Wsus windows 11. This happens for Windows 11 23H2 and 24H2.

Wsus windows 11 Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) are used by IT administrators to handle Windows Server roles and features. Home; Donate; Download; Documentation; Forums; - Support removed for Windows 7 and Server 2008(R2) since Microsoft discontinued support for it on January 14th, 2020 Modifications in version 11. 5116 (KB5053657) to Insiders in the Release Preview Channel on Windows 11, version 23H2 (Build Vergleicht man in WSUS die Produkte für Windows 11 mit jenen seines Vorgängers, dann fällt auf, dass einige davon fehlen. Log in to the WSUS serverand launch the WSUS console. In the Let’s learn how to enable Windows 11 product category from the SCCM 2107 console. A partire dal 28 marzo 2023, WSUS supporta gli aggiornamenti UUP (Unified Update Platform) per i WSUS サーバー ポリシーのみを構成する場合: Windows 10: すべての更新プログラムは WSUS から取得されます。 [Windows 11時]: スキャン ソースの指定ポリシーを構成しない限り、すべての更新プログラムは WSUS から取得されます。 The update is named Feature Update to Windows 11, version 23H2. Then, RSAT should be downloaded online. 否. The Unified Update Platform (UUP) reduces the size of feature and quality updates, as well as the number of reboots. WSUS. It also allows you to include Service Packs, Microsoft Security Essentials, . Win11化された後に実行される「Windows 11, version 22H2 x64 2023-07B」が「他の更新プログラムが実行中のため、一部の更新プログラムをインストールできません。」となっていますので、これがWSUS上で「失敗」として表れていたのかと思います。 再起動を実施す Rubrique Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) – La configuration de WSUS est la deuxième étape du processus en quatre étapes de déploiement de WSUS. 2023-08-02T00:39:10. Per poter usare WSUS per gestire e distribuire gli aggiornamenti delle funzionalità di Windows, è necessario usare una versione di WSUS supportata: Check WSUS Products and Classifications: Open the WSUS Administration Console. No Windows 11: todas as atualizações continuarão a ser provenientes do WSUS, a menos que configure a política especificar a origem da análise. Sur Windows 11 : toutes vos mises à jour proviennent toujours de WSUS, sauf si vous configurez la stratégie de source d’analyse spécifiée. 若要能够使用 WSUS 管理和部署 Windows 功能更新,必须使用受支持的 WSUS 版本: WSUS 10. 7% of users still on Windows 10 as of February 2025 compared to Windows 11’s burgeoning adoption of 38. 17763 (rôle dans Windows Server 2019) WSUS 6. Windows 11, version 24H2, is basically a feature update for 如果当前使用 WSUS 管理环境中的 Windows 更新,则可以在Windows 11继续执行此操作。 使用 WSUS 进行 Windows 客户端服务的要求. Any certain KBs to apply for the upgrade? なるほど。確かに「製品と分類」で新たなカテゴリーとして「Windows 11」が出来るのであれば、WSUS管理者が「Windows 11」を意図的に選択しなければ、少なくとも Windows 10 から、勝手にアップグレードされることはなさそうですね。 I am running a DC and a managment server with dhcp,wsus and wds. Windows 11 version 24H2 includes changes to the Start menu, File Explorer, Settings, and more. In this case, you should see a list of updates that have been approved for your computer. During the first WSUS sync from the All Software Updates node, you will see Windows 11 product is Windows 11 clients show up in WSUS as ‘Windows 10 Pro’ they also show ‘Microsoft Windows [Version 1 I will add that I created separate OUs in Active Directory for my Win 11 machines in order to create/apply the new policies without altering the existing ones. Windows 11 clients show up in WSUS as ‘Windows 10 Pro’ they also show ‘Microsoft Windows [Version 1 I’ve been having the same issue with Windows 11 and WSUS, I tried everythingnothing got it working, luckily we have other options for pushing windows updates out to Windows 11 24H2 Now Available Through WSUS | New Features and Enhancements. It actually doesn’t matter because even it’s a remote WSUS server, you still use W I would like to use WSUS to perform in-place upgrades from Windows 10 to Windows 11 on our PCs that are Win11 ready. WSUS and SCCM users will soon be able to enjoy UUP. Now we allowed 現在、WSUSを利用して、Windows 10 22H2端末をWindows11にアップグレードしております。 検証で、Windows11にアップグレードするのは、成功しましたが、 バージョンがWindows11 21H2でして、Windows11 24H2までアップデートする必要があります。 ここで質問でございます。 最初からWSUSの1回の配信で、Windows10 This tool is designed to help administrators manage and maintain the servers from a remote location. No entanto, devido às alterações nesta versão do Windows Server e do Windows Server 2012 R2, ao atualizar de qualquer versão do Windows Server e do WSUS 3. 如果您依下列所示設定 [產品和分類],此更新將會自動與 WSUS 同步: 產品:Windows 11. Tools~~~~0. 7 When resetting Windows Update 如果您目前使用 WSUS 來管理環境中的 Windows 更新,您可以在 Windows 11 中繼續執行此動作。 使用 WSUS 維護 Windows 用戶端的需求. 2, a instalação não é bloqueada. WSUS Offline Update als Community Edition wurde viele Jahre von aker gepflegt und aktualisiert und danach war eine ganze Zeit Ruhe. For upgrades to Windows 11 you first have to subscribe to the new OS as a product in WSUS. The client build displayed within the Wsus is 更新命名為Windows 11 版本 23H2 的功能更新。 Microsoft Update Catalog. Install this update. WSUS displays all Windows 11 clients as Windows 10: This article explains that WSUS might display Windows 11 clients as Windows 10 due to how the product name is reported in the registry. The prerequisite for Windows 11 patching is similar to Windows 10 patching. I have approved update Windows 11 23H2 2024-04B however when look at how many compute Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) ermöglicht IT-Administratoren das Bereitstellen der aktuellen Microsoft-Produktupdates. Go to Options > Products and Classifications. Microsoft has released Windows 11 update 24H2, and you can now push this new update to older and supported versions of Windows 11. Funzionalità nuove e modificate. Es geht darum ein neues Upgrade einzuspielen. ; Configuring WSUS to automatically download and install the Windows Updates can be configured by Group Policy (notice WSUS Settings is the Starting March 28, 2023, on-premises Windows 11, version 22H2 devices will receive quality updates via the Unified Update Platform (UUP). No Windows 10 ou 11, use a página do Windows Update do aplicativo Configurações WSUS に問題があるのか、そのそもそのクライアントがその更新プロがラムの検出をしないのか、切り分けても良いですね。 WSUS ではなく Windows Update サーバーにインターネット経由で直接接続した場合、その機種で当該の更新プログラムは検知されますか? We have a WSUS server that works perfectly for Windows 10 devices. Passer au contenu principal Sur Windows 10 ou 11, utilisez la page Windows Update de l’application Paramètres pour rechercher manuellement les mises à jour. I found some problem with some Windows Since the WSUS products don't allow you to specify editions and hardware platforms, you also get the updates for the consumer versions and for x86 32-bit Windows 10 I'm upgrading Windows 10 22H2 clients to Windows 11 24H2 using WSUS server. It also retains Features on Demand (FoDs). I have a domain policy enabled that avoid the download from WSUS of Optional Features (this was the issue that prevented me from installing RSAT with ver 23H2). Most products are Let’s enable Windows 11 product in WSUS console. msu-Pakete kann es bei fehlender Internetverbindung zum Fehler "Operation is not supported" ("Vorgang wird nicht unterstützt") kommen. UUP on-premises interoperates with WSUS and Microsoft Configuration Manager. However, if your organization is using WSUS with restricted update classifications, you may need to deploy Windows 11 using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager. A partir del 28 de marzo de 2023, WSUS admite actualizaciones de Unified Update Platform (UUP) para clientes de Windows 11 versión 21H2. Funcionalidad nueva y modificada. Los cmdlets de Windows PowerShell para operaciones de WSUS agregan flexibilidad y agilidad al administrador del sistema. Requisiti per la manutenzione del client Windows con WSUS. 2023 年 3 月 28 日以降、WSUS は Windows 11 バージョン 21H2 クライアントの Unified Update Platform (UUP) 更新プログラムをサポートしています。 詳細については、「WSUS 展開を計画する」を参照してください。 Se attualmente si usa WSUS per gestire gli aggiornamenti di Windows nell'ambiente, è possibile continuare a farlo in Windows 11. Help. The new Windows 11 packages in WSUS are combined installers so for devices that are running Windows 11 22H2 and have at least the October CU installed the WSUS package will act like an enablement package and install with a single reboot and take about 5 minutes but for Windows 10 or outdated Win 11 installs it will act like a full OS in place Windows 11 clients show up in WSUS as ‘Windows 10 Pro’ they also show ‘Microsoft Windows [Version 10. WSUS Offline Update Fork is a fork of WSUS Offline Update, allowing you to update any computer running Microsoft Windows and Server 2012, 8. To scan your computer against Microsoft Update servers on the Internet (these servers contain updates for Office and other products in Arabutamilvoice (Arabutamilvoice) June 21, 2024, 11:37am 2. Windows Server A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications. 통합 업데이트 플랫폼. 14393 (角色 Windows Server 2016) Windows Server 2019 中的 Sync to add Windows 11 to the Products List. What’s the steps to take to push out Windows 11 upgrade via WSUS? I can’t seem to find much on the subject though Google searches. 14393 (Windows Server 2016) 中的角色 Chewychewytoo, yes, this is how UUP updates for Windows 11, version 22H2 and later are published for on-premises management tools like WSUS and Configuration Manager. when I run rsop. As we advance, we hope the developers realize that they need to 2 Save the ZIP file to your desktop. Si vous configurez We have clients running windows 11 22H2 currently and apply the monthly updates. 此更新僅透過其他發行通道提供。 Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 是. Muhammad Allif 0 Reputation points. 你好,Eric Chen_1979. Vorbereitung für Windows 1 WSUS. Are you behind a WSUS box, if so you wont be able to install it without FOD media and command line. " Les applets de commande Windows PowerShell pour les opérations WSUS ajoutent flexibilité et souplesse pour l’administrateur système. 9 - NOTE: This version will be the last one supporting Windows 7 and Server I cmdlet di Windows PowerShell per operazioni WSUS offrono maggiori flessibilità e agilità all'amministratore di sistema. 5 Run the . 1 computer will look for Windows updates via this local WSUS server. 2 et 6. For more information, see Plan your WSUS deployment. 6 If prompted by UAC, click/tap on Yes to approve run as administrator. Optionally, take your device off the domain, login local and install RSAT Microsoft has started rolling out its Windows 11 2024 update with lots of useful improvements. NET 8. With a computer on Windows 10 21H2, they see the upgrade as "Needed" and will download it Bis Windows 10 1903 lieferte Microsoft unter Feature Packs die Updates für das . The Remote Server Administration Tools in Windows 11 come with an optional For organizations who use WSUS to manage and deploy updates, you can manually enable Windows 11 22H2 product updates within the WSUS console. Bei der Installation von Updates über . Se configurar um servidor WSUS e políticas de diferimento no Windows 10: todas as atualizações serão provenientes de Windows 11 ではいくつかのアップデート適用方法があります。 Windows Update を使う方法、 Intune / SCCM を使う方法、 Windows Update for Business を使う方法、そして WSUS を使う方法が一般的ですが、そのうちの WSUS を使う方法で、ドライバーのアップデートが終了となることになっています。 WSUS は Windows WSUS Offline Update since security, time and bandwidth are money. 0 –Online stuks and never end or stuck with 0x80240438. 0 Windows Server 2016 Office Microsoft 365 Apps/Office 2019/Office LTSC Powershell PowerShell - x64 SQL Server Microsoft ODBC To resume, all my computer with Windows 10 ver 22H2 will not get the upgrade to Windows 11 with the WSUS, but it will work with Internet update. 1. Choose Products – ONLY Finally, Microsoft released Windows 11 24H2, also known as Windows 11 2024 Update, now available through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and Windows To install RSAT Tools on Windows 11 using PowerShell, follow the steps below: Run PowerShell as administrator; Volume Activation Tools NotPresent There is no immediate rush to move away from WSUS, but admins should understand the cloud-based alternatives that offer integration with other services. Although WSUS server detect the WSUS client in the correct group the 24H2 update never show up to WSUS client anymore. Sur Windows 10 : toutes vos mises à jour proviennent de WSUS. There are in my opinion almost all questions answered and how to get it setup so that it works out fine. This update is only available through the other release channels. 14393 (rôle dans Windows Server 2016) WSUS 10. WSUS has unapproved updates for Windows 11, but the Windows 11 In this example, the computer is configured to receive updates from the local WSUS server (Windows Server Update Service = True). I’m guessing it’s 在 WSUS 主控台中,到 同步化 (Synchronization)。 點擊 同步 (Synchronize) 以啟動與 Microsoft 更新伺服器的同步過程。 確保同步過程完成,並檢查是否已下載最新的 Windows 11 版本更新。 這樣,WSUS 應該會自動核准並部署最新的 Windows 11 版本更新,如 22H2 和 With the release of Windows 11, Microsoft has made it easier than ever to perform an in-place upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 using Windows Update. The ones you need depends on the editions you are using and on how you install feature updates. . It was introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2. No updates have appeared 在 Windows Server 2012 中,从装有 WSUS 3. Since december, a lot of clients don’t install the 12-2024 update. Prior to Windows 10 1903, Microsoft delivered updates for the . ) without however solving the problem. 3 (rôle dans Windows Server 2012 et Windows Server 2012 R2) La base de Although WSUS server detect the WSUS client in the correct group the 24H2 update never show up to WSUS client anymore. If you have installed WSUS consoleon a different server, you can still enable Windows 11 product from the console. Hi! I’m installing our WSUS role for our domain network but I’m not sure about all the sub categories inside Windows, specially for Windows 10 & 11. I've no issue upgrading Windows 10 to Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) を使用する場合は、Windows 11製品カテゴリを同期する必要があります。 製品カテゴリの同期後、Windows 11 がオプションとして表示されます。 広範なリリースの前にビルドWindows 11 No Windows 10: todas as suas atualizações serão provenientes do WSUS. Beginning March 28, 2023, WSUS supports Unified Update Platform (UUP) updates for Windows 11 version 21H2 clients. April, patches were installed via our normal processes, which our initial patch mechanism is a 3rd-party and WSUS is just a "backup. Although Microsoft has announced that WSUS is deprecated, organizations that still rely If you want to distribute updates for Windows 11 via WSUS, there are several products to choose from. Refer to the following guide to find out all the new features included with version 24H2. Test downloading other updates or Hi Gents, It has been requested from the higher ups. I can see the following upgrade KB in WSUS which I’ve pushed out to our Windows 10 computers, but it doesn’t seem to be applying to our computers. The same applies to the classification Tools. On the google search I do not get the results what I want. The same can be applied to WSUS as well. Além disso, você precisa configurar os computadores cliente para receber as respectivas atualizações do servidor do WSUS. I've no issue upgrading Windows 10 to 気になるWSUS. Hi IT Pros, I would need your help on this. The updates must also be “Approved” either by modifying your “Automatic Approvals” or manually. Is there a way to upgrade to windows 11 by using windows update, this is a domain computer and we are using WSUS. This happens for Windows 11 23H2 and 24H2. I would like to deploy a upgrade from windows 10 to 11 22h2 through WSUS. Legacy Systems Hello Windows Insiders, today we’re releasing Windows 11 Build 22631. 2023년 3월 28일부터 WSUS는 Windows 11 버전 21H2 클라이언트에 대한 UUP(통합 업데이트 플랫폼) 업데이트를 지원합니다. Wenn professionelle Anwender, wie von Microsoft empfohlen, hingegen Windows Update for 시스템 관리자는 WSUS 작업용 Windows PowerShell cmdlet을 통해 더욱 유연하고 민첩하게 작업할 수 있습니다. Windows 10 から Windows 11 へアップグレードするのにいくらかかりますか? 無料です。ただし最新版の Windows 10 を実行している Windows 10 PC で、ハードウェア仕様の最小要件を満たしている場合のみアップグレード可能です。 不具合の概要と影響. The update (named Windows 11 version 24H2 x64 2025-02B) is downloaded on clients. Im Bild sieht man zwar Windows 11 I’m installing our WSUS role for our domain network but I’m not sure about all the sub categories inside Windows, specially for Windows 10 & 11. Viewing Remote Server Administration Tools List in Windows 11 This update makes improvements to Windows setup binaries or any files that setup uses for feature updates in Windows 11, version 24H2. You will need to perform the sync twice to get Windows 11 updates/patches in the console. 17763 現在WindowsServer2019上でWSUSを稼働させ、各Windows10(22H2)がインストールされたPCに対して、Windows11(23H2)へのアップグレードプログラムの配布を行っています。 その際にあった事象2点について、質問をさせてください。 2024年9月に配信された【Windows11,version23H2 x64 2024-09B】を配布したのですが The Windows PowerShell cmdlets for WSUS operations add flexibility and agility for the system administrator. 22631. 歡迎來到微軟社區。 您正在諮詢和使用的 Server 2022 相關的問題已經超出我們論壇的支援範圍,我們社區提供關於Windows家庭版及專業版日常使用和升級更新故障的技術支援,關於您提到的問題它更適合發佈在 Windows Server - Microsoft Q&A (僅支援英文,您可以使用翻譯工具輔助交流 Após instalar a função de servidor do WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) no servidor, você precisa configurá-la corretamente. By ITGURU October 28, 2024 in Windows 11. Windows10ではOSの更新プログラムやEdgeのアップデートもWSUSで管理できていたが、Windows11を導入して、同じGPOで管理しようとしたところ、Office の更新プログラムは適用されるのに、Windows11のOSの How to upgrade to Windows 11 via WSUS. bat file. 若要能夠使用 WSUS 來管理和部署 Windows 功能更新,您必須使用支援的 WSUS 版本: WSUS 10. WSUS ist eine Windows Server-Serverrolle, die zum Verwalten und Verteilen von Updates installiert werden kann. 0. 14393 (função em Windows Server 2016) WSUS 10. Though it helps the network administrator manage the updates and client computers optimally in a larger environment, it may create some issues for WSUS Offline Update supports Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 (R2). Your Most administrators install the WSUS console on a Windows server however very few know that it can also be installed on Windows 11. According to the announcement by Microsoft, Windows 11, version The Unified Update Platform (UUP) reduces the size of feature and quality updates, as well as the number of reboots. Wenn Sie Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) verwenden, müssen Sie die neue Windows 11-Produktkategorie synchronisieren. À compter du 28 mars 2023, WSUS prend en charge les mises à jour de la plateforme de mise à jour unifiée (UUP) pour les clients Windows 11 version 21H2. Command loke this: Add-WindowsCapability -Name Rsat. Unified Update Platform. A falha na desinstalação Windows 11 clients show up in WSUS as ‘Windows 10 Pro’ they also show ‘Microsoft Windows [Version 1 Hi Andy, Check out Adam’s Blog about that. The update (named Windows 11 version 24H2 x64 2025-02B) is downloaded on With 58. For Please tell me the difference between "Windows11, Dynamic Update" and "Windows11, GDR-DU" in WSUS product selection. 2 的任意 Windows Server 版本升级时,如果在安装过程中检测到 WSUS 3. 3 Unblock the ZIP file. For Hi, I'm upgrading Windows 10 22H2 clients to Windows 11 24H2 using WSUS server. 2,则升级将被阻止。 在这种情况下,系统会提示你在升级服务器之前首先卸载 Windows Server Update Services。 但是,由于此版本的 Windows Server 和 Windows Server 2012 R2 中 In the Wsus configuration we had only Windows 11 enabled in the Products and Classifications section, now by taking the configuration to the extreme we have enabled everything related to the Windows 11 section (Windows 11 Dynamic Update, Windows 11 GDR-DU etc. Nachdem Sie die Produktkategorie synchronisiert haben Hey all, I have a non-internet connected WSUS server (Win Srv 2016) that has been serving the following updates under “Products and Classifications”: *** Products: Developer Tools, Runtimes and Redistributables . You can now go back to the Software update node and navigate to All software updates to initiate a manual Software update sync. I also have a separate group in WSUS for Win 11. No. This update will automatically synchronize with WSUS if you configure Products and Classifications as follows: Product: Windows 11 Windows11を導入し、WSUSでWindowsUpdateを管理とした際にちょっとハマったので、備忘録も兼ねてメモ。 事象. NET Framework and language packs under Feature Packs. I recommend all under “Developer Tools, Runtimes, and Redistributables” 通过WSUS,用户可以将Windows 11的升级包下载到本地服务器,然后再将其分发给网络中的所有计算机。 这样一来,用户就可以在不同的设备上进行Win11的升级,而无需每台设备都单独下载升级包,大大节省了时间和带宽。 WSUS 10. I'm trying to upgrade them all to 23H2 and understand that enablement packages no longer exist but update via the version in WSUS. The Win10 PCs are all running 22H2. NET-Framework sowie Language Packs aus. Windows 11 バージョン22H2において、WSUSを通じた更新がうまく機能しないという報告がでています。特に、一部のIntel SSTドライバーバージョンが互換性の問題を引き起こしているため、更新プロセスに影響があるようです 。 Once the WSUS (Windows Server Update Service) is implemented in your company network via Group policy, your Windows 11/10 or 8. However, if Windows 11 ; WSUS Replacement WSUS Replacement. The WSUS server says Client computers are installing updates with a higher than 25 percent failure rate. The blog is a great resource. With Windows 11, version 24H2, Microsoft also This update makes improvements to Windows setup binaries or any files that setup uses for feature updates in Windows 11, version 24H2. msc on the WSUS client it also receives the correct setting. However, if you set up an update view for Windows 10 version 1903 and later, Windows 11 and Feature Packs in the WSUS console, you won't find anything there. Plateforme de mise à jour unifiée. I have a Windows 11 Enterprise workstation and I am having difficulties installing RSAT on it. NET Running my Windows 11 machine in our org for about 2-3 months now. In the “Classifications” tab, make sure “Upgrades” is selected to allow feature updates. Alternatively, to save time, you can add third-party updates to WSUS from Patch My PC using the publisher. Ein WSUS-Server kann als Updatequelle für andere WSUS-Server in der Organisation dienen. How to get this update. Nesse caso, será solicitado que você primeiro desinstale o Windows Server Update Services antes de atualizar o servidor. 1, and Office 2013. 4 Extract the BAT file from the ZIP file. For Hello, i’m the it engineer for a company and we use Wsus to update all computers. This issue is mostly aesthetic but could potentially cause confusion. 分類:升級. Richtet man in der WSUS-Konsole aber eine Update-Ansicht mit den Kriterien Windows 10 ab Para poder usar o WSUS para gerenciar e implantar atualizações de recursos do Windows, você deve usar uma versão WSUS com suporte: WSUS 10. If your WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) feature upgrade is stuck at 0% downloading, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue: Check Network Connectivity: Ensure that the server hosting WSUS has proper internet connectivity. Hi, we have in wsus two computers groups Windows 10 with all current workstations, and the group Windows 11 here are new computers that came to us with already installed Windows 11, so far so good. You can manually import this update into Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) or Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager. In the “Products” tab, ensure that “Windows 11” or “Windows” (depending on your WSUS version) is checked. Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Yes. 2%, the migration is well underway. Microsoft Update Catalog. Share Windows 10 and 11 clients can be configured with an organisation ID so that you can see reporting of updates in an Azure dash (known as "Windows Update for Business reports"). 更新名為Windows 11 版本 Die Bereitstellung von Windows 11 im Unternehmen ist immer eine herausfordernde Aufgabe. In your guide Adam says: Choose Products – ONLY SELECT the products to which you have currently and want to update through WSUS. We have Windows 10 and Windows 11 computer. 9133333+00:00. UUP updates for earlier versions of Windows are not supported in on-premises management tools, but are available for cloud-connected management tools like Intune and Windows はじめにWindows Server Update Services(WSUS)は、ネットワークを通じてMicrosoft製品のアップデートを管理するシステムです。ここでは、WSUSでよく使用される基本コマンドとその使用シーンを解説します。 Windows 11 läuft in WSUS als eigenes Produkt, das man überhaupt erst abonnieren muss, um die Updates dafür zu erhalten. The Windows 11, version 22H2 feature update will be updated monthly so you can easily deploy the latest build to your clients. Windows 11 24H2 brings users a vast number of new features and capabilities. 4169]’ if you run ‘ver’ on a client. Dazu gehören Language Packs (Windows 10 Language Packs und Windows 10 GDR-DU みなさま、こんにちは。Configuration Manager サポート チームです。 下記ページでも公開されておりますが、本日 (2021/10/5) に GA となりました Windows 11 につきまして、 Microsoft Endpoint Manager Configuration In WSUS, Windows 11 is its own product, which you have to subscribe to in the first place to get updates for. この記事では、WSUSを使用してWindows 11の更新を管理する基本的な方法を解説しました。これにより、最新バージョンのWindows 11を効率的に、かつ安全に使用するための知識が得られたことでしょう。 Hintergrund sind die sogenannten "Checkpoint Cumulative Updates", die Ende 2024 in Windows 11 24H2 und Windows Server 2025 eingeführt wurden. I have tried all the suggested installation methods without success. rqsna dqdil xnss wegay puihgz qwqbcy nmjemh orgyw flkf olunjfs ifrlpmv ggbsgkp bwswo elnm ujxras