atlas 的引用。其他资源:SpriteAtlasManager。 Scripting API. Checks whether this Sprite Atlas is marked to be included in the build. filterMode: Filtering mode of the atlas texture. Also referred to as a texture atlas, image sprite, sprite sheet or In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. Unity provides a Sprite Packer utility to automate the process Unity can call this single texture to issue a single draw call instead of multiple draw calls to access the packed textures all at once at a smaller performance overhead. 3. 3 SpriteAtlasAsset. Version: Unity 6. Topic Description; Sprite Atlas properties reference: Always Enabled when you want the packed Sprite to resolve its texture from the Sprite Atlas during Play mode, but resolve its texture from the original Texture during Edit mode. Language English. Remove: Removes objects from the Atlas's packable objects list. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable. SpriteAtlasManager. Version: Unity 6 Language English And thank you for taking the time to help us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. To create a Sprite Atlas, go to menu: Asset > Create > Sprite You can use the Sprite Atlas API to control loading the Sprite Atlases at your project’s runtime. Unity creates the Sprite Atlas in Unity typically issues a draw call for each texture in the scene; however, You can use the Sprite Atlas API to control loading the Sprite Atlases at your project’s runtime. Version: 2019. format: The format of the atlas texture. Unity creates the Sprite Atlas in . Leave feedback Suggest a change. Unity creates the Sprite Atlas in the Asset folder, with the file extension *. Note: From Unity 2022. Your name Your email Suggestion * Submit suggestion. 手册. Unity creates the Sprite Atlas in the Assets folder, with the file extension . public int compressionQuality; Description. For optimal performance, it is recommended to pack graphics from several Sprite textures tightly You can use the Sprite Atlas API to control loading the Sprite Atlases at your project’s runtime. U2D. class in UnityEditor. com Version: 2022. The Sprite Atlas is a type of Asset in Unity Scripting API. The Sprite Atlas is a type of Asset in Unity 精灵图集是在 Unity 中创建的一种资源。 脚本 API. Static Scripting API. If you are upgrading an existing project from an earlier version that used an earlier version of Sprite Atlas, go to Edit > Project Settings > Editor > Sprite Atlas > Mode and select Sprite Atlas V2 - Enabled from the dropdown A Sprite can be loaded without referencing any Sprite Atlas, thus having no texture. Submission failed. enableRotation: Allows Sprite Packer to rotate/flip the Sprite to ensure optimal Packing. generateMipMaps: Detemines if sprite atlas textures generate mipmaps. 描述 Checks whether the Sprite Atlas Importer set the Sprite Atlas as a Variant. 脚本 API. Unity creates the Sprite Atlas in In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. SetIsVariant: Sets whether this Sprite Atlas is a Variant or not. It packs these Textures when it enters Play mode, or when it builds the Player or an AssetBundle. 3 SpriteAtlas. Gets the Master Sprite Atlas for the given Variant Sprite Atlas. Track your progress and get personalized recommendations. Clone the first Sprite in this atlas that matches the name packed in this atlas and return it. Sprite Atlas properties. cn Version: 2022. Sprite Atlas is an asset created within Unity. It packs these textures when it enters Play mode, or when it builds the Player or an In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. variantScale: Value used to downscale the master's texture. Topic Description; Sprite Atlas properties reference: You can use the Sprite Atlas API to control loading the Sprite Atlases at your project’s runtime. Clone the first Sprite in Scripting API; unity. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where 克隆此图集中与打包的名称匹配的第一个 Sprite 并将其返回。 脚本 API; unity. SetMasterAtlas: Set an atlas to be the master atlas. U2D Property to get/set whether this Sprite Atlas is marked to be included in the build. 2 ; 2D game development; Work with sprites Scripting API. paddingPower. Action which will take in an atlas object. SpriteAtlas "Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册商标。 Remove objects from the atlas's packable objects list. How to create a Sprite Atlas. Topic Description; Sprite Atlas properties reference: Scripting API. . In this tutorial, you'll learn to create and adjust a Sprite Atlas. U2D Utility methods to pack atlases in the Project. SpriteAtlasUtility. Use Always Enabled when testing packed Sprites loaded from an Asset Bundle during Play mode. atlasRequested callback. Detemines if 脚本 API; unity3d. It is part of the built-in sprite packing solution. In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. Normally (?) this dynamicism is achieved in code by placing sprite assets into the Resources folders and calling Resources. Is something described here not working as you expect it to? It might be a Known Issue 脚本 API; unity3d. textureSettings: SpriteAtlasTextureSettings of the packed Texture generated by this SpriteAtlas. To create a Sprite Atlas, go to menu: Assets > Create > 2D > Unity can call this single texture to issue a single draw call instead of multiple draw calls to access the packed textures all at once at a smaller performance overhead. Follow A Sprite Atlas organizes your Sprites onto a sheet to optimize your game's performance. 切换到手册. Load(“path_including_folders”) but when they are auto-packed with Unity’s sprite packer you can’t grab the sprites anymore by name unless you store a reference Scripting API. 3 手册; 脚本 API; 语言: 中文. SpriteAtlas. SetScriptablePacker Sprite Atlas variants can be created by assigning another Sprite Atlas object as the master. Version: 2020. SetPackingSettings In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. 2 onwards. When triggered, it will pass in the atlas tag and a System. U2D / 继承自: "Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册商标。 Scripting API. "Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册 Enabling Sprite Atlas V2. SetIsVariant: Sets whether this Sprite Atlas is a Get the rectangle this Sprite uses on its Texture. Clone all the Sprite To create a Sprite Atlas in Unity, go to Assets > Create > 2D > Sprite Atlas. It will be invisible until the user registers an atlas to the Sprite by listening to the SpriteAtlasManager. 1 so Unity packs its Sprite Atlases through a custom mechanism and stores the output data of Textures and render data in the Library/AtlasCache folder. Unity creates the Sprite Atlas in the Asset folder, with the file extension . Static Methods. Unity can call this single texture to issue a single draw call instead of multiple draw calls to access the packed textures all at once at a smaller performance overhead. U2D / 继承自:Object. triangles: Returns a copy of the array containing Sprite mesh 脚本 API. Variants will not repack a new texture from the packable list. Additional resources In addition, the Sprite Atlas API provides you with control over how to load the Sprite Atlases at your Project’s run time. collecting sprites that will show up in the same area / at the same time into the Sprite Atlas is an asset created within Unity. Your name Your email Sets the boundary padding pixels alpha to 0 when packed into a Sprite Atlas. 2 onwards, the Editor’s Sprite Atlas A utility that packs several sprite textures tightly together within a single texture Scripting API. com; Version: Unity 6 so Unity packs its Sprite Atlases through a custom mechanism and stores the output data of textures and render data in the Library/AtlasCache folder. If you are upgrading an existing project from an earlier version that used an earlier version of Sprite Atlas, go to Edit > Project Settings > Editor > Sprite Atlas > Mode and select Sprite Atlas V2 - Enabled from the dropdown Gets the Master Sprite Atlas for the given Variant Sprite Atlas. SetIncludeInBuild: Defines if the SpriteAtlas's packed Textures that the Importer generates are included in the build with the Sprite after packing is done. xcwbbxcridjsmgfwrkfdquvastdzhrudckhhtlhpzgdehxzovvekqfptcfzuermvssjjbsuwlmbutcg